2015 Loaned Executive Orientation NORCAL Region
Welcome 2 Barbara Barfield, Executive Director Principal Combined Fund Organization
Orientation Overview Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Introductions Charity Impact CFC Overview, Mechanics & Results OPM Update Norcal CFC Loaned Executive Program: Leadership, Role & Responsibilities Campaign Timeline Campaign Team Roles Campaign Resources
Principal Combined Funding Organization (PCFO) Regional Fundraising Support Team Introductions 4 Angela Cleo Smith Hub Director San Francisco & surrounding areas Dee Sutton Hub Director East Bay/South Bay Antoinette “Toni” Taylor Project Director, Clarence Benjamin Hub Director Sacramento/Central Valley
Principal Combined Funding Organization (PCFO) Administrative Support Team Introductions 5 Doug Bannick Chief Financial Officer (650) Irma Jones Operations Manager Barbara Barfield Executive Director (719) Jen Weems Online Giving Support Manager
Survival Game Campaign Theme Theme Word Collage Theme Impact Vision Statement Charity Impact Thank you for partnering with the CFC!
Where do we start? Create the Culture Make the Connection 2015 Campaign Theme Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 7
Campaign Theme Impact Words Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 8 Impact words for “Be a Change Maker” ________ ____
Campaign Theme Word Collage Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 9 Impact words for My Story” Humanity Neighborliness Outreach Survival Drug Addiction Loneliness Hunger Empowerment Suicide Pain Sickness Homeless Compassion Safety Empathy Concern Hope Improvement Giver Generosity Benevolent kindness goodwill Helpful Sup port Caring Bigheartedness provision inspiring
“Be a Change Maker” - “Be A Change Maker” Vision Statement Thank you for partnering with the CFC!
The Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) is the annual fund-raising drive conducted by Federal employees in their workplace each fall. Only authorized solicitation on federal premises OPM provides regulations, oversight and guidance Strict charity eligibility standards One campaign – once per year Designation campaign – feds select the charity of their choice CFC Overview Thank you for partnering with the CFC!
Choice – Employees designate to the charity than means the most to them Convenience – Most agencies provide electronic pledging through payroll deduction which make larger gifts possible Confidence - OPM and LFCC oversight; annual independent audit; random OIG audits 3 Cs of CFC Thank you for partnering with the CFC!
CFC Structure Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Key Workers 1 per every 25 Executive Committee Federal Agency Heads & Military Senior Commanders LFCC Regional Federal Agency and Military Reps Charitable Organizations PCFO Regional Director Ms. Barbara Barfield Hub Directors Dee Sutton Clarence Benjamin Angela Cleo Smith Project Director Antoinette “Toni” Taylor Agency Coordinators & Installation Project Officers Department/Unit Project Officers OPM
Charity Structure Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Fed Members LocalNationalInternational Online Universal Giving IndependentsFederations Independents Fed Members
5 CFR CFR 950 OPM Directives OPM Directives B , Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission--Refreshments for a Combined Federal Campaign Event, July 11, CFC Guidance (Memoranda) CFC Guidance (Memoranda) DoD Directives DoD Directives DoD Directive DoD Directive Air Force Regulations (AF ) Army Regulations (AR600-29) Guidance from Specific Agencies Ethics Officer General Council CFC Regulations Thank you for partnering with the CFC!
100% Awareness 100% Opportunity 100% Follow Up No Coercion No PII Breaches CFC Rules Thank you for partnering with the CFC!
Feb – June: Charity applications; Strategic Planning, Campaign Theme Selection; Select Gifts; July – Aug: Approve Gifts; Installation Campaign Plans; Plan Events, Approve Campaign Materials; Agency & Installation Team Recruitment; Campaign & Solicitation training Sept – Dec: Support Campaign Team; Promotional Events; Campaign Solicitation; Collection/Reconciliation/Campaign Reports; Event Evaluations; Pledge Processing; Donor Follow–Up; Gift Track & Distribution Jan – Mar: Data Processing; Campaign Reconciliation Campaign Hot wash; Mar – Sept : Charity Reports; OPM reports; Distributions; Compliance Audit; Financial Audit CFC Campaign Cycle Thank you for partnering with the CFC!
