Welcome to Team Dedication! Mr. Seibert: Math and Science Mrs. Phillips: Math and Social Studies Mrs. Pepper: Language Arts Mrs. Shaffer: Language Arts Mrs. Gorsegner: Learning Support Mrs. Wolfe: Learning Support Aide
Our first year together as a team…
What is Fifth Grade All About? Responsibility and Organization Materials (BINDER (5) and PENCIL) Homework Morning routine (copying homework) Accountability Taking ownership of what they do Understanding effects of their actions High Expectations We set them and expect them!
What is happening on Team Dedication??? Team Run: sneakers every day! Chorus: Holiday concert Twitter: @dedicationDAIS
Frequently Asked Questions SNACKS (healthy and clean) GUM (given by teachers only) WATER BOTTLES (YES!!!) MEDICATIONS (brought in by parents only)
Reading DRA (to determine reading level) Book Discussions Variety of Genres Nonfiction emphasis Resource Notebook Response Notebook Reading responses- Written/Literary Essays 6 day a week homework reading requirement -20 minutes/day -Book Whisper to begin reading class daily
Writing On Demand Writing Prompts Writing Process (prewrite, draft, revise, edit, publish) 3 Modes of Writing Craft of Writing Mode specific rubrics to assess Vocabulary-Affixes/ Strong Verbs (Binder LA folder) Grammar (day 1 with word work) Poetry Anthology Resource/Response Notebooks
Word Work (Spelling) • Will occur every Day 1 2 frequently misspelled words 3 no excuse words Weekly grammar review Quizzes every Day 1 1 Language Arts grade on report card
Place Value (whole #s and decimals) Math Place Value (whole #s and decimals) Multiplication and Division (whole #s) Decimals (+, -, x, ÷) Patterns Fractions (+, -, x, ÷) Measurement Geometry Algebra PROBLEM SOLVING!!!!
My Math Series Online access - Tutoring videos - Games - Textbook Math Facts!!!
Science Units of study in 5th grade: Scientific processes Life Science Earth Science Landforms-Foss Kit STEAM Students will complete a SCIENCE FAIR PROJECT in small groups Student lab days: two days per cycle
Social Studies Continents and Oceans Where we Live First Americans Explorers Colonial America Revolutionary War** A New Nation/Government Westward Expansion Civil War**
What to expect for HOMEWORK each night… Read 20 minutes (Mon – Friday + Sat/Sun) Math Worksheet/Workbook page (20 minutes) Study Science OR Social Studies notes (3 minutes) Study Word Work and Vocabulary (3 minutes each)
Homework Policy 50 minutes per night maximum, which includes 20 minutes of reading Effort is key. Please set aside a time and place for your child to complete their homework. It is important to let them know how important you think school is. Your attitude is contagious!
Homework Policy 1st = Warning and complete in HW Support 2nd = Highlight in Assignment Book and HW Support 3rd = Homework Support (Student will Call Home) 4th = Homework Support 5th = Homework Support (Student will Call Home) At the 5th missed HW…steps will be taken to help find a more effective solution *Starts fresh each marking period
Behavior Policy BIR = Behavior Incident Report Issues handled within team... (most are) Tangible reminder/reset button When issues are repetitive and severely disruptive to learning or severe, it must move to the next level and require more serious consequences... BIR = Behavior Incident Report Rewards each marking period for all students who went an entire marking period without any BIR’s BUS behavior = BIR *SWEBS rewards are EARNED each marking period. Missing the SWEBS reward is not the consequence of a BIR…the reward simply was not EARNED. The behavior will warrant a consequence at the time of the infraction (ie: lunch detention, recess detention, suspension, etc)
On Team Behavior Policy 1st Strike = warning 2nd Strike = BIG warning 3rd Strike = phone call home 4th Strike = involve others to develop a plan Verbal warnings are given for most behaviors before strikes are assigned. The goal is to help the children keep track of their own behaviors and progress to make positive changes. Incentives will be given!!! Kids start fresh each week!!
Marking Period Reward System Combining BEHAVIOR and RESPONSIBILITY to reward the “whole student.” If STRIKES + MISSED HOMEWORK ≤ predetermined number they will earn our reward! This expectation will increase each marking period.
Hand-Held Devices School is a great time for the students to work on their social skills. No cell phones ON at school; can be left off and in backpack Hand-held devices can be used at indoor recess and dismissal time only. Be sure their name is on EVERYTHING!!!
Specials Schedule All Team Dedication has gym on ODD days! Sneakers need to be worn EVERY day due to our team run.
Back to School: Tech News for DAIS 4th & 5th Grade
Chromebooks The new technology at DAIS
EASY online access & storage of student files Auto-save; no more “lost files” “My Drive” for student work “Shared with Me” allows teachers & students to share & work collaboratively on assignments
More information coming soon! for parents Save the Date: September 24, 2015 More information coming soon!
Web Browser Free Download: http://www.google.com/chrome/ (Personal Computer or Mobile Device) Username & Password to access Drive
What can YOU do to help? Get your volunteer clearances Don’t DO things for your child, but please help! Ensure a healthy breakfast Develop a solid morning/evening routine 10 to 11 hours of sleep! Get your child to school Keep our alliance
Important Dates to Know November 23rd and 24th: Parent-Teacher Conferences April 11th – May 6th: PSSA’s (NO excused absences will be approved)
Contact Us… www.dallastown.net Please feel free to call, email, or send a note in with any questions, comments and concerns. Please give us 24 hours to respond. Expect calls, notes and emails from us…they are not all bad!!! We communicate daily with one another. www.dallastown.net