Promote your Presentation The Art of Getting Butts in the Seat
We have covered in depth the different Types of presentations We have set up Follow Up Plans to get Loans from our presentations We have talked about What to present (you even have Done-4-U presentations you can use) So how do you get partner prospects to show up?
There are several ways to promote your presentation event We are going to focus on 4 of these ways Co-Sponsor with a Partner Facebook Ad’s to your target audience Campaign to your partner prospect list The Old Fashion Belly to Belly Invite
Co-Sponsor your presentation with a Partner This is a great way to tap into your partners Database of Real estate Agents You can also off-set the cost with your partners Potential Partners: Title Companies Insurance Companies Appraisal Companies B2B Partners (restaurants, salons, wine stores, florests)
The key to Co-Sponsoring is to have your Ducks In a Row before you approach the C0-Sponsor The approach is Face to Face. Do not try to get a co-sponsor on the phone.
Have a date for your presentation before you approach the partner Have the time of presentation and how long you will present determined before you approach the partner Have the subject you will be presenting on before you approach the partner If you intend to do a series of presentations, have those dates and times before you approach the partner
The approach: Hey Freddy McTitle, I am going to doing a lunch and learn presentation for local real estate agents on How to Use Facebook to Farm a Neighborhood. It is an hour long presentation and I am going to be doing it on January 6 th at 12:00pm. I would love to partner with you on it. By Co-Sponsoring the event with me your name and company will be on all of the marketing material used to fill the seats as well as an opportunity to give a short commercial to the attendees. Would you like to co-sponsor the January event with me?
Approaching the potential partners in this way makes it a very easy Yes or No answer. If you approach them without a date already determined, or a subject already in mind, or specific time for the event...the answer will be That sounds like a good idea. We “may” be interested. I’ll call you and let you know if we can co-sponsor with you. They will not be calling you….out of site, out of mind!
By having the details already done….date, time, subject….they are forced to agree or decline Either way you know where you stand (do you need to move on to the next potential partner) The partner prospect is also much more likely to agree if you have the details worked out. That becomes an easy YES!
Facebook Ad’s to your Target Audience Great way to get agents you do not know to attend The demographics in Facebook ad’s allow you to target real estate agents and then only the agents in your market area You do NOT need to have squeeze pages and funnels to invite with this method
Start by making a post on your Fan Page (you may even want to create a fan page that is Real Estate training specific
Go to the Ad’s Manager and Create Ad Select “Boost your Post” for the type of Ad you will be doing
Select the page you made the post on
The most recent post will be selected by default (you can drop down the menu if that is not your presentation post and select the post you want to “Boost)
Set up your demographics
Type in Real Estate, and Realtor and select those when they appear
Set your budget and Name your ad
Because you are “Boosting your post” you do not need to edit or change any of the text or image….Simply Place Order
Campaign to your referral partner prospect list Just like the post on Facebook, give them enough to peak interest It’s about the benefits not the features Send the 3 times (remove those that have RSVP’ed from the 2 nd and third sends)
– Hello Friends, You are cordially invited to attend a Live Training on How to Use Facebook to farm your neighborhoods. Statistics show that 78% of on-line adults in America use Facebook. Do you have a Social Media strategy that works? Join me on Tuesday, January 6th from 12:00pm to 1:00pