POSC Regional SIG Seminar New Delhi, January 14, 2005
Introduction: POSC – Many Views Architecture Viewpoint –Internet Exchange (XML) Standards –E&P (Reference) Standards –Data Management Standards –Application Interoperability Standards Organizational Viewpoint –Cross-Industry –Exploration & Production –Petrotechnical –Strategic / Active Themes –Current Projects
Introduction: POSC – Many Views Event / Publication Viewpoint –To many, POSC is essentially its public and member events along with published materials, presentations, conferences Value / Usage Viewpoint –Intellectual Property Rights: acquisition, branding –Adoption / Incorporation by Oil Companies and Suppliers
POSC Standards in Products StandardService Co./Product(s)Notes WITSML V1.2Baker Hughes/RigLinkImplementation Landmark/RightTime/OpenWireImplementation Schlumberger/InterActImplementation Sense IntellifieldImplementation PetrolinkImplementation SDC Geologix/GEOImplementation Knowledge Systems Inc.Implementation E&P CatalogueFlare Solutions/E&P Catalogue (Landmark/CDS) Implementation WellHeaderMLCDA, BGS, DEAL, DTI/UK RepositoryImplementation PPDM WellHeaderProfile WellPathMLPPDM Directional SurveyProfile WellLogMLOilwareImplementation ChemicalMLDTI/PON 15 Permitting, UKOOA EEMS Reporting Implementation
POSC Standards in Products StandardService Co./Product(s)Notes PWLS V1/V2BakerHughes/RECALLImplementation Paradigm/GeologReference Landmark/PetroBankReference PPDM V3.7Supported RP66Many GeoshareMany Epicentre V2/V3Landmark/OpenWorks, PetroBank, CDSReference Schlumberger/Finder, GeoFrame, SeabedReference CGG/PetrovisionImplementation InteroperabilityOpenSpirit Corp.Baseline Shared Earth ModelSchlumberger/GeoFrameBaseline Reference Value Standards Many
POSC Special Interest Groups In general, SIGs are User Communities focused on a standard, a work process, or some other common interest. Current SIGs: –Data Store Solutions (DSS) SIG –WITSML (Drilling) SIG –Integrated Operations (IntOPS) SIG –Practical Well Log Standards (PWLS) SIG –Geoshare SIG –eRegulatory SIG Characteristics: –Open to POSC members and non-members –Determines, publishes, and promotes consensus recommendations
Special Interest Groups Industry Operations Agree, Publish, Promote, Demonstrate Consensus Requirements Product/Service Needs Strategic Analysis and Practical Work-arounds Product/Service Development and Implementation Special Interest Groups by Affinity Area Standards Requirements Standards Evolution Process(es)
N WITSML Requirements WITSML SIG WITSML Promotion SIGS and Standards Development (e.g., WITSML) POSC WITSML Spec Team Write specs Reviews by SIG members, industry: Fit for purpose? Publish (WITSML V1.3) Y WITSML V1.2 POSC, companies, others in using WITSML Requirements / Feedback Company n Using WITSML Requirements For Extension Special Project m Extending WITSML
Standards Procedures Purpose: credible consensus, technical competence, fitness for purpose Policies: –Recognize non-competitive boundaries as basis for collaboration –Keep current with changing circumstances –All those involved have the ability to contribute/participate –Widespread access and use encouraged (within IP policy)
Standards Procedure Stages of Development –Stage 0: Sources of New Ideas: industry, POSC members, and/or SIGs –Stage 1: Work Item Definition: conception, assessment, work plan development –Stage 2: Requirements Definition: SIGs or other expert team, optional Request for Comments or Proposals –Stage 3: Specification Development with optional Request for Technology; reviews by SIGs or other expert team; decision –Stage 4: Revision iteration; public review; decision –Stage 5: Provisional Standard Release per acceptance criteria; Industry Standard Release –Stage 6: Promote Use and Monitor Usage Feedback
POSC Standards & SIGs Std/SIGDSSWITSMLInt. Ops.PWLS eRegulatory Geoshare Data Exch - WITSML (drilling & arch.) - WITSML (other) Practical E&P - Ref Vals - Catalog - Well Log - Other Data Mgt - Epicentre - Geoshare App Interop
National Data Repository Conferences 2004 Highlights –The 5 th NDR Conference: Washington, DC Sept. Attendees [55 delegates from 15 countries]: –South Africa, Mexico, Canada, Netherlands, Nigeria, Norway, Tanzania, United Kingdom, United States, Angola, Columbia, Argentina, Mozambique, Malaysia, Russia Agreed to hold NDR conferences annually Proposal to organize as POSC NDR SIG –The 6 th NDR Conference is being planned for Q3 of 2005 in the Netherlands hosted by TNO.
eRegulatory SIG 2004 Highlights –Active US cooperation among federal agencies, state agencies, industry, and standards/industry organizations –Stage One Project POSC is supplying a WITSML-based solution for data transfer of batch submissions of permits for drilling California is incorporating this into a new online Web-based system Federal agency (BLM) is cooperating to pick up permit requests for wells on federal land –Stage Two Project Recently identified to focus on the state of Alaska –UK DTI Waiting for US results to put permit standard to use