Rehabilitation Counseling and Cognitive Therapy U.W. Medical Center Karen Ball,M.Ed., CRC Julie Brunings, M.S., CCC
Rehabilitation Process for Return to Work Assess Job Demands, Strengths and Barriers Interventions Individual and Group Therapy Intense Individual Cognitive Therapy Tapering of therapy and supporting work related tasks
Rehabilitation Process for Return to Work Job Station Return Work Accommodations
What are the demands? Flight Test Engineer - Lead Manage Personnel Technical Responsibilities 60 hour weeks and extended periods of travel High demands for attention to detail, planning and organizing, complex memory retrieval and speed of information processing
Barriers Subtle changes in attention,planning and organizing, complex memory retrieval and speed of information processing All or nothing thinking Time off of work 10/01 to 2/04 Tolerance for computer work 26 minutes @1x due to headaches and vision changes Anxiety and Depression (Divorce) Pre personality vulnerability to convert emotional distress to physical symptoms.
Role of Cognitive Therapy Evaluate areas of difficulty related to job Develop and modify strategies Developing strategies Structured daily routines Effective problem-solving Planning and organizing Effective recall and follow through
Strengths $$$ Incentive to return to work. Having a job or employer to go back to Continued contact with co-workers and supervisors Very bright man with Degree in Mechanical Engineering, and an Athlete (triathlons) Likeable
Interventions Individual Rehabilitation Counseling and Cognitive Therapy Group Psychotherapy and Cognitive Group Job Station Return to Work Recommendations
Job Station A work trial to simulate work tasks Non threatening environment in which to practice cognitive and emotional coping strategies Build work tolerance and stamina Return to a work schedule and routine Regain self confidence Dept of Aerospace- Prototype of a Control and Testing Panel Difficulties with distance, schedules of professor, headaches and retention of information
Cognitive Therapy during a Job Station and Return to Work Reinforce use of strategies that have been developed during treatment Modify strategies as needed Make recommendations for accommodations Planning and organizing specific activities of the day @ the job site
Return to Work- Job at time of Injury Start with ½ days Gradually increase to full time over the next 8 weeks Non distracting work environment Continued psychotherapy support, and check- ins with physician Eventual modification to allow working from home 1 day per week as needed