CISN Outreach: Transferring Real-Time Information Products to Users A Report to the CISN Steering and Advisory Committees Jim Goltz Earthquake and Tsunami Program Manager Governor’s Office of Emergency Services Caltech, September 27, 2007
CISN Outreach Working Group Susan Garcia, USGS Menlo Park Peggy Hellweg, UC Berkeley Seismo Lab, Co-Chair Jim Goltz, CA Office of Emergency Services, Co-Chair Hamid Haddadi, CA Geological Survey Nick Scheckel, Caltech Seismo Lab Tony Shakal, CA Geological Survey Erik Pounders, USGS Pasadena Margaret Vinci, Caltech Office of Earthquake Programs Loren Turner, Caltrans (Advisory Committee Liaison)
Outreach Mission To identify, develop, promote and disseminate information about earthquake products and new technologies produced by the California Integrated Seismic Network (CISN)
Outreach Objectives Identify CISN products that have implications for public safety or increasing earthquake awareness and understanding Develop mechanisms for information and technology transfer to specific target audiences Present new real-time information and technologies in formats that can be readily assimilated by users Target critical users for CISN products and work with them to facilitate use Obtain feedback from targeted users regarding utilization and recommendations for improvement in CISN products Coordinate outreach efforts among the CISN member institutions and the Advanced National Seismic System
Changes at OES As of January 2007, OES Earthquake and Tsunami Program became a statewide program in the Response and Recovery Division Consists of a manager and two professional staff CISN remains a central component of the program Will seek to assure ongoing funding for CISN Will seek increased funding through legislation, bonds or other available means
CISN Products CISN Display ShakeMap ShakeMap/HAZUS Interface Earthquake Notification Special Reports on Significant Earthquakes Strong Motion Data and Quick Reports Websites: and
Current and Planned Outreach Activities CISN Display
Introduced as Version 1.0 in January 2005, the CISN Display is: An earthquake notification system that: – Replaces CUBE and REDI displays – Is a web-based application that is platform independent – It is a gateway to many real-time information products – Is quick, reliable, flexible and secure Provides magnitude and location, access to ShakeMap, strong motion records, tsunami warnings, situation reports and other information in one application Introduced Version 1.4 on August 17, 2007
Recent Upgrades V1.3 & 1.4 Day/Night layer Kiosk Mode Minor “de- bugging” Tsunami Information Bulletins Improved Map layers Addressed firewall issues
Reports of Events Worldwide
Focus on a Region
Link to Basic Event Information
Link to ShakeMap
Receive Tsunami Information Bulletins
A Look at CISN Display Users By Primary Classification Utility & Lifeline Operators62/13.9% Emergency Management 221/49.6 News Media 24/5.4 Scientists/Network Operators78/17.5 Other61/13.7 TOTAL446/100
CISN Display: 2007 Activities Continued dissemination of CISN Display Via: – Workshops and one-on-one demonstrations – CSTI lectures in popular earthquake course – Distribution of ShakeMap & CISN brochure – Exhibitions at conferences and public events – CISN Display prominently featured in tsunami workshops and exercises – Caltech Earthquake Affiliates meetings and demos
Current and Planned Outreach Activities ShakeMap/HAZUS
ShakeMap One of TriNet’s first products First map produced Displays the distribution of ground shaking Shows intensity, velocity, acceleration Maps available on the Internet Very rapid availability, within 5 minutes Maps generated for events M3.5 Can be used to generate scenarios
ShakeMap for Large Event: Hector Mine Earthquake of , M7.1
ShakeMap for Small Event, Near Chatsworth, , M4.6
ShakeMap-Based Earthquake Exercise Scenarios Introduces ShakeMap to responders Provides accurate and realistic scenario Can be coupled with HAZUS loss estimates Available for exercises It’s a free service of CISN Outreach
Advantages in Using ShakeMap/Loss Estimation Scenario portrays accurate magnitude and ground motion parameters Map is closely coordinated with loss estimation methodology Makes sense to use same technologies for exercise as for actual event Technologies will be better integrated with procedures and protocols
ShakeMap/HAZUS Scenarios 2007 County of Los Angeles County of Orange Los Angeles County Hospital District City of Anaheim City of Azusa City of Claremont City of Monrovia
