A NASA / NSF / NRL airborne field campaign focusing on atmospheric composition, chemistry, and climate over Southeast Asia. Over-flight Clearance & Cooperation with SE Asian Scientists Anticipated deployment period: August - September
SEAC 4 RS Over-flight Clearance Request Status As of 30 Jan 2012 PriorityCountryActions/Plan Status Comments Essential Thailandv & w request madeunder considerationmonitor Important Bangladeshmake early official o/f request Cambodiamake early official o/f request Indonesiav & w request madeunder considerationmonitor Laosmake early official o/f request Malaysiav & w request madeunder considerationmonitor Myanmarpolitical issueswork with US Embassy Vietnamv & w request madesigned agreementmake official o/f request when needed Useful Singaporew request madeinformal OKmake early official o/f request Nepalmake early official o/f request Indiabureaucratic issuesmake official o/f request when needed
Thai Scientist – SEAC 4 RS Interactions (an early preliminary list) Ground Based Radiation Measurements –Serm Janjai, Silpakorn University –Brent Holben, NASA, AERONET WRF Modeling –Narisara Thongboonchoo, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology, Ladkrabang –Henry Fuelberg, Florida State University Weather and Precipitation Forecasting -Royol Chitradon, Hydro & Agro Informatics Institute -Surajate Boonya-Aroonnet, Hydro & Agro Informatics Institute BRRAA participation in SEAC 4 RS -Siriluk Chumchean, Mahanakorn University of Technology -Mongkol Raksapatcharawong, Keselsart University
Request from GISTDA New Community Satellite Processing Package Training Workshop –CIMSS is scheduled to present a Direct Broadcast Workshop in Thailand in conjunction with SEAC4RS –Training; 30 trainees max; 4-5 days, 8 hrs/day –Previous training: Weather Research & Forecasting (WRF), Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS) and WAVEWATCH III Model Implementation and Training Workshop –GISTDA requested help operationalizing these models and training in their use –The Thai Navy has made the same request of the US Navy –NASA is working with the NRL and ONR to make these models and training available –Hydo & Agro Informatics Institute also claims this turf