BY Zac
Facts Cleaned blood returns to the body by the renal vein. Waste and extra water removed by the kidney passes through a tube called the ureter to the bladder where it is stored as urine or wee. When the bladder is full, the urine passes out of the body through another tube called the urethra. Each is Kidney is about the size of a fist.
Where the kidneys are located
When kidneys don't work well Your body can still work quite well with only one kidney, so long as that kidney is healthy. Some people don't have healthy kidneys, and sometimes their kidneys stop working. Some people need to go on a special machine that acts like a kidney to wash and clean the blood. This is called dialysis. These machines are very expensive and it takes several hours a day for about 3 days a week. This makes it difficult for those people to live their lives. Sometimes people may be lucky enough to have a dialysis machine at home. Sometimes people can have a kidney transplant, which means that they get a kidney from some other person, often someone in the family, and the doctors put it into their body.
Kidneys raise and lower blood pressure I have healthy kidneys Dialysis Never smoke and drink plenty of water Each kidney produces vitamin D Your kidneys balance your fluid.
What is nephrotic syndrome? Nephritic syndrome is a set of signs or symptoms that may point to kidney problems. They clean the blood by filtering out excess water and salt and waste products from food. Healthy kidneys keep protein in the blood, which helps the blood soak up water from tissues. But kidneys with damaged filters may leak protein into the urine. As a result, not enough protein is left in the blood to soak up the water. The water then moves from the blood into body tissues and causes swelling.