ITSVA Association ITSA State Chapter Council 2008 Strengthening Workshop
Before Association Management Volunteer led Volunteer burnout Focus on: – Hotel selection – meals and room layout, logistics for speakers – Production of meeting material – Accounting – Bi-laws documentation – Mailings
After Association Management Board led Legacy established Focus on: – ITS trends – New outreach initiatives – Member benefits – Annual meeting agenda – Legislative issues
3. Strong and Engaging Chapter Governance (1a) Chapter has an active board representing the range of ITS stakeholders in its jurisdiction, driven by clear updated by-laws, and standing committees to serve the membership. The Board of Directors for ITS Virginia is comprised of both public and private sector members. Committees: Membership, Legislative Reception, Annual Conference, Newsletter, Nominating and Special Projects (for 2007 this was VII; for 2008 this was the Tri-Chapter Meeting) Bylaws: While ITS Virginia has been in existence since 1997, Easter Associates began managing the Association in June The current Bylaws have undergone several changes since 2000 with the most recent taking place in February 2008.
Chapter’s effective governance is captured by membership numbers representative of the local ITS Community, a solid financial position, and widespread participation of chapter members in governance, financial support, program development, and administration of chapter activities. At present, there are a total of 75 dues paying members. ITS Virginia dues provide each member organization a total up to 15 members in their company to receive membership benefits. Total of 310 members who receive all correspondence from the Association. VDOT provides significant contribution to the overall annual budget. The Board of Directors of the Association meets quarterly as well as annually at a Board Retreat. A Board Member chairs all of the Association’s committees and the President-Elect is the chairperson of the Annual Conference & Exhibition Committee. 3. Strong and Engaging Chapter Governance (1a)
Chapter interacts regularly with and engages ITS America and other ITS America chapters, as appropriate to share information, participate in joint initiatives, and further the overall mission of the ITS Community to promote and achieve national, interoperable deployment of ITS. ITSVA has participated by sending a State Chapter representative to the State Chapter Council; this representative has served a Vice Chair for 2 years on the Council. ITSVA has supported its neighboring states by sharing exchange on event notification and annual meeting announcements. ITSVA, working in partnership with ITSMD helped to initiate the ITSPA Chapter. Since this effort occurred, the three chapters have participated annually in a Tri-Chapter event. The agendas of the Tri-chapter promote interoperability and information sharing on joint initiatives. ITSVA continually reaches out to neighboring states. 3. Strong and Engaging Chapter Governance (1a)
Fiscal Year Intelligent Transportation Systems of Virginia Statement of Activities For the Period Ending June 30, 2008 Budget Revenue Dues - Members 32, Winter Meeting 6, Annual Meeting 64, Advertising 2, Interest Other Income 30, Total Revenue 135, Expenses Printing 4, Postage & Freight 1, Telephone 1, Winter Meeting 6, Annual Meeting 30, Board Meetings 3, Professional Fees 1, Insurance 2, Dues & Publications Travel 2, Management Admin. Services 71, Web Site / Public Relations 1, Web Site - Merchant Fees Miscellaneous Total Expenses 127, Net Revenue over Expenses 8,029.00
Chapter Management Moving forward – Volunteer support – Association management – Other options? ITSA can help as champions – Information share (today) – Training – Chapter management options?
Thank you Mike Harris