ECOM 6360 Programming of Mobile Devices Computer Engineering Department Islamic University of Gaza ECOM 6360 Programming of Mobile Devices Fall 2015-2016 (Graduate course) Lecture 1 Syllabus and Course Overview
Instructor Contact Information Prof. Dr. Eng. Mohammad A. Mikki Professor of Computer Engineering Computer Engineering Department , Faculty of Engineering Office Location: I215 (IT Building) Tel. +970-8-2860700 Ext. 2876 email: Homepage: Skype: mohammad.mikki
Instructor’s Office Hours TBA and by appointment Outside of office hours call or e-mail to insure that I am available
Course Information Course Code: ECOM 6360 Course Name: Programming of Mobile Devices Number of credits: 3 Class hours: Section Lecture Time Location 101 Sat. 14:00-17:00 K402
Course Description and Overview An introduction to mobile computing with a strong emphasis on application development for the Android operating system. Students will complete a major project with the goal of releasing an app on the Android Market place. Topics will include the Android development environment, user interfaces, audio, persistence, SQLite databases, location, sensors, and graphics.
Course Topics Topics will include: the Android development environment user interfaces audio persistence SQLite databases location sensors, and graphics
Course Prerequisites Prerequisite: Java programing
Teaching Assistant None
Course Outcomes On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to: Understand the technical challenges posed by current mobile devices and wireless communications; be able to evaluate and select appropriate solutions. Appreciate the need to keep up with rapid changes and new developments; be able to identify current trends in mobile communications technologies and Select and evaluate suitable software tools and APIs for the development of a particular mobile application and understand their strengths, scope and limitations. Use an appropriate application development to design, write and test small interactive programs for mobile devices.
Course Website I will post: Lecture notes Project suggested topics Quizzes and solutions Assignments Tutorials Announcements, etc. Couse on moodle will also include: Forum(s) Android appl. project reports submission tools Etc. Please check this webpage at least once a week for lecture notes, quiz solutions, supplementary material, announcements, etc.
Textbook (Strongly Recommended) Mark Murphy, The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development, CommonsWare, LLC. Printed in the United States of America. Printing History: March 2013: Version 4.7 ISBN: 978-0-9816780-0-9 Previous versions available at this site for free.
Recommended Books Enterprise Android™: Programming Android Database Applications for the Enterprise. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 10475 Crosspoint Boulevard Indianapolis, IN 46256, Copyright © 2014 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana ISBN: 978-1-118-18349-6 ISBN: 978-1-118-22747-3 (ebk) ISBN: 978-1-118-24046-5 (ebk) Authors: Zigurd Mednieks, G. Blake Meike, Laird Dornin, and Zane Pan Android Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide (Big Nerd Ranch Guides) ISBN: 978-0321804334 / 1st ed. Publisher: Big Nerd Ranch Guides
Recommended Books Android for Programmers: An App-Driven Approach, Paul Deitel, Harvey Deitel, Abbey Deitel, and Michael Morgano, ISBN-13: 978-0132121361 The Android Developer's Cookbook: Building Applications with the Android SDK: Building Applications with the Android SDK, James Steele and Nelson To, ISBN-13: 978-0321741233 (first of second edition okay)
Required Tools Android Device: You are NOT required to have an Android Device. Development can be done on the Android Emulator. However there is no substitute for testing on a real device. Software: Android development is done in Java. If you want to work on your own machine you will need the following. (all of these are freely available) Java (version 7 recommended) . Android SDK. downloading APIs levels 10 recommended through the latest (21 as of January 2015). Link to instructions on installing the Android SDK. Android Studio or Eclipse Emulator
Class Discussion Tool I will set up a discussion group for the class on moodle to discuss Android issues. Go to the moodle web site and join the ECOM6360 Programming of Mobile Devices for The Islamic University of Gaza. I will post class announcements and information to the discussion group.
Useful Links Computer Science 371M - Mobile Computing The University of Texas at Austin Spring 2015 Instructor, Mike Scott Website: Course materials and announcements are available there.
