GAREC-2005 JARL Presentation Jay S. Oka, JA1TRC Manager, International Affairs, JARL
Japan ’ s ECC Activities (1) Emergency Communication Council (ECC). Established in 1951 with 12 members. JARL is a founding member. Now it consists 38 members (total 2,092 organizations). Ministries, Government Agencies, Fixed/Mobile Telcos, Sat Comms, BC ’ s, CATV ’ s Electric Powers, Japan Red Cross, etc. ECC composed of 1 Central, 11 Area, and 21 Local or Prefecture Councils.
Japan ’ s ECC Activities (2) Emergency Comm Plan, guidelines and other documentation completed. Trainings: 3 major regular national trainings yearly. Local area trainings also held. Seminars: 2 major seminars on national level and additional local seminars.
JARL EC Activities (1) Amateur radio is recognized as a powerful and quick start communication measure. JARL EC structure consists 1 Central, 10 Area and 47 Local or Prefecture Stations. JARL Central EC station is located at JARL HQ in Tokyo and nominally hot stand by. It controls or supervise the total EC activity and emergency negotiation with Administration.
JARL EC Activities (2) Area Stations are mostly taking role of the center of EC network. In case of large area disaster, it works in cooperation with other Area Station(s) Each Area Station (JAxRL or JAxYRL) is equipped with emergency radio sets. 1x HF-430MHz, 1x MHz mobile, 2x 144/430MHz handheld
JARL EC Activities (3) Local or Prefecture Stations are voluntary based. All JARL EC stations and its operating organizations are close connected with National EC Council segments – Central, Area and Local/Prefecture bases. JARL EC Plan, Procedures, Guidelines, Operation Manual are completed and posted on JARL Web.
JARL EC Activities (4) Development of EC handheld (water proof and easy operation) and transportable radio repeaters Agreement with local/prefecture/municipal administrations for EC volunteer. Training: Most JARL local branch holds EC trainings and/or simulated EC contests. EC volunteer registration is open for all JARL members.
Thank you for your attention! de JA1TRC, Jay