Agenda for this Evening 2007 Statistics 2008 Fall Recruitment Incentives Keys to Success –Where to Start –Additional Testimonials Recruitment Night & Follow up Year Round Recruitment Questions
Fall 2007 Council Recruitment Results 1221 Cub Scouts Recruited August – Dec –261 took place October – December –This means that boys can and will join on a continual basis. 126 Boy Scouts Recruited August – Dec. All numbers adjust to exclude Scout Reach.
Fall 2007 District Recruitment Results Cub Scouts Boy Scouts (Aug – Dec.) (Aug – Dec.) Cub Scouts Boy Scouts (Aug – Dec.) (Aug – Dec.) Buffalo Ridge: Five Rivers: 88 2 Pheasant: 66 6 Prairie Hills: Lewis and Clark: North Star: All numbers adjust to exclude Scout Reach.
2008 Recruitment Incentives: The New Cub Scout Free Fall Fun Day: any boy that joins Cub Scouts by September 19 th will be able to attend this event on Sat., Sept. 20 or Sun., Sept. 21 for FREE (date varies by district). –A promotional flier will be included with the recruitment flier (attached or on the back)
2008 Recruitment Incentives: The Cub Scout Pack Earn Free Pinewood Derby Kits for your entire Pack: Any Pack that completes the following requirements will earn a free pinewood derby kit for each boy in the Pack: –Have an increase in Cub Scout Membership by the end of October 2008 vs. Jan –Attend the District Fall Recruitment Training Seminar in August (Tonight) –Conduct a 1 st and 2 nd “opportunity” to join event. –Turn in a Membership Inventory Roster (youth involved & not involved) by Oct. 31, –Unit is actively involved in recruitment plan development and implementation.
Keys to Success: Where to Start Set your date(s): –This includes securing your recruitment location –Tip: Set your 2 nd opportunity to join at the same time.
Keys to Success: Where to Start Plan your Recruitment Event –Conduct a FUN & EXCITING Recruitment Event. Remember… Boys join Scouting for FUN. Sample Ideas… Portable Climbing Wall Miniature Golf Bowling Party Swimming Party Scavenger Hunt Building Wood Duck Houses Campfire with Food, Games and FUN in the Park Others??? (Open Discussion) –TIPS: If you conduct an “outside” event, make sure you have a back up plan! This should also be promoted on the recruitment fliers. Whatever you decide to do, just conduct it “in your community / back yard!” Traditionally, people will not drive long distances and in some of the larger communities, they will not drive across town.
Keys to Success: Where to Start Get your date promoted: –Provide Your date, time, location, program event, cost to join scouting (if any, what cost covers) and local contact name & phone # to your local professional or District Membership Chair no later than 3 Weeks prior. (A flier order form is in your packet for your convenience). –The Sioux Council will print your fliers. –You will work out distribution with your Executive. –Fliers should be made and delivered for all First through Fifth Grades!
ADDITIONAL KEYS TO SUCCESS PROMOTE, PROMOTE, PROMOTE Recruitment Fliers: The Sioux Council will take care of all your printing needs. Recruitment Fliers should be placed into school “Take Home Folders” to promote your event. Personal Phone Calls: to prospective scouting families result in a “Significantly Higher” Recruitment. This has been shown over and over. It provides “the” personal touch. It gives parents the opportunity to ask questions – Fliers can’t do that. Peer to Peer: boys inviting their friends to join scouting with them.
ADDITIONAL KEYS TO SUCCESS Boy Talks: talking to boys in a school classroom, lunchroom or on the playground results in “excited boys” which then excites the parents. –These would usually be conducted 1-2 days prior to your event. –Be mindful of classroom time. If you are allowed 5 minutes, only use 5 minutes!! –If you need help with Boy Talks, visit with your local District Executive. This is what we are here for. However, just keep in mind that they can’t do all of them within your district in a short amount of time. –Tips: Have something to remind the youth of the date, time and location to sign up Keep it short, repeat important information Make it Crazy and fun (get and keep their attention) Be in Full Uniform Keep it Age Specific … What excites a First Grader won’t excite a Fifth Grader –Sample Boy Talk
ADDITIONAL KEYS TO SUCCESS Utilize your school newsletter to promote your event. Place posters and yard signs around town and in your school (these are available tonight!) Contact your local newspaper to promote your event. Scouts wear their uniforms to school Set up a booth at your school Open House Promote your event in church through the church bulletin and Sunday School.
