Stepping Into Web 2.0: Building New Learning Environments Panel Members Paulette Robinson, PhD—Intro and Virtual Worlds Nate Allen, PhD—Communities of Practice Mike Piller, PhD—The Wisdom of Clouds
2 What is Web 2.0? and… Why should education care?
3 Areas of Web 2.0 Shift Abstract Personal Areas of ShiftWeb 1.0Web 2.0 KnowledgeDatabasesCommunities Nate Allen TechnologyDesktopCloud Computing Mike Piller Presence2D3D Paulette Robinson
Virtual Worlds Paulette Robinson, PhD National Defense University “A global learning community for government’s most promising information leaders.”
5 What is a virtual world? 3-D Web environment influenced by: Early Virtual Reality Single player games with gaming consoles, joy sticks, etc. Multi-player online games (World of Warcraft) Easy Access through the web (e.g., Second Life) Collaborative Multiple forms of Communication Avatars Customize and personalize Transference Increasing fidelity (realistic) over web
6 Types of Virtual Worlds Over 100 virtual worlds in existence Most common in the government Second Life Forterra (built on Olive platform) Active Worlds Nexus (National Guard) Real World Qwaq (build on Open Source Croquet platform) RFI—NASA (new world on the horizon) RFP—Air Force MyBase
7 Areas of Virtual World Use 1.Information Delivery (e.g., NOAA, NASA, CDC) 2.Meetings (IRM College Government Center) 3.Education and Training 4.Prototyping (facilities) 5.Analytical spaces (individual and group)
8 IRM College Second Life Government Center Welcome Center Crisis Center Conference Center - 60 Meeting Rooms 25 Auditorium for 220 (in June 08)
9 Forterra Worlds
10 Active Worlds
11 Benefits of Virtual Worlds Collaboration from anywhere Teleworking Collaborative work projects Education and Training Synchronous Communication Text chat Voice Body movement 3-D representation of objects Avatar personalization Presence and Transference Can be fun
12 Challenges of Virtual Worlds Emerging Technology Learning Curve: Movement and actions are not intuitive Security Avatar level Network level Content Cost of development Ability to share content Worlds are not interoperable Identity Privacy
13 Air Force 2.0: The New Learning Organization Learner Centered Approach that Addresses Knowledge Management Continuous Learning (formal & informal) Precision Learning Enterprise-wide Technology ( Center/Portal —myBase (virtual world interface) Provide push and pull system Advanced knowledge management systems Internet and Mobile delivery Increased simulated and virtual technology Visualization technology
14 Questions???? Paulette Robinson Asst Dean for Teaching, Learning, and Technology Mike Piller Coordinator for Experiential Learning Nate Allen Military Faculty