Faith in a Co-operative Borough Summary, Actions and Recommendations Following the joint event of the Co-operative Commission, the Oldham Voluntary, Community Faith Partnership and the Oldham Interfaith Forum on 9 th June 2015
Recap: Event Aims and Outcomes 1.To increase understanding on the role that faith plays as part of a co-operative borough. 2.To increase understanding on the challenges facing public services and how this fits in with the co- operative approach. 3.To have a conversation on how we can work closer together to better meet the needs of Oldham communities. 4.To identify new areas for faith organisations and public services to work together– to be fed back into existing compacts and networks. 5.To showcase the work of faith organisations and celebrate success.
Event Summary 48 people attended Key note addresses from Ravij Patel Chair of the Interfaith Forum and Cllr Barbara Brownridge, Cabinet member for Co-operatives and Neighbourhoods and Chair of the Co-operative Commission. DVD showcase shows enormous contribution of faith and how far reaching the work of faith is in Oldham including debt advice, support for destitute asylum seekers, food poverty, vulnerable adults and much more. Good dialogue between faith organisations, council officers and elected members. Highlighted need to: Publicise and promote the role of faith in Oldham Strengthen faith networks and better link faith organisations together so they can be more effective and reduce duplication. Be more proactive in involving faith in council and partner activity. For example, in key areas such as food poverty, dementia and tackling loneliness or isolation.
Actions and Recommendations 1. Use the DVD showcase as a platform to promote and communicate the role of faith in Oldham. Host on the Oldham Partnership and Love Where You Live pages Host via the Council intranet to raise the profile among council officers to increase understanding of the role of faith. Further consider how we can promote role of faith with residents as part of co-operative borough. 2. Further strengthen aspects of the Oldham Interfaith Forum as the representative body of faith in Oldham Develop an Interfaith Women’s Network and Young Person’s Interfaith Network working with the Youth Council, colleges and other partners. 3. Develop a system satnav of faith in Oldham to join the services of faith together, avoid duplication and promote what faith does Develop systems that enables faith to better share what they do including assets, services and ideas and to help avoid duplication. Develop systems/resource pack for faith organisations to better sign post residents and enable them to ‘do more for themselves’. 4. Develop more areas for joint working between faith and the council and partners For the council and partners to involve faith organisation in being part of emerging campaigns and strategies. For example, Fair Food, Dementia Friendly Communities and Social Isolation. For the council to further utilise the community role of faith. For example, through district workings/groupings and programme’s such as Well North.