2014 Summer Exams – Information Assembly VM0XCvKNP0
Study Leave - Year 9s and 10s – You do not have study leave. – Unless you have an exam or a scheduled revision session you will be in normal lessons. – In your lessons during the exam period you will be doing one of the following: Revising for your exam in that subject Revising for an exam in a different subject (e.g. once you have sat your exam in that subject). You need to bring revision materials to school each day to be able to do this. Working as normal in that subject – mainly for subjects you don’t have an exam in this year (e.g. Maths & English) Working on a cross curricular project (once you have completed your exams)
Study Leave – Year 11s – You are going to have a leaving assembly in the afternoon of Thursday 15 th May. – After being dismissed from this assembly your exam leave begins and you no longer need to attend normal lessons (i.e. from Friday 16 th May) – However, you must come in for the revision sessions I have listed on the letter going home to your parents.
Revision Sessions During the exam period we are running compulsory revision sessions, Students only need to attend sessions which are relevant to the exams they are taking this year. The majority of these sessions are just prior to the exam. For morning exams the sessions will start at 8:50am and run until 9:25am. For afternoon exams the sessions will start at 11:25am and run until 12:25pm. The students will then have an early lunch break before their exam. In addition to these sessions we are running some extended revision sessions for Science, Maths and English after half term.
Where do you sit? – You can find your seat number for each exam on your exam timetable – You can also look before the exam on the display board in Blue Dining Hall (next to Mrs Reynold’s or Mrs Russell’s office) – There will also be a display on the Sports Hall Doors before each exam
Exam Rules You must not talk or communicate in any way with another candidate from the moment you enter the exam hall to the moment you leave it. If you need anything during the exam, you should put up your hand to attract the invigilator’s attention. If the fire alarm goes off during your exam, you must stay where you are and wait for instructions from the invigilator. Only material listed on the question paper is allowed in the exam room. You must not have on or near you any other material. Check your pockets for things such as notes, books, papers, iPods and mobile phones. If you have any unauthorised items in your possession, you must hand them in to an invigilator now. Failure to do so may lead to disqualification. If you are using calculators, make sure that the lid, case, or cover of your calculator does not have printed formulas or instructions. Only see-through pencil cases are allowed in the exam room. If yours is not see-through, it should be put on the floor. You must use a black pen. You may use a pencil for drawings and rough notes. All rough work must be written in your answer book and crossed through. You must not use correcting pens, fluid or tape, or erasable pens. You must not use highlighters or gel pens in your answers. For exams with permitted books – Check that no notes or papers have been left inside any book you are allowed to have in the exam room. You must write in the designated sections of the answer booklet. You may bring a bottle of water but the bottle cannot have a label on it.
Lunch and Break Times Lunch Time: – If you have an afternoon exam you will have an early lunch. – You will have a revision session between 11:25 and 12:25. – You will then have lunch break 12:25-1:05. – You will then need to get to the Sports Hall for your exam Break Time: – If you have a morning exam you will return to the normal school day after this exam. – However, some exams may go over break. If this is the case you can have a short break in the Blue Dining Hall after your exam before returning to normal lessons.
Languages, Listening and Reading Exams French – Monday 12 th PM Spanish – Wednesday 14 th PM Higher Paper – Reading First in Sports Hall – Listening Second in Brown Dining Hall Foundation Paper – Listening First in Brown Dining Hall – Reading Second in Sports Hall The changeover between exams is complicated but you don’t need to worry about that. You just need to follow instructions on the day and concentrate on your exams.
If after today’s assembly you still have any questions you should speak to one of the following people: – Your relevant student support officer – The exams team – Your tutor – One of your subject teachers – Your head of year – Me