$193,206, $209,633, -7.8% - Decline in contributions Retirements Furlough Threats 14.1% - Participation $ Per Capita Gift $ Average Gift 2014 CFC Results: 18 Thank you for partnering with the CFC!
Average gift continues to increase while participation continues to decrease Baby Boomers Retiring – transitioning demographics Decreasing Volunteer Base - Downsizing government personnel/more contracting PII Security Issue & Processing Inefficiency – Traditional paper pledges Inefficiency – Local campaign geographic boundaries Ineffective – Lack of immediate donor feedback CFC Trends & Challenges Thank you for partnering with the CFC!
OPM Update 20 New Regulations Effective 2017 Address the trends & Challenges Bring the CFC into the 21 st Century Online Campaign Moving towards 100% online giving within four years Immediate Disaster Relief New employees can give w/in 30 days of being hired Lengthened Solicitation Period Regulated Campaign solicitation period 1 Sept - 15 Jan. Regions can pick a time period within these start and finish dates. Immediate Charity Acknowledgement of Contribution
OPM Update 21 Charity Auto Response Element (C.A.R.E.) Pilot Improve Donor / Charity relations; Direct link to charity Objective - to enhance the donor experience by giving them immediate feedback regarding their donation Provides instantaneous, after-pledge feedback from charities to contributors while protecting the contributor’s anonymity Feedback has two elements: Thank you message Information on what the charity plans to accomplish with contributor support Pledge Immediate Feedback Positive Feeling Stronger Connection to Charity
OPM Update 22 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! CFC Zones
Campaign Region Identifier: 0106 40 Counties: AlamedaHumboldt PlacerSiskiyou AlpineLake PlumasSolano AmadorLassen SacramentoSonoma Butte Marin San BenitoStanislaus CalaverasMariposa San FranciscoSutter ColusaMendocino San JoaquinTehama Contra CostaMerced San MateoTrinity Del NorteModoc Santa ClaraTuolumne El DoradoNapa ShastaYolo GlennNevada SierraYuba Approximately 100,000 Federal Employees & Military Personnel Nationally Recognized for Innovation Award Norcal CFC Overview Thank you for partnering with the CFC!
24 Norcal 2014 CFC Results Total: $3,125,239 Universal: $138, %
Norcal 2014 CFC Results 25 Thank you for partnering with the CFC!
Norcal 2014 CFC Results 26 Thank you for partnering with the CFC!
Norcal 2014 CFC Results 27 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! NorCal $138, %
2014 CFC Results Comparisons 28 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 2014 Participating Campaigns % Part CFC of the National Capital Area19.9$49,162,422$51,221, Overseas CFC18.1$8,237,086$10,978, Chesapeake Bay Area CFC9.4$6,200,045$6,649, Hawaii- Pacific Area CFC22.9$4,560,046$5,068, Greater Atlanta - Athens CFC23.1$4,019,000$3,913, SoCal CFC8.5$4,012,351$4,736, CFC of Greater SoCal14.9$3,915,008$4,340, South Hampton Roads CFC16.8$3,501,945$3,968, San Antonio Area CFC15.6$3,365,838$4,062, CFC Norcal10.2$3,125,242$3,147,469 CALIFORNIA 0095Central California CFC12.4$968,490$722, CFC of Greater SoCal14.9$3,915,008$4,340, SoCal CFC8.5$4,012,351$4,736, CFC Norcal10.2$3,125,242$3,147, Kings-Tulare Counties CFC10.5$139,743$170, Monterey-Santa Cruz Counties11.2$317,552$445,353
Virtually Connect Personnel to CFC Charity Causes Engage Newer Personnel & Young Federal Employees Team Development/Training Norcal Focus: Campaign Engagement Thank you for partnering with the CFC!