The schedule is subject to change. Working Schedule (1/4) See Computer Science 371M - Mobile Computing The University of Texas at Austin · Spring 2015 Instructor, Mike Scott, email: Website: The schedule is subject to change. Week Topic Assignments, Tutorials and Projects 1 Sat. 05.Sep.2015 Introduction and Syllabus Android Overview and Android Development Environment 2 12.Sep.2015 Anatomy of an App, App Lifecycle UI Basics Tutorial 1 Due 3 19.Sep.2015 Intents Assignment 1 Due - App Reviews Project Overview Tutorial 2 Due Wed. 23.Sep.2015 Eid El-Adha 4 03.Oct.2015 Sensing Responsiveness Tutorial 3 Due
The schedule is subject to change. Working Schedule (2/4) The schedule is subject to change. Week Topic Assignments, Tutorials and Projects 5 Sat 10.Oct.2015 Student App Proposals - Poster Day Assignment 2 Due – App Proposals (Written due for everyone, posters due on assigned poster day.) Tutorial 4 Due 6 Sat. 17.Oct.2015 Location, GPS Maps, Google Maps Tutorial 5 Due 7 24.Oct.2015 More UI and App Basics Gestures Tutorial 6 Due 8 31.Oct.2015 Action Bar. UP vs. BACK Fragments Assignment 3 Due – App Paper Prototypes
The schedule is subject to change. Working Schedule (3/4) The schedule is subject to change. Week Topic Assignments, Tutorials and Projects (Listed by due date) 9 Sat. 07.Nov.2015 Services and Broadcast Receivers 10 14.Nov.2015 Content Resolvers / Content Providers, Accessing the Calendar and Contacts Providers Android 2D Graphics and Drawables 11 21.Nov.2015 Android 2D Graphics and Property Animation Persistence / Storing Data / Preferences Assignment 4 Due – Alpha Release 12 28.Nov.2015 Databases: SQLite / DB4O Cloud Storage, Parse Assignment 5 Due - Alpha Peer Evaluations
The schedule is subject to change. Working Schedule (4/4) The schedule is subject to change. Week Topic Assignments, Tutorials and Projects 13 Sat. 05.Dec.2015 Audio on Android – Network and Web Services Network and Web Services - Connecting Devices 14 12.Dec.2015 Using Telephony APIs, Text to Speech, Speech to Text Assignment 6 Due - "How to" Write ups 15 19.Dec.2015 Student Demos Assignment 7 due - Beta Release Assignment 8 due - Web Ad Sat. 26.Dec.2015 First day of final exams
What is Expected From Students Class attendance Be on time (if you are late enter the class quiet) Class participation – Your input is needed for good discussion Pay attention to presentations Ask questions Work hard Keep up with reading textbook Submit assignment solutions on time Work on tutorials on time Submit clean, organized, and concise project reports Do project reports on time. Read extra material on your own. Wealth of information available (electronic books, Web sites, etc.) Cell phones off or muted Identify potential project partners early (in second week, if possible) Follow academic integrity code
Grading Scheme Your final grade for the course will be based on the following weights: Android application project Android application proposal 5% Posters (Poster Day) 5% App Paper Prototypes 5% Alpha release 10% Alpha Peer Evaluations 5% Beta release 10% Demos 5% Web ad. 5% 50% Class participation (class discussion in forum through moodle) 10% Tutorials 20% Quizzes
Tutorials You are expected to complete the tutorials on your own using the provided code when given. Late work or work in the wrong format is not accepted and will receive a grade of 0.
Assignments Assignments will be available on the class web site. Late work or work in the wrong format is not accepted and will receive a grade of 0.
Android Application Project The Android application project is the highlight of the course. The goal is to develop an Android application of your choosing subject to instructor approval Application must run on class dev. phones, API Level 14. The application would be publishable on google play store. You may work in teams of two or three. For your projects you are expected to do significant work on your own. You can use class examples and examples from the web, but these must be documented. To be clear, a significant amount of work on your project must be your own, but it is okay to incorporate code samples and 3rd party libraries.
Android Application Project Proposal Project proposal: Submit a project proposal to the instructor via moodle in the beginning of the second week (the exact date will be posted on moodle and syllabus). Your group should submit a single proposal. Microsoft Word format is required. The proposal should be at most one page of text, informally describing Team, teams of 2 or 3 people app choice, App requires instructor approval why it has not addressed your problem, and if there are multiple people on your project team, who they are and how you plan to partition the work among the team. students with no groups will be grouped together at random or assigned to a team Remember ... the proposal can be short and informal as long as it demonstrates that you have a reasonable project and know how to attack it. The instructor will either approve the project or ask for a revision.
Android Application Project Dates for the above steps will be announced on the moodle. In general, you are encouraged to meet with the instructor and seek advice on the project as often as you like.
Any Questions ?