2/7/12 Period 4 Shawn Chartin, Heaven Carter
Every day drugs are shipped into America illegally. They are brought in by boats, planes, and car. They hurt the economy and ruin peoples lives that use them. It also hurts tax payers because they have to pay for the police to protect against drugs.
Imported drugs are a tax free way to make income. The people who make huge profits pay no taxes for them. Last year alone drug trade made over 100 billion dollars in tax free revenue. Sources: Wikipedia.com, and d= AASO1Fg
Illegal drugs from marijuana to bad pills are shipped into America because people want to use them. If the demand for the drugs decreased they would not be shipped into America.
This is a federal problem. Even though drugs can affect a small area it affects the country as a whole. The drugs bring no money for the government to circulate. All of the money goes to a few individuals.
The most practical solution would be make the drugs legal and tax the sale of these drugs. Another solution would be to improve shipping security to be almost a tough as flying security. Another solution would be creating embargos with any countries that ship drugs into America.
1. This would make money for the government but drugs would still be shipped into America illegally. 2. This would cost more money but could keep a larger amount of drugs out. 3. This would cause America to not receive goods they received from some countries.
The best solution would be a combination of the first and second solution. The large tax revenue from people purchasing drugs could pay for improving shipping security. This would eventually make a profit for the country because we will pay off the money for improving the security.
Tom Carper carper.senate.gov Chris Coons coons.senate.gov John Carney johncarny.house.gov
Shawn Chartin & Heaven Carter Beaver Dam Dr. Seaford, DE February/9/2012 Dear Senator Carper, My partner and I have recently looked into the issue of drug importation into the United States. We have realized that this issue affects not only the people who use the drugs but also affect our economy. The drugs shipped into America can make people millions of dollars every year. These people don’t pay taxes for the money that they make. This money that they greedily hold does not go towards the economy and improving services. The largest cause for illegal drug importation my partner and I have found is the demand for the drugs. Things like cocaine and marijuana are highly addictive. It is difficult to completely remove the demand of drugs. Remove the supply of drugs is much simpler. The drugs come in across borders by boat, plane, and car. My partner and I have formed a solution that we believe is cost effective and will remove the supply. The solution we created involves the legalization and taxation of illegal drugs like marijuana. The tax revenue made could help improving the search for drugs on any ship not being paid for. All of the profits from taxes will go to the government to pay off debt which would actually improve the economy. Another money making solution would be to grow drugs like marijuana and sell them to other countries. Thank you for taking the time to read our letter. A response with your thoughts on the situation and our solution would be greatly appreciated. Yours Truly Shawn Chartin & Heaven Carter