This will be an event that will take place on a Saturday in the summer. It will be an all day event for movement science alumni of all ages to come and participate in some fun games and meet some new people. Besides the games, there will be a silent action to raise money for the movement science department, a guest speaker, and a picnic lunch. What is it?
They activities that the alumni will be able to participate in are: 3 on 3 basketball 3 point contest Horse Beach volleyball Half court beach volleyball Relay races (potato sack, three-legged, crab walk) Activities
Saturday in Summer Schedule: 9-10 AM Continental Breakfast 9-10am registration (teams) 10:00 AM Basketball- 3pt 10:30 AM 3-on-3 11:00 AM Horse 12:00 PM Beach Volleyball (4 on 4) 12:30 PM Flag Football or on of the relays 1:00 PM Street Hockey 1:30 PM Silent Auction ends 2:30 PM Picnic Lunch- behind volleyball courts 3:00 PM Activity awards 3:30 PM Speeches by NFL Players and among others 4:15 PM Silent auction winners 5:00 PM Movement Science Alum Pride Day ends with Goodie bags Schedule
To promote the idea of an alumni day Pride Fest, we would like to send letters and s to any alumni member of the movement science department to invite them to either send a small donation, or to come and join us for a fun day of movement science activities. Promotion
The estimated cost of the Alumni Pride Fest day is: Food $100 Awards $50 Tent $1,100 Letters $100 Tables ($11 x 28) $308 Stamps $100 Chairs ($4 x 230) $920 Goodie Bags $ Total $4,878-6,078 Budget
The Location of the Pride Fest will be right next to the new Turf building. We thought we could use the basketball and volleyball courts right there and it would be a good location to set up a tent. Location