The Changing Nature of Work
The Future of Work You are currently part of the 3 rd great Economic Revolution: 1. Agrarian 2. Industrial 3. Technological
What does that mean for you? It means that 70% of the jobs you will do by the year 2020 have not been invented yet. Why? Because the Technology hasn’t been invented yet!
This WILL change the way I work? Work closer to or at home More low income jobs More small businesses Self Employment Contract Work (AWA’s) Part-Time Work Flexible Working Hours Times of Unemployment Multi-skilled Employees Average 5 Careers in a lifetime!
Employability It’s the Key!
How do I become Employable? To be employable in the 21 st Century, you must: Be flexible Take every opportunity Be enterprising Be innovative Welcome Change Accept Risk Be passionate
How Can I Ensure Success? The key is to: Set Short term goals Constantly update your skills – lifelong learning! Remain flexible Balance your work and social life more effectively
Where will the Jobs Be? Jobs will not exist as we know them now – that much we know. But what form will employment take in the future? part-time work permanent casual temporary on call/standby shift work job-sharing contract work tele-work.
Anywhere Else? One of the other growth areas will be self-employment, such as: Hobby business Freelancing / consulting Home-based business Existing business Franchises Contracting Volunteer work
Nothing Endures but Change Heraclitus (Greek Philosopher)