Participating from a Distance Bringing the TRB Annual Meeting Home to the Washington State Department of Transportation Leni Oman Director Office of Research & Library Services AASHTO RAC/TRB State Representatives Annual Meeting Salt Lake City, Utah July 27, 2011
Spreading the Word about Remote Access
Leadership Briefing: TRB Annual Meeting Benefits Briefing provided to top leadership each year. All agency executives and research committee members invited. TRB Annual Meeting attendees are mandatory presenters. Each has 5 minutes to present. A common presentation format is used. Each presenter has ONE slide. I review everything and help them target their message to what the leadership team wants to know. Remote and on-site access available
1863 National Academy of Sciences 1964 National Academy of Engineering 1970 Institute of Medicine Technical Activities Studies & Special Programs Administration & Finance Cooperative Research Programs What is TRB? TRB Divisions NRC Divisions
WSDOT Employees involved in TRB Activities 5 56 Employees on 79 Cooperative Research Project panels. – WSDOT employees Chair 14 panels 42 WSDOT Employees on 62 TRB Standing Committees. – WSDOT employees Chair or Co-Chair 7committees. 9 WSDOT Employees on 12 SHRP2 Panels. – WSDOT employees Chairs 2 Expert Task Groups. 3 WSDOT Employees on 4 Other TRB Committees. – A WSDOT employee is Vice-Chair of one. 82 unique WSDOT Employees participate in 236 committees, panels and task groups
WSDOT Attendees at the Annual Meeting 20 WSDOT employees attended 10 sponsored – Funding provided by TRB, FHWA, and AASHTO 9 paid their own travel expenses 1 attended some sessions between meetings with congressional offices. Of these employees 14 are members of 31 TRB Division A committees and 2 Committee Task Forces and Subcommittees 6 chaired 7 TRB committee meetings 9 presented at 11 sessions, poster sessions, and workshops 6 presided over 5 sessions and 2 poster session 28 other WSDOT staff are members of TRB Division A committees and did not attend the meeting.
2011 TRB Annual Meeting Facts 10,900 attendees – 65 Countries – 1000 State DOTs attendees – 1000 Federal agency attendees Over 4000 scheduled presentations in more than 650 sessions and workshops January 23-27, Washington DC By mid-February, the TRB Annual Meeting Online website More than 19,000 visits More than 245,000 page views Visitors from 83 countries
Benefit to WSDOT/Washington from your Attendance Funding Opportunities Emerging or Evolving Federal Policies Identified/Discussed WSDOT Research Proposals or Problem Statements Conveyed/Influenced Partnerships Formed/Continuing Actions you will implement as a result of attendance 8 Name title Funding Source Sponsored or Paid Own Way Days Attended Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Roles Example: Committee Chair Session Presenter (2) Session Moderator (1) Member (2) TRB Committees
Benefit to WSDOT/Washington Ability to influence national priorities and policy related to highway safety Potential Funding for WSDOT efforts, Influenced National Research Priorities Funding Opportunities FHWA on funding MIRE Data Collection Efforts FHWA on behalf of NTSB on funding Development and Implementation of Weather Based Algorithm for Variable Speed Limits Emerging or Evolving Federal Policies Development of AASHTO Strategic Safety Plan, AASHTO Safety Research Plan, AASHTO Safety Performance Measures, AASHTO Highway Safety Manual, FHWA Highway Safety Implementation Plan, Safety Edge WSDOT Research Proposals Development of Serious Injury Performance Measures, Two Lane Rural Highways, Freeways and Interchanges, Development of Simulation Models in Road Safety, Human Factors in Road Safety, Development of Crash Modification Factors Partnerships Formed/Continuing Meetings with AASHTO, TRB and FHWA on Safety Policy and Plans, Potential Research and Implementation Strategies Implementation Actions Identify Additional Funding Opportunities with FHWA Evaluate Policy on HSM and Sustainable Safety Implementation 9 John Milton Director, Enterprise Risk Management Funding Source Sponsored by TRB Days Attended Sat Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Roles Committee Chair Session Presenter (1) Session Moderator (3) Member 3 TRB Committees
Benefit to WSDOT/Washington Additional funding and cost savings potential (below) State DOT perspective in mostly academic/federal government/consultant audience Funding Opportunities $100,000 FHWA funds request for Quieter Pavement Pooled Fund, supplements WSDOT QP program FHWA will consider mobile source air toxics (MSAT) streamline proposal (~$2,000/project) Emerging or Evolving Federal Policies New and proposed air quality standards and potential affects to WSDOT New state noise policies required by FHWA WSDOT Research Proposals Advocated for noise research focus on noise wall alternatives, applied quieter pavement research Connected ADC20 to AASHTO AQ subcommittee research priorities (shared by WSDOT) Partnerships Formed/Continuing State DOTs, FHWA (HQ, Resource Ctr., Volpe, Turner Fairbanks), EPA, Consultants Implementation Actions DRAFT streamlining strategy prepared and discussing with FHWA Worked with FHWA stakeholders to understand needs, they have requested $100,000 for pooled fund 10 Tim Sexton Air Quality, Noise, Energy Policy Mgr Funding Source Sponsored by FHWA Days Attended Wed Roles Session Presenter (1) Session Moderator (1) Member TRB Committees (2)
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