Title of the slide Second line of the slide LSIS REGIONAL RESPONSE FUND BUILDING LEARNER PROGRESSION AoC London working with Linking London
Title of the slide Second line of the slide SYNOPSIS New Challenges New Chances set out FE’s particular role in delivering distinctive, vocational higher education and progression. This Project aims to develop and promote the identity and value of London Higher Vocational Education through: 1.Increased progression from Level 3 to higher levels 2.Promotion of part-time, alternative pathways 3.Locally relevant provision critical to the London Economy
Title of the slide Second line of the slide AIMS and OUTCOMES 1.To provide evidence on existing patterns of progression from FE into HE 2.To identify gaps in key sectors which are critical to London’s economy (eg: financial services, STEM, digital media) 3.To promote alternative vocational pathways on offer in London
Title of the slide Second line of the slide BENEFITS and IMPACT Increased information about a part-time experience for prospective students and employers Increased information on specific growth sectors – linked to the labour market Promotion of part-time study as a career entry option Expansion of course options to reflect London growth sectors
Title of the slide Second line of the slide BENEFITS and IMPACT Enhanced information about a distinctive College HE experience – strong vocational, part-time, and flexible Increased access to alternative vocational pathways on offer in London Sector specific materials for prospective students, employers and staff
Title of the slide Second line of the slide METHODOLOGY and TIMELINE ActivityDates/Timescale FE vocational and apprenticeship progression contribute to pan London Research report Jan 2012-April 2013 Research to be completed by April 2013 Focus group researchJan 2012-May 2013 To be completed by end of May 2013 London’s Economy: analysis of pathways in key sectors Jan early May 2013 Analysis completed by early May 2013 Recommendations on course development and transition pathways in key sectors Jan end of May 2013 Summary produced by end of May 2013 Design and production of materialsJanuary-June 2013 Materials developed using research and report completed by June 2013 Dissemination and promotional event for wider partners Mid July 2013
Title of the slide Second line of the slide Project Monitoring, Evaluation and Dissemination: a Collaborative Approach AoC London Regional Committee AoC London/Linking London Joint Task Group Our partners: Project Progression Advisory Group AoC and Linking London networks, fora & briefings London partners: networks and connections Keynote dissemination event July 2013
Title of the slide Second line of the slide Questions