Our messages are good. Our ideas are sound. Our commitment is solid. What do we do next? Tell our story!
Plan, Plan, Plan! Events can be simple or complex, but they all need to be well-planned Event Ideas Promotional event to kick off Texas Proud of Texas Agriculture in your area Food drives for a local food pantry Ag Day for a local elementary school Or, create your own…be creative! TELL YOUR STORY!!! AG IS LIFE!
Steps to Success Contact your Ag Science Teacher or County Extension Agent Set goals Create a budget Decide where the event will be held Inquire about availability Decide on a date and time Identify possible funding sources Reserve proper equipment Promote your event! Promote, Promote!
Picking a Location School campuses are usually available Try an auditorium or classroom Local auction barn or livestock facility Don’t forget, school nights are often a great option A supermarket might work too.
Paying for Your Event Student government often has funds to support events Local Lions, Rotary, Kiwanis and other community groups Local agriculture businesses/organizations could also be a great source for funds
The Key to Success… Promote your event! This is the most important aspect of your event Post flyers at school/local businesses. blast to friends and student body. Advertise in school/local newspaper, radio and television. News releases/advisories to local media. Notices in calendar section of local newspaper/Internet websites. Local church bulletins. Promote, Promote! Enthusiasm is key!
What’s Next? After you start getting your story out there, don’t be surprised if others take notice They may even start asking you questions about your agriculture story—be yourself! Don’t be afraid to seek an adult mentor like your Ag teacher or county agent STEP UP! DON’T BE SHY! TELL YOUR STORY!!! RECRUIT FRIENDS
And don’t forget to be Texas Proud of Texas Agriculture!