Iván Fernández CIEMAT 2 nd EU-US DCLL Workshop, University of California, Los Angeles, Nov th, 2014
2/21 I. Fernández – “Summary of FUSKITE results on materials, modeling and data analysis” 2 nd EU-US DCLL Workshop Nov Los Angeles (CA), USA. Introduction Manufacturing and assembly LiPb loop Permeator against vacuum Vacuum system Heating & cooling systems Vacuum test Hydrogen in gas phase permeation tests Characterization of the hydrogen transport properties of the Fuskite material. Hydrogen dissolved in LiPb permeation tests
3/21 I. Fernández – “Summary of FUSKITE results on materials, modeling and data analysis” 2 nd EU-US DCLL Workshop Nov Los Angeles (CA), USA. Fuskite: reduced-scale technology demonstrator of permeation against vacuum. Natural convection LiPb loop. Objectives: Scale testing of permeation against vacuum. Perform measurements of permeation in gas-phase and flowing LiPb. Analyze permeation under a number of controlled variables (T, P, velocity, species). Assess feasibility of PAV as tritium extraction system for fusion reactors.
4/21 I. Fernández – “Summary of FUSKITE results on materials, modeling and data analysis” 2 nd EU-US DCLL Workshop Nov Los Angeles (CA), USA. Volume: l. Stainless steel + controlled oxidation process (formation of a chromia layer on the surface as permeation/corrosion barrier). Au and Cu O-rings in main flanges. Bellows valves for safety and drainage to ensure better closing and sealing. Electric actuators to remotely control the valves.
5/21 I. Fernández – “Summary of FUSKITE results on materials, modeling and data analysis” 2 nd EU-US DCLL Workshop Nov Los Angeles (CA), USA.
6/21 I. Fernández – “Summary of FUSKITE results on materials, modeling and data analysis” 2 nd EU-US DCLL Workshop Nov Los Angeles (CA), USA. Spiral-shaped permeator against vacuum (PAV).
7/21 I. Fernández – “Summary of FUSKITE results on materials, modeling and data analysis” 2 nd EU-US DCLL Workshop Nov Los Angeles (CA), USA. 0.5 mm membrane thickness. 250 mm height. 150 mm diameter. 5 mm spacing between membranes. Evenly distributed inner stiffeners. Made of SS 316L. Not optimal for permeation but needed by manufacturing process. Manufactured by Laser-cusing, a rapid prototyping technique which allows manufacturing components with complex geometries and high mechanical performance. Based on Selective Laser Melting.
8/21 I. Fernández – “Summary of FUSKITE results on materials, modeling and data analysis” 2 nd EU-US DCLL Workshop Nov Los Angeles (CA), USA.
9/21 I. Fernández – “Summary of FUSKITE results on materials, modeling and data analysis” 2 nd EU-US DCLL Workshop Nov Los Angeles (CA), USA. Hydrogen injection by calibrated leak or B10 bottle. Vacuum pump incorporated in the He leak detector. Permeated hydrogen is recovered and carried to the analyser by means for bellow valves and flexible metal hoses.
10/21 I. Fernández – “Summary of FUSKITE results on materials, modeling and data analysis” 2 nd EU-US DCLL Workshop Nov Los Angeles (CA), USA. Cooling: cold source at 325ºC by cross flow of 2 centrifugal fans. The whole loop is thermally insulated. Heating by electrical tracing. Hot source ( ºC) Safety/general ( ºC) Compensating system ( ºC) Outlet (260ºC)
11/21 I. Fernández – “Summary of FUSKITE results on materials, modeling and data analysis” 2 nd EU-US DCLL Workshop Nov Los Angeles (CA), USA.
12/21 I. Fernández – “Summary of FUSKITE results on materials, modeling and data analysis” 2 nd EU-US DCLL Workshop Nov Los Angeles (CA), USA. Hydrogen background level of 2.38·10 −5 mbar l/s when the gas mixture pressure inside the loop is 2 bar. Possible causes: small leaks in permeator and its own material degasification. Pressure achieved inside the permeator by the rotary vacuum pump: 6.53·10 -3 mbar.
13/21 I. Fernández – “Summary of FUSKITE results on materials, modeling and data analysis” 2 nd EU-US DCLL Workshop Nov Los Angeles (CA), USA. Mixture of inert gas (Ar) and H 2 (1%) inside the loop. Balance between the injected hydrogen and the extracted by permeation time necessary for permeation of a specific amount of hydrogen. Flexibility: possibility of modifying process variables (velocity, temperature, H 2 concentration, etc.) to characterize the efficiency in each case.
14/21 I. Fernández – “Summary of FUSKITE results on materials, modeling and data analysis” 2 nd EU-US DCLL Workshop Nov Los Angeles (CA), USA. Hydrogen permeation flux rates in steady-state. T (ºC)Permeation rate (mbar l/s) Time (min) · · · · · Not reached>1000
15/21 I. Fernández – “Summary of FUSKITE results on materials, modeling and data analysis” 2 nd EU-US DCLL Workshop Nov Los Angeles (CA), USA. Recovery of permeated hydrogen. Hydrogen permeated flow and total amount recovered (Pmix= 2 bar, T = 325ºC) 18.7% injected
16/21 I. Fernández – “Summary of FUSKITE results on materials, modeling and data analysis” 2 nd EU-US DCLL Workshop Nov Los Angeles (CA), USA. Characterization of hydrogen transport parameters in the steel SS 316L used by the manufacturer. University of the Basque Country facilities.
17/21 I. Fernández – “Summary of FUSKITE results on materials, modeling and data analysis” 2 nd EU-US DCLL Workshop Nov Los Angeles (CA), USA. Hydrogen pressure load: 0,5-1,5 bar. Temperature: ºC. 823 [K] 783 [K] 748 [K] 673 [K] Confirmed diffusive regime: J p 0.5
18/21 I. Fernández – “Summary of FUSKITE results on materials, modeling and data analysis” 2 nd EU-US DCLL Workshop Nov Los Angeles (CA), USA.
19/21 I. Fernández – “Summary of FUSKITE results on materials, modeling and data analysis” 2 nd EU-US DCLL Workshop Nov Los Angeles (CA), USA.
20/21 I. Fernández – “Summary of FUSKITE results on materials, modeling and data analysis” 2 nd EU-US DCLL Workshop Nov Los Angeles (CA), USA. 6 samples were obtained from the Fuskite external surface filings. Examinations suggest the features of the Fuskite surface, obtained by Laser-cusing, are very different to the original material ones. Surface limited transport model could occur. A new characterization of hydrogen transport parameters will be carried out at the University of the Basque Country with SS 316L samples obtained by Laser-cusing. If results show permeation is penalized by surface phenomena, it would imply the selected manufacturing technique is not appropriate.
21/21 I. Fernández – “Summary of FUSKITE results on materials, modeling and data analysis” 2 nd EU-US DCLL Workshop Nov Los Angeles (CA), USA. Measurements of hydrogen concentration in LiPb at several positions to evaluate the amount of dissolved hydrogen and then make an hydrogen balance to know efficiency. Additional safety measurements: Glove box. HEPA/ULPA filters. Inner vacuum cleaner. Tests will be performed at the beginning of 2015.