Facts for March 1 March St David’s Day, Patron Saint of Wales National Emblem of Wales – Daffodil or Leek 2 March 1949 First non stop flight around the world was completed by Captain James Gallagher and a 13 man US Airforce crew. The flight took 94 hours and 1 min, covering 23,452 miles/37743km. The plane was a B-50 Bomber called Lucky Lady II. The plane was refuelled four times in the air.
Facts for March 2 March 1904 Theodore Seuss Geisel known as Dr Seuss, author and illustrator was born in Springfield Massachusetts. His most famous perhaps was ‘The Cat in the Hat’.
What’s on ?? Monday 3.00Chess Club P5 – 7 - GP Room Girls Football P6 & 7 – Infant Hall Tuesday 9.15P6 Guitar Group – GP Room E Football – Infant Hall S Football – Infant Hall 3.00Active Start P4 – Infant Hall 4.00Football Active Schools P League Football Coaching - Picky
What’s on ?? Wednesday AMP7 Bowls – Infant Hall 9.106M Rugby – AWP 9.556E Rugby - AWP 1.00P7 Piping Group GP Room Rangers Visit to 4S 3.00SUPA Club – GP Room P6 Netball – Infant Hall
What’s on ?? Thursday World Book Day 3.00Netball Nippers P1 – PE Hall 3.00P7 Netball - Infant Hall Friday 9.107M Rugby – AWP 9.557S Rugby – AWP E Rugby - AWP 12.00Pupil Council – GP Room 2
Eco Club Some of our Eco Action Targets have changed. These targets are now green. Our Environmental Review poster is up for everyone to see. Our results are now in for the Big Bird Watch We have done our Litter Survey and presented results One of our targets is to get every class to nominate an EM (Energy Monitor). The Eco Club did some designing and we joined a few great ideas to create one badge. Every class will nominate one person to wear the badge to remind them and others to help reduce their energy waste in class. Wear your badge with pride and let’s not waste energy we don’t have to.
Eco Club March 2 – 6 is Waste Week. Waste Week is not only about recycling, listen to these facts… - In the UK we bin 7.2million tonnes of food and drink from our home every year. - approximately £140 million worth of used clothing goes to landfill in the UK every year. More facts like these can be found next to our Eco Action board.
Eco Club On LAW Duty This Week 5E 2 LAW officers in each of the playground zones 1 LAW officer with Mr MacKinnon to litter pick at the front of the school
World Book Day Thursday 5 March Competition this year will be ‘Write a Cliff-hanger’ This can relate to the start/part/end of your story. Check with your class teacher for more details.
Games Parliament The Games Parliament representatives discussed the ‘Quiet Area’ and all the other activities that are there now. This included the stage, dressing up clothes, chimes, drums and trees to climb. There are also plans to add a chalk board, wooden paths across the top of the tree stumps and hammocks between the trees. With all this going on they felt that the ‘Quiet Area’ was not the best name for this area. Can you think of another name? If you have any suggestions please put them on a post-it note along with your name and class and leave at reception. All entries must be in Friday 13 March. Classes will then be asked to vote on the suggestions to choose the new name.
Games Parliament To try and make sure everyone has enough space to play in the morning before line up the All Weather Pitch will be open to all P5, 6 and 7’s from 8.45am to 8.55am for a trial period starting tomorrow morning (Tuesday 3 March). This means that the ball court will be for P1, 2, 3 and 4’s from 8.45am until line up time. If you have any playground games that you think lots of children would like to play then the Games Parliament would like to hear from you. If you have any suggestions please speak to your GP Representative or Mr Balfour. All suggestions will be discussed at the next Games Parliament meeting.
Well Done to …………. Sophie,Elsie May and Stella who took part in a dancing competition in Dounby this weekend. All our pupils who took part in a swimming gala on Thursday and Saturday. Their team the Dolphins came 3 rd.
Well Done to …………. Ella, Emma and Zara who played in the Orkney Under 13’s netball team on Saturday in Aberdeen. Orkney won 29 – 5. Danny who was involved in a Boys Brigade Sports Competition which was held on Sunday in Dounby.
Freya 7E