Today’s middle and high school students learn much differently
1990’s students lived in a rapidly changing technology society
Now there are phones and Internet
iGeners are growing up with portable technology
From birth the iGeners grow up using mobile ttechnology
Rosen expects teenagers will desire for indivdualized education tools
Jody Steinberg designed Adapster
Adapster is a Diagnostic test to determine are of study
Adapster is in iphones and ipods
Currently working in online Adapster
Instead of books students pull out ipods and do problems
Rosen agrees iGeners are constanly connected to mobile devises
iGeners don’t look at technology as a tool
Technology is though of as an expectation to iGeners
Using technology is an effective learning experience Rosenburg thinks
Engagement is a key to connecting with today’s students thinks
Andy Petroski believes engaging engaging students will educate them better
Petroski believes designing multidimensional lessons is a much need in k-12
Petroski believes in group work
Standford students believe multitasking is healthy
Adapster is an SAT math study tool