Norcal Strategic Plan 30 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! To educate donors on the impact, benefit and effectiveness of their contribution through the CFC (increase donor awareness) To integrate workplace and personal core values into campaign (“service before self,” “leaving a legacy”.) To develop a working campaign theme that employees can relate to and identify with To increase participation by attracting/cultivating new donors Develop younger donor engagement To increase donations To enhance the giving experience To link donors and human health & welfare program recipients
Norcal Strategic Challenge 31 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Online Giving Follow Up Maintain Campaign Momentum Maintain Donor Confidentiality Campaign Activity Reporting
Loaned Executive Program: The Loaned Executive program was initiated in 1971 by Presidential Order. A Loaned Executive is a Federal Employee that is "loaned" by their agency to work on the CFC. The Loaned Executive is usually relieved of all work duties for the period they are working on the CFC. The role of a Loaned Executive is to conduct all solicitations among the federal employees in a campaign area. They are usually trained by the PCFO and work out of the PCFO during the campaign period. CFC Loaned Executive Program Thank you for partnering with the CFC!
ECQ’s ECQ 1: Leading Change ECQ 2: Leading People ECQ 3: Results Driven ECQ 4: Business Acumen ECQ 5: Building Coalitions CFC Integration of Executive Core Qualifications (ECQ’s) Thank you for partnering with the CFC!
ECQ 1: Leading Change This core qualification involves the ability to bring about strategic change, both within and outside the organization, to meet organizational goals. Inherent to this ECQ is the ability to establish an organizational vision and to implement it in a continuously changing environment.. CFC Integration of Executive Core Qualifications (ECQ’s) Thank you for partnering with the CFC!
ECQ 1: Leading Change Creativity and Innovation - Develops new insights into situations; questions conventional approaches; encourages new ideas and innovations; designs and implements new or cutting edge programs/processes. External Awareness - Understands and keeps up-to-date on local, national, and international policies and trends that affect the organization and shape stakeholders' views; is aware of the organization's impact on the external environment. Flexibility - Is open to change and new information; rapidly adapts to new information, changing conditions, or unexpected obstacles. Resilience - Deals effectively with pressure; remains optimistic and persistent, even under adversity. Recovers quickly from setbacks. Strategic Thinking - Formulates objectives and priorities, and implements plans consistent with the long-term interests of the organization in a global environment. Capitalizes on opportunities and manages risks. Vision - Takes a long-term view and builds a shared vision with others; acts as a catalyst for organizational change. Influences others to translate vision into action. CFC Integration of Executive Core Qualifications (ECQ’s)
ECQ 2: Leading People This core qualification involves the ability to lead people toward meeting the organization's vision, mission, and goals. Inherent to this ECQ is the ability to provide an inclusive workplace that fosters the development of others, facilitates cooperation and teamwork, and supports constructive resolution of conflicts. CFC Integration of Executive Core Qualifications (ECQ’s) Thank you for partnering with the CFC!
ECQ 2: Leading People - Conflict Management - Encourages creative tension and differences of opinions. Anticipates and takes steps to prevent counter-productive confrontations. Manages and resolves conflicts and disagreements in a constructive manner. Leveraging Diversity - Fosters an inclusive workplace where diversity and individual differences are valued and leveraged to achieve the vision and mission of the organization. Developing Others - Develops the ability of others to perform and contribute to the organization by providing ongoing feedback and by providing opportunities to learn through formal and informal methods. Team Building - Inspires and fosters team commitment, spirit, pride, and trust. Facilitates cooperation and motivates team members to accomplish group goals. CFC Integration of Executive Core Qualifications (ECQ’s) Thank you for partnering with the CFC!
ECQ 3: Results Driven This core qualification involves the ability to meet organizational goals and customer expectations. Inherent to this ECQ is the ability to make decisions that produce high-quality results by applying technical knowledge, analyzing problems, and calculating risks. CFC Integration of Executive Core Qualifications (ECQ’s) Thank you for partnering with the CFC!
