Science, Matter, Energy, and Systems Chapter 2
Core Case Study: Carrying Out a Controlled Scientific Experiment F. Herbert Bormann, Gene Likens, et al.: Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest in NH (U.S.) Compared the loss of water and nutrients from an uncut forest (control site) with one that had been stripped (experimental site)
Figure 2.1 Controlled field experiment to measure the effects of deforestation on the loss of water and soil nutrients from a forest. V–notched dams were built into the impenetrable bedrock at the bottoms of several forested valleys (left) so that all water and nutrients flowing from each valley could be collected and measured for volume and mineral content. These measurements were recorded for the forested valley (left), which acted as the control site. Then all the trees in another valley (the experimental site) were cut (right) and the flows of water and soil nutrients from this experimental valley were measured for 3 years. Stepped Art Fig. 2-1, p. 28
2-1 What Is Science? Concept 2-1 Scientists collect data and develop theories, models, and laws about how nature works.
Science Is a Search for Order in Nature (1) Identify a problem Find out what is known about the problem Ask a question to be investigated Gather data Hypothesize Make testable predictions Keep testing and making observations Accept or reject the hypothesis
Science Is a Search for Order in Nature (2) Important features of the scientific process Curiosity Skepticism Peer review Reproducibility Openness to new ideas
Scientists Use Reasoning, Imagination, and Creativity to Learn How Nature Works Important scientific tools Inductive reasoning Deductive reasoning Scientists also use Intuition Imagination Creativity
The Scientific Process Identify a problem The Scientific Process Find out what is known about the problem (literature search) Ask a question to be investigated Perform an experiment to answer the question and collect data Analyze data (check for patterns) Scientific law Well-accepted pattern in data Propose an hypothesis to explain data Use hypothesis to make testable predictions Figure 2.2 What scientists do. The essence of science is this process for testing ideas about how nature works. Scientists do not necessarily follow the exact order of steps shown here. For example, sometimes a scientist might start by formulating a hypothesis to answer the initial question and then run experiments to test the hypothesis. Perform an experiment to test predictions Accept hypothesis Revise hypothesis Make testable predictions Test predictions Scientific theory Well-tested and widely accepted hypothesis Fig. 2-2, p. 30
Scientific Theories and Laws Are the Most Important Results of Science Scientific hypothesis: a possible and testable explanation of what is observed in nature (edu. Guess) Scientific theory Supported by extensive evidence (tested many times) Accepted by most scientists in a particular area Explains Scientific law, law of nature Based on countless observations, tests Describes
Read guest essay on global warming The Scientific Consensus About Global Warming John Harte
What is Global Warming? Talking about the warming of the air atmosphere closest to ground. More energy from the sun is kept at surface of earth than usual Scientist are looking at some fundamental questions: Is this actually occurring? (1⁰C increase in 10yrs) Did humans cause this (cars, burning forests which add greenhouse gases like CO2 to atmo) What could be result? (complex Q, complex A)
Economics/Politics/Ethics and Science Any other possible causes? Yes, changes in the Sun, Volcanoes, variation in earth’s orbit Has this happened in the past, before humans? Yes, many times Ramifications and Blame? Industries, Nations, Consumers Scare Tactic? Big business wants to paint warnings as a method of societal controlby government and shift the blame/concern
Figure 19.7 Some projected effects of global warming and the resulting changes in global climate, based on the extent of warming and the total atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases in parts per million. According to the IPCC, a warming of 2 C° (3.6 F°) over 2005 levels is unavoidable, and an increase of at least 3 C° (5.4 F°) is likely sometime during this century (Figure 19-B). (Data from 2007 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Report and Nicolas Stern, The Economics of Climate Change: The Stern Report, Cambridge University Press, 2006) Stepped Art Fig. 19-7, p. 507
The Results of Science Can Be Tentative, Reliable, or Unreliable Tentative science, frontier science (hypothesis) Reliable science (theory) Unreliable science (a theory based on false, misleading or no evidence, faith)
Environmental Science Has Some Limitations Particular hypotheses, theories, or laws have a high probability of being true while not being absolute Bias has to be minimized by scientists, for validity Statistical methods may be used to estimate very large or very small numbers Environmental phenomena involve many interacting variables and complex interactions, testability limitations Scientific process is limited to the natural world (can not prove or disprove ethical or moral questions)
Science Focus: Statistics and Probability Collect, organize, and interpret numerical data Probability The chance that something will happen or be valid
Animation: pH scale
2-2 What Is Matter? Concept 2-2 Matter consists of elements and compounds, which are in turn made up of atoms, and/or molecules.