Recruitment Testimonials -What has worked for them!-
Night of Sign Up Every family that shows up should sign in on the “Round-up Attendance Roster” right away. –This gives you a means of follow-up in the event that a family has to leave, or walks out with the application Give them the Application to Join and all handout information right after they sign in. –Tell them to start filling out the application to join. Even if they say “I am just here for info…” Ask them to start filling it out. –Show them what information goes where on the application: “This is your son’s information, this is your information, and don’t forget to sign here.” –Handout info: Parent Orientation Guide, Mini Boy’s Life Magazine, Parent Talent Survey, Pack Calendar, and Pack Leadership Roster.
Night of Sign Up Boys should be separated from the adults (participating in the special program event) –So that you can visit with the parents about your pack and what scouting is. –TIPS: DON’T OVERSELL! If they are there that night that means you have them at 85% of joining. Getting them to fill out the application will get them to 90%. The last 10% is the 2 basic questions: –How much will it cost? Talk about cost for that night Talk about the popcorn sale, how it funds the unit & how boys can earn their entire way –How much time will it involve? Talk about Den Meetings and Pack Meetings Most requirements can be done at home, if needed. Point out the pack’s calendar of events Talk about how they don’t need to be at EVERY meeting; and we DON’T EXPECT them to. (unlike sports and other activities.) Just don’t sell the BSA as the Babysitters of America.
Night of Sign Up –TIPS (Continued): You should also review your unit’s Volunteer Needs. –Whether you have them or not, SET THE EXPECTATION THE FIRST NIGHT. –Main reason why people don’t volunteer…They weren’t asked. –Two Main Excuses/Resistance to volunteering: I don’t have the time. I don’t know what to do. –Keep it simple, make it fun!
Items to be Turned In Plan to meet with your local district executive the next day to turn in…. –Copy of Attendance Roster –Completed Applications Make sure to check for signatures! Before they leave. –ONE UNIT CHECK to handle registration fees. It is much easier for the council and local professionals to handle 100 checks as opposed to 500 checks / cash.
Year Round Recruitment Recruitment of youth is an ONGOING process. As we mentioned earlier 261 new Cub Scouts were recruited between the months of October – December. And this doesn’t include all the youth recruited in the Spring. WHEN IS A GOOD TIME TO JOIN SCOUTING?!? ANYTIME
Year Round Recruitment New families move in all the time. Family activity schedules change. HELP DISPELL THE MYTHS: –He can’t join because he wasn’t a Tiger….MYTH –He was a cub scout before, he can’t join again ….MYTH –He can’t join because, we didn’t join at the beginning of the school year ….MYTH –Any Others? WHEN IS A GOOD TIME TO JOIN SCOUTING?!? ANYTIME
Year Round Recruitment Spring Recruitment –Packs that hold a successful spring recruitment event: Have high retention of their scouts Have better summer programs Have better fall recruitments Results show that spring recruitments will NOT adversely affect fall recruitments. WHEN IS A GOOD TIME TO JOIN SCOUTING?!? ANYTIME
Year Round Recruitment We are not asking you to put together a special recruitment every month. We are just asking you to please work with us to promote the Quality Program which you already have scheduled, to prospective new scouting families so they too can receive the Values of Scouting!
Summary Every Scouting Leader’s responsibilities can be broken down to 3 simple tasks: –RECRUIT youth into Scouting. –RETAIN youth in Scouting. –PROMOTE the youth on to their next level. And all of this is done For Kids’ Sake.