Scenario for City of Azusa Wanted scenario for large magnitude event Exercise in November 2007 to examine response readiness – Impacts on population – Probable damage and $ losses – Casualty estimates – Impact on critical facilities Decided to use M7.1 on Puente Hills fault
ShakeMap for Scenario Earthquake
Loss Estimation Outputs Shaking intensity Casualties (Deaths and Injuries) Displaced households Number of persons requiring shelter Building damage/losses Lifeline damage/losses Debris generated
Summary of HAZUS Estimated Losses for the Region Total $ Losses (B) $79 Displaced 123,846* – Need Shelter 106,650** Deaths 5,760 Injuries 89,824 Debris Generated (mt) 52m Bldg Dam (Res) 104,321 Bldg Dam (Com) 12,192 * Households ** Individuals
Summary of HAZUS Estimated Losses to the City of Azusa (pop. 42,000) Total $ Losses (m) Total Displaced 180* Need Shelter 51 ** Deaths 7 Injuries 139 Building Damage (Res) 259 Building Damage (Com) 33 * Households ** Individuals
Regional Shaking Intensities
Intensities in Azusa
Regional Casualties, 2:00 PM
Casualties in Azusa
Displaced Households
Displaced Households in Azusa
Current and Planned Outreach Activities Website:
Hazard Awareness “Web Portal”
Hazard Mitigation Awareness Map as an Outreach Tool The website is our public face and a basic tool for outreach. It: – Highlights our multi-organizational cooperation – Is a gateway to EQ info from many sources – It places California in the context of ANSS – Provides an avenue for raising awareness of new real-time products (Need more direct route to CISN Display registration) – Is a vehicle for product and outreach performance evaluation Features “My CISN” giving users the opportunity to customize the website to maximize it’s utility
Homepage of
Special Event Page
Current and Planned Outreach Activities Near Real-Time Strong Motion Information
Rapidly Available Strong Motion Information CGS administers CSMIP with over 1000 stations, 700 ground response, 180 in buildings, 25 dams and 70 bridges Online access to 22 station geotechnical array Real-Time telemetry for strong motion instruments is a recent development and ongoing Essential for a robust ShakeMap Near real-time information from instrumented buildings basis for rapid damage assessment CGS has developed a building motion animation/visualization soon to be available Engineering community can learn much about damage from strong motion data (e.g. improve building codes, earthquake resistant design)
CSMIP Seminars
Internet Quick Reports
National Center for Engineering Strong Motion data
Current and Planned Outreach Activities Presentations, Materials, Electronic Media and Expos
Materials Developed and distributed brochure for CISN at workshops, lectures, conferences and expos CGS has completed a new brochure on use of information from CSMIP Still debating how best to promote use of ShakeMap for news reporting of EQ’s ATC 54 Guidelines are now available CISN has been the subject of many posters displayed at professional meetings/conferences
Presentations OES lectures at CSTI in the Earthquake Course Tsunami Planning Workshops have provided opportunity to promote use of CISN Display USGS public lecture series, news interviews, many other forums CGS Strong Motion Utilization Seminars Caltech Earthquake Research Affiliates, info on southern CA EQ’s UC Berkeley participation in many conferences, info on northern CA EQ’s
Electronic Media Paged earthquake information from CISN ShakeMap shapefiles for GIS applications ShakeCast translation of ground motion to damage estimates Linkage of real-time earthquake information and HAZUS loss estimation Web-based and web-enabled data through CISN Display and websites
Expos, Exercises and Public Events All CISN affiliated organizations participate CGS has “make-a-quake” demonstration Displays that feature CISN products Posters at meeting attended by various target audiences Hayward and Southern San Andreas commemorative activities
Some Promising New Products NetQuake – Deployment of inexpensive strong motion instruments hosted by members of the public PAGER – Stands for Prompt Assessment of Global Earthquakes for Response. Provides population exposure by intensity of ground shaking IQR Interactive map – Allows users to view strong motion stations and data using Google Map features OES Hazard Mitigation Awareness Map – Users may enter address and learn about local hazards as well as strategies for hazard reduction
Some Possible Next Steps Should carry out some upgrades to Should conduct a survey to assess user satisfaction with CISN Display Take advantage of commemorative activities to promote products Refocus the strategy for transfer of CISN Display (survey could help)