Is everything made out of matter? Explain your answer. What is matter? Is everything made out of matter? Explain your answer.
Matter Has mass and takes up space
What is the difference between elements, compounds and mixtures?
Matter Consists of Elements and Compounds Unique properties Cannot be broken down chemically into other substances Compounds Two or more different elements chemically bonded together in fixed proportion Mixtures: 2 or more elements, compounds or other mixtures physically mixed together
Elements you might consider important environmentally
Elements Important to the Study of Environmental Science
What is a compound? What is a mixture? Orange Juice Ketchup Distilled Water Steel Water from a drinking fountain
What is the smallest amount of an element you can have that has all of its properties?
Model of a Carbon-12 Atom
Animation: Subatomic particles
Atoms, Ions, and Molecules Are the Building Blocks of Matter (1) Atomic theory Subatomic particles Protons (p) with positive charge and neutrons (n) with no charge in nucleus (all the mass) Negatively charged electrons (e) orbit the nucleus (almost no mass)
Numbers in chemistry Atomic number # of protons in each atom Every element has a different # of protons Mass number Protons plus neutrons
Need a Periodic Table How many protons does Helium have? Argon? What is the atomic number of Mercury, Nitrogen? How many electrons does a stable atom of Oxygen have, how do you know? What is the mass number of the most common form of Carbon, Lead
Animation: Atomic number, mass number
Atoms, Ions, and Molecules Are the Building Blocks of Matter (2) Isotopes Number of neutrons vary, properties same Most common version founded by rounding atomic mass Ions Gain or lose electrons (exteme bonding) Form ionic compounds
Need a periodic table What is the most common isotope of Sulfur? Magnesium? Determine how many electrons are lost or gained when atom of Fluorine or Boron is ionized How are the most common ions of Oxygen and Lithium written
Animation: Isotopes
Animation: Ionic bonds
SO42- 2H20 Chemical Formulas Chemical formula “Recipe” for 1 molecule of a chemical Compound Letters Numbers Signs
Ions Important to the Study of Environmental Science
Why are ions important? Reactivity Ions with an 1 extra electron or lacking one electron react more strongly The stronger the reaction means more energy is released or absorbed Greater effects
Loss of NO3− from a Deforested Watershed
Atoms, Ions, and Molecules Are the Building Blocks of Matter (3) Two or more atoms of the same or different elements held together by chemical bonds
Compounds Important to the Study of Environmental Science
Animation: Carbon bonds
pH the acid test pH Measure of acidity # of Hydrogen ions in a certain volume of a solution Solution can be neutral , acidic, or basic Defined by relative amounts of H+ and OH- Something on either end of scale has a tendency to react strongly Scale is exponential in amount, 10x for each step
Acid lab
Organic Compounds Are the Chemicals of Life Organic compounds: contain 2 + Carbon atoms 1 exception: Methane CH4 Types Hydrocarbons and chlorinated hydrocarbons Simple carbohydrates Macromolecules: complex organic molecules Complex carbohydrates Proteins Nucleic acids Lipids Inorganic compounds: any other compound not organic
Arrange in terms of size An Artery Cell Chromosomes DNA Molecules Electron Genes Nucleus (in terms of cells, not atoms) One Atom Proton
A human body contains trillions of cells, each with an identical set of genes. Each human cell (except for red blood cells) contains a nucleus. Each cell nucleus has an identical set of chromosomes, which are found in pairs. A specific pair of chromosomes contains one chromosome from each parent. Each chromosome contains a long DNA molecule in the form of a coiled double helix. Figure 2.5 Relationships among cells, nuclei, chromosomes, DNA, and genes. Genes are segments of DNA on chromosomes that contain instructions to make proteins—the building blocks of life. Stepped Art Fig. 2-5, p. 38
Matter Comes to Life through Genes, Chromosomes, and Cells Cells: fundamental units of life Genes: sequences of nucleotides within the DNA , instructions for 1 trait Chromosomes: composed of many genes
Matter Occurs in Various Physical Forms Solid Liquid Gas (plasma)
Usefulness of matter High-quality matter Low-quality matter Highly concentrated Near surface Great potential Low-quality matter
2-3 How Can Matter Change? Concept 2-3 When matter undergoes a physical or chemical change, no atoms are created or destroyed (the law of conservation of matter).