ECQ 3: Results Driven Accountability - Holds self and others accountable for measurable high- quality, timely, and cost-effective results. Determines objectives, sets priorities, and delegates work. Accepts responsibility for mistakes. Complies with established control systems and rules. Customer Service - Anticipates and meets the needs of both internal and external customers. Delivers high-quality products and services; is committed to continuous improvement. Decisiveness - Makes well-informed, effective, and timely decisions, even when data are limited or solutions produce unpleasant consequences; perceives the impact and implications of decisions. Problem Solving - Identifies and analyzes problems; weighs relevance and accuracy of information; generates and evaluates alternative solutions; makes recommendations. Technical Credibility - Understands and appropriately applies principles, procedures, requirements, regulations, and policies related to specialized expertise. CFC Integration of Executive Core Qualifications (ECQ’s)
ECQ 4: Business Acumen This core qualification involves the ability to manage human, financial, and information resources strategically. CFC Integration of Executive Core Qualifications (ECQ’s) Thank you for partnering with the CFC!
ECQ 4: Business Acumen Financial Management - Understands the organization's financial processes. Prepares, justifies, and administers the program budget. Oversees procurement and contracting to achieve desired results. Monitors expenditures and uses cost-benefit thinking to set priorities. Human Capital Management - Builds and manages workforce based on organizational goals, budget considerations, and staffing needs. Ensures that employees are appropriately recruited, selected, appraised, and rewarded; takes action to address performance problems. Manages a multi-sector workforce and a variety of work situations. Technology Management - Keeps up-to-date on technological developments. Makes effective use of technology to achieve results. Ensures access to and security of technology systems. CFC Integration of Executive Core Qualifications (ECQ’s)
ECQ 5 : Building Coalitions This core qualification involves the ability to build coalitions internally and with other Federal agencies, State and local governments, nonprofit and private sector organizations, foreign governments, or international organizations to achieve common goals. CFC Integration of Executive Core Qualifications (ECQ’s)
ECQ 5: Building Coalitions Partnering - Develops networks and builds alliances; collaborates across boundaries to build strategic relationships and achieve common goals. Political Savvy - Identifies the internal and external politics that impact the work of the organization. Perceives organizational and political reality and acts accordingly. Influencing/Negotiating - Persuades others; builds consensus through give and take; gains cooperation from others to obtain information and accomplish goals. CFC Integration of Executive Core Qualifications (ECQ’s) Thank you for partnering with the CFC!
Loaned Executive Role Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Team Leader! Inspire Team Motivate Team Plan, Prepare & Oversee Implementation of Campaign Activities Campaign Communicator Pledge Manager
Meet ECQs - Apply Covey’s 8th Habit Loaned Executive Leadership 45 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Stephen Covey: “When you engage in work that taps your talent and fuels your passion—that rises out of a great need in the world that you feel drawn by conscience to meet—therein lies your voice, your calling, your soul’s code.”
“Find your Voice…” The 8th Habit Applied 46 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! The 8 th Habit Stephen R. Covey
…“And inspire others to find theirs” The 8th Habit Applied 47 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! The 8 th Habit Stephen R. Covey The leadership challenge
The 8 th Habit Homework Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 48 Read the following chapters: Chapters 1,2, & 3 The Pain The Problem The Solution Chapters 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14 Discussion What spoke to you the most? How might these leadership principles be effective in your campaign leadership?
Confirm Recruitment of the Agency Coordinators/Chairs Create the Campaign Plan for designated Federal Agencies Materials Packing & Distribution Solicitation Leadership & Follow Up Kick Off Events Mid Campaign Blitz Final Campaign Blitz Pledge Collection, Reconciliation & Reporting Campaign Reporting Overall Campaign Activities Pledge & Giving Activities Campaign Follow Up Loaned Executive Activities Overview Thank you for partnering with the CFC!
Loaned Executive Responsibilities 50 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 2015 Campaign Activities Outline (3 Ps) Planning – Today – Early Sept (two weeks) Campaign team recruitment Goal Setting Activities/Events Kick-off Presentations Preparation – Mid Sept (Two Weeks) Meet with team Coordinator & Keyworker Training Determine activities to support campaign Set internal reporting schedule Promote & Execution – Oct – Dec 15
LE Activities/Responsibilities Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Determine the best approach & campaign plan for achieving overall regional goals: To connect people to people To connect people to their values To connect people to their beliefs To make a difference To produce passion To feel good about accomplishments LE Campaign Planning:
Integrate workplace core values into campaign Air Force Example: “Service Before Self”; honor; valor; Integrate personal core beliefs into campaign Covey Example: Life’s Purpose; Leaving a Legacy To increase participation To attract/cultivate new donors Young/New Feds To enhance the giving experience To emphasize choice/designated giving To link donors to human health & welfare programs To run a quick and effective campaign LE Activities/Responsibilities
Thank you for partnering with the CFC! LE Campaign Planning: Best Practices Plan Agency Activities/Events Kick-off Fair Charity Speakers at a Group Presentation Chili Cook-offs Bake Sales Penny Wars Your Ideas? LE Activities/Responsibilities
LE Campaign Preparation: Present Approach for Achieving Goals Work with ECCs to develop a campaign plan Covey Approach - Develop campaign strategies within the agencies to enhance the campaign achievements Request Agency Head support LE Activities/Responsibilities
LE Campaign Preparation: Materials Packing Work with Hub Director to schedule packing support Work with Hub Director to determine distribution plan Ensure all materials received by ECCs Ensure all materials distributed in designated agencies/offices Carry extra supplies LE Activities/Responsibilities
LE Campaign Preparation: Event Kick-off/Activity Work with PCFO Hub Directors Confirm Logistics – set up/ break down Secure Charity Involvement – work with PCFO Hub Directors Charity Fair Charity Speaker Fun Element – set up/ break down Recruit Event Volunteers Confirm Employee Testimonial Request Agency Head/Dept Head to speak Promote On-line Giving Materials Distribution LE Activities/Responsibilities
LE Campaign Preparation: Confirm ECC participation in training Confirm Keyworker participation in training Training make up follow up Materials Distribution at training or following training One-on-One ECC follow up for campaign readiness Kick off date set Promotion follow through Event support LE Activities/Responsibilities
LE Campaign Promotion: Promote Kick Off Event E-Blasts Flyers Posters Kiosks Agency Head Announcements (staff meetings etc) LE Activities/Responsibilities
LE Campaign Implementation: Solicitation Events Activities Fundraisers Group Presentations Keyworker follow up LE Activities/Responsibilities
LE Campaign Implementation: Collections Ledger Reconciliation Turn-In Thank You Gift Distribution LE Activities/Responsibilities
Campaign Timeline Overview Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Timeline Synopsis Aug PREPARE NovOct Sept Dec RUN CAMPAIGNREPORT LE Campaign Training Begin Solicitation 10/01/15 Prepare Campaigns Mid Campaign Blitz 11/17/15 Final Pledge Forms to Payroll Offices Official End of Campaign 12/15/15 Thank Yous! Campaign Events Jan Donor Follow-Up Campaign ECC/KW Training Team Recruitment
Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Aug – September Planning & Preparation Team Building & Training Materials Packing – boxing completed ASAP Materials - boxed according to personnel strength Posters & Post It Notes Brochures & Pledge forms (Also available in PDF format on website) Recognition Coins – Initial distribution with box Materials Distribution Campaign Timeline Detail
Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Oct– Dec Promote Campaign Posters & Post It Notes - hung Blasts - weekly Internal Newsletters - monthly Ongoing Website Activities Updates Social Media Communications Volunteer Opportunities Leadership Opportunities Campaign Timeline Detail
Oct 1– Nov 16 Implement Kick Off Events Agency Rallies Group Presentations Charity Speakers Employee Testimonies One-on-One Follow Up Solicitation Timeline
Mid Campaign Blitz: Nov Get Your Give ON-Line National promotion Keeps Campaign Momentum Strong Simplest means of giving CFC Nexus Employee Express myPay Fun Reminder to complete pledging Second opportunity for campaign marketing: Post It Note Reminder E-blasts - Agency Head/Department Head Encouragement
Solicitation Timeline Final Campaign Blitz: Dec Last call for Contributions E-blasts - Agency Head/Department Head Encouragement Giving Tuesday Tax Deduction Reminder Collect all pledge forms Provide outstanding thank you gift recognition coins Submit all copy 1 pledge forms to payroll for processing Provide final reconciled ledger and copy 2 pledge forms to Hub Director
Campaign Team Overview Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Employee Campaign Coordinator (ECC) or Military Installation Project Officer (IPO) Department or Mission Element Project Officers Key-Workers (1:25) Event & Activities Volunteers Finance Officer//Payroll Coordinator Event Participants Other Volunteers Wrap-Up
Campaign Team 68 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Agency Coordinator/Chair Military Installation Project Officer Office Team Leader! Recruit the Department/Directorate/Division Chairs Create the Campaign Plan for Facility/Installation Implement Campaign Activities Kick Off Event Rally Fundraisers Oversee Keyworkers (solicitors) Recruit Volunteer Assistants Finance Officer Public Relations/communications Coordinator Events Coordinator Motivate & Inspire Team Contribution Collections, Reconciliation & Reporting Campaign Reporting Overall Campaign Activities Pledge & Giving Activities Coordinators Keyworkers Support Volunteers
Campaign Team 69 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Support Volunteers Finance Officer Collect Contribution Envelopes from Keyworkers Verifies Content Provides Thank You Recognition Gifts Records Envelope Contents on Ledger Reconciles myPay Donor Report Processes NEXUS Payroll Contributions Verifies EEX Contributions Maintain PII Compliance
Campaign Team 70 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Support Volunteers Administrative Assistant Team Support Assists Agency Coordinator/Chairs or Military Installation Project Officer Assists with coordination of campaign Assists with delivery of materials Assists with team contact information Assists with campaign communications Supports keyworker group meetings Enlists charity speakers Tracks all assigned unit information &activity Create the Campaign Plan for designated Federal Agencies
Campaign Team 71 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Keyworkers - 1:25 Ratio Solicits Personnel Inspires & Motivates Giving Group Presentation Charity Speakers Employee Testimonials One-on-One Solicitation One-on-One Follow up Collect Traditional Pledge Form Prepare Reporting Envelope Verify Contents with Finance Officer/ECC/IPO Distribute Thank You Gifts Donor Follow Up
Federal Employees & Military Personnel Agency Leadership Campaign Team Charity Partners Donors Non Donors Local Federal Coordinating Committee (LFCC) Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Determine What are their needs How do we meet their needs through the CFC? Campaign Stakeholders Recap 72
Where do we start? OPM Website: Campaign materials, videos, national best practices Campaign overview, history FAQs Norcal website: Campaign information & updates Campaign calendar of events Campaign training materials Campaign promotional materials CFC Foundation: Previous Loaned Executives 2015 Campaign Promotional Resources Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 73
Mentoring 2013 Loaned Executive Experience Recap Lessons Learned Best Practices Takeaways Special Speakers Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 74
Mentoring 2013 Loaned Executive Experience Recap Lessons Learned Best Practices Takeaways Speakers Training Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 75
Typical Speakers Requests Kick Off Ceremonies Staff meetings Commander’s calls Speaker Presentation Share your “Story” Delivery Considerations Do’s and Don’ts Most Frequently Asked CFC Questions Speakers Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Q & A Speakers Training Overview 76 Thank you for partnering with the CFC!
Day One Leadership Challenge 77 Thank you for partnering with the CFC! Online Giving Follow Up Maintain Campaign Momentum Maintain Donor Confidentiality Campaign Activity Reporting Use the 8 th Habit to come up with a solution