Why paint portraits? What can they tell us? Cheap model (for self portraits) Cool Gifts for friends and family Great way to make extra money For Fun………..other reasons?
Portraits self portrait Often Artists like to draw themselves! This is called a self portrait.
Self Portrait self portraits Here are some artists’ self portraits:
Self Portrait Vincent Van Gogh
Self Portrait Frida Kahlo
Self Portrait Pablo Picasso
Self Portrait Kathe Kollwitz
Self Portrait Roger Shimomura 1939-
Self Portrait Marc Chagall
Self Portrait Andy Warhol
Self Portrait Mary Cassatt
Assignment Two portraits- each one drawn from a different angle Choice of color pencil or oil pastels Turn in Self Evaluation Rubric together with Portraits (choose best one)
Do’s and Don'ts Do not leave large areas of blank white page or background ----no ants in a snow storm Do Fill in the entire page with your design Do color the entire page Do practice composition using at least 3 thumbnail sketches Do use imagination –make it interesting and fun
Self Portrait mirror self portrait A mirror can be an important when you make a self portrait.
Other ideas You don’t have to settle for a boring background Use magazine pictures for background Use computer or phone images (take Pictures) Use old family pictures
Self Portrait Have fun with it