Matter Undergoes Physical, Chemical, and Nuclear Changes Physical change: chemical composition does not change (tear apart paper) Chemical change, chemical reaction: permanent chemical composition change (burning wood to make smoke with CO2 )
Nuclear Change Nuclear change Natural radioactive decay Radioisotopes: unstable Nuclear fission Nuclear fusion Difference between Nuclear and Chemical change Chemical change alters bonds between atoms (electrons, molecules) Nuclear change changes the nucleus of an atom (change # of protons, neutrons) (high energy)
Beta particle (electron) Radioactive decay Radioactive isotope Alpha particle (helium-4 nucleus) Gamma rays Nuclear fission Uranium-235 Energy Fission fragment Neutron n Nuclear fusion Fuel Proton Neutron Hydrogen-2 (deuterium nucleus) Hydrogen-3 (tritium nucleus) Reaction conditions 100 million °C Products Helium-4 nucleus Energy Figure 2.7 Types of nuclear changes: natural radioactive decay (top), nuclear fission (middle), and nuclear fusion (bottom). Stepped Art Fig. 2-7, p. 41
Figure 2.7 Types of nuclear changes: natural radioactive decay (top), nuclear fission (middle), and nuclear fusion (bottom). Fig. 2-7a, p. 41
Radioactive decay Alpha particle (helium-4 nucleus) Radioactive isotope Gamma rays Figure 2.7 Types of nuclear changes: natural radioactive decay (top), nuclear fission (middle), and nuclear fusion (bottom). Beta particle (electron) Fig. 2-7a, p. 41
Figure 2.7 Types of nuclear changes: natural radioactive decay (top), nuclear fission (middle), and nuclear fusion (bottom). Fig. 2-7b, p. 41
Nuclear fission Uranium-235 Fission fragment Energy n n Neutron n n Figure 2.7 Types of nuclear changes: natural radioactive decay (top), nuclear fission (middle), and nuclear fusion (bottom). Energy Fig. 2-7b, p. 41
Figure 2.7 Types of nuclear changes: natural radioactive decay (top), nuclear fission (middle), and nuclear fusion (bottom). Fig. 2-7c, p. 41
Nuclear fusion Reaction conditions Fuel Products Proton Neutron Helium-4 nucleus Hydrogen-2 (deuterium nucleus) 100 million °C Energy Figure 2.7 Types of nuclear changes: natural radioactive decay (top), nuclear fission (middle), and nuclear fusion (bottom). Hydrogen-3 (tritium nucleus) Neutron Fig. 2-7c, p. 41
Animation: Half-life
Video: Nuclear energy
We Cannot Create or Destroy Matter Law of conservation of matter Matter consumption Matter is converted from one form to another Matter is never ‘lost’
Animation: Total energy remains constant
2-4 What is Energy and How Can It Be Changed? Concept 2-4A When energy is converted from one form to another in a physical or chemical change, no energy is created or destroyed (first law of thermodynamics). Concept 2-4B Whenever energy is changed from one form to another, we end up with lower- quality or less usable energy than we started with (second law of thermodynamics).
