Introductions JROTC Mission Statement Expectations Grading System Classroom Rules Uniforms and Haircuts SASI Items of Interest Upcoming JROTC Activities Squadron Organization OVERVIEW
JROTC INSTRUCTORS Lt Col Rich Runchey Senior Aerospace Science Instructor (SASI) Address as “Colonel Runchey” or “Sir” Master Sergeant Mike Thiergart Aerospace Science Instructor (ASI) Address as “Sergeant Thiergart” or “Sergeant T”
JROTC Mission Develop citizens of character dedicated to serving their nation and community
Expectations 1.You are a student first Attend all classes Be on time Get all your homework done on time Be prepared for quizzes, tests, and exams 2.Know and follow school and classroom rules 3.As a JROTC cadet, get involved and complete your community service 4.Become a responsible member of the team
Tips for Success 1.Understand why high school is important for you Develop self-confidence Enhance self-discipline Improve problem-solving skills 2.Set goals (short- and long-term) Earn your achievements 3.Communicate and be willing to listen 4.Build personal relationships -- family, friends, and cadets 5.Take care of your health Good diet, regular exercise, good sleep habits
Grading System Weighted System Aviation Science (Lt Col R)20 % Leadership Education(MSgt T)20 % Uniform Inspection20 % Community Service20 % Fitness and Wellness20 % Extra Credit (max of 10% per quarter) Earn extra community Service hours Wear the uniform more than the minimum Other opportunities as announced
JROTC Classroom Rules Be at your assigned seat when the bell rings Come prepared each day for class—bring your binder, homework, pencils, fitness gear, etc Raise your hand before speaking or standing Respect your teachers and classmates always No food, drink, gum, cell phones, etc in classroom Penalties for violating these rules: 1 st violation in the quarter results in a warning 2 nd, 3 rd, 4 th violation may result in disciplinary action including after school detention, reduction in JROTC grade, etc
SASI Special Interest Items Cellphones -- Keep in locker during school hours BYOT Only for classroom-related work Facebook, , games etc are strictly prohibited You cannot use a G3 or G4-capable device to bypass the school filters (e.g., some IPads) No gum, food, drinks in classroom or academic wings If you choose to violate these rules: You will be disciplined You will not receive a warning
Uniforms and Haircuts – 1 st required uniform day: 3 Sep 2014 – Freshmen: Haircuts and uniform wear is optional during the first year MSgt Thiergart will discuss in more detail
Upcoming Calendar Go to MSgt Thiergart's teacher website located on the SHS webpage
Squadron Commander Lt Col Harover Special Advisor Vacant Operations Commander Maj Ervin Flight Commander Bravo Flight Commander Charlie Flight Commander Delta Flight Commander Echo Flight Commander Foxtrot Lt Col Harover Drill Team Commander Capt Thompson Mission Support Commander Maj Morrow Flight Commander Alpha Squadron Vice Commander Major Walker Community Service Commander Capt Richardson Rocketry Club Commander 1Lt Richards Drill Team Vice-Commander 1Lt Raddin Community Service Vice-Commander 2Lt Deem Rocketry Club Vice-Commander 2Lt Berry Kitty Hawk Commander Capt Deitz Public Affairs Commander 1Lt Wright Orienteering Commander 1Lt Brewer OH-081 CADET ORGANIZATION PT Officer 2Lt