Energy Comes in Many Forms Kinetic energy Energy of organized motion (most useful) Heat (energy of unorganized motion (not as good) Transferred by radiation, conduction, or convection Electromagnetic radiation: KE transmitted as waves Potential energy Stored energy (GPE, EPE, chemical, nuclear) Can be changed into kinetic energy
Energy emitted from sun (kcal/cm2/min) 15 10 Energy emitted from sun (kcal/cm2/min) 5 Visible Figure 2.8 Solar capital: the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation released by the sun consists mostly of visible light. See an animation based on this figure at CengageNOW. Infrared Ultraviolet 0.25 1 2 2.5 3 Wavelength (micrometers) Fig. 2-8, p. 42
Active Figure: Visible light
Energy Changes Are Governed by Two Scientific Laws First Law of Thermodynamics Energy input always equals energy output Second Law of Thermodynamics Energy always goes from a more useful to a less useful form when it changes from one form to another Energy efficiency or productivity
Some Types of Energy Are More Useful Than Others High-quality energy Low-quality energy Determined by the capacity to do useful work
The Second Law of Thermodynamics in Living Systems
Active Figure: Energy flow
Do Personal Energy Audit Lab
2-5 What Are Systems and How Do They Respond to Change? Concept 2-5A Systems have inputs, flows, and outputs of matter and energy, and their behavior can be affected by feedback. Concept 2-5B Life, human systems, and the earth’s life support systems must conform to the law of conservation of matter and the two laws of thermodynamics.
Systems Have Inputs, Flows, and Outputs System: is a set of components that function and interact in some regular way Parts of systems Inputs from the environment Flows, throughputs Outputs to the environment
Inputs, Throughput, and Outputs of an Economic System
Animation: Economic types
Systems Respond to Change through Feedback Loops Feedback: Any process which increases or decreases change to a system Feedback stimulus: event or action which initiates the process of change(cycle or loop) Examples (cutting down trees) (paying farmers not to farm marginal land)
Positive Feedback loop Positive or amplified feedback loop: causes a system to change further in the same direction Cutting trees in a valley event that started a loop concerning the increasing environmental health problems of the valley
Decreasing vegetation... ...which causes more vegetation to die. ...leads to erosion and nutrient loss... Figure 2.11 Positive feedback loop. Decreasing vegetation in a valley causes increasing erosion and nutrient losses, which in turn causes more vegetation to die, which allows for more erosion and nutrient losses. The system receives feedback that continues the process of deforestation. Fig. 2-11, p. 45
Negative feedback loop Negative, or corrective, feedback loop: causes a change in the opposite direction to which it was moving Automatic thermostats in homes Increased recycling of aluminum, in terms of mining
Temperature reaches desired setting and furnace goes off House warms Temperature reaches desired setting and furnace goes off Furnace on Figure 2.12 Negative feedback loop. When a house being heated by a furnace gets to a certain temperature, its thermostat is set to turn off the furnace, and the house begins to cool instead of continuing to get warmer. When the house temperature drops below the set point, this information is fed back, and the furnace is turned on and runs until the desired temperature is reached. The system receives feedback that reverses the process of heating or cooling. House cools Temperature drops below desired setting and furnace goes on Fig. 2-12, p. 45
Animation: Feedback control of temperature
What kind of feedback loop occurs: Enforcement of no cell phones in class room on student achievement, class discipline? Commitment to recycling more at lunch on keeping the lunchroom clean, Commitment to quotas on the number of tuna that can be caught during a season to the health of the tuna population Lemmings
Time Delays Can Allow a System to Reach a Tipping Point Time delays vary Between the input of a feedback stimulus and the response to it by the system Tipping point, threshold level Causes a shift in the behavior of a system Land unable to support trees, crops Once crossed, takes a lot of time, change in conditions to revert
Haiti and deforestation
System Effects Can Be Amplified through Synergy Synergistic interaction, synergy 2 or more processes interact so combined effect is greater than either can produce separately Helpful (1 person, group working on a cause) Harmful E.g., Smoking and inhaling asbestos particles and risk of cancer 10 fold, 5 fold, combined 50 fold
Human Activities Can Have Unintended Harmful Results Deforested areas turning to desert (Haiti) Associated with Global Warming Coral reefs dying (Belize, Australia) Glaciers melting (US, Europe) Sea levels rising (global)
Connected to the information presented in this chapter Your Questions? Connected to the information presented in this chapter
UN Project Questions for the chapter What are the major forms of energy used to fuel the economy, society in your country Where do the major Sources of the fuel come from, Are they derived from inside the country? Has the government signed the Kyoto agreements? If not, can you come up with a reason? Are there any effects of global warming evident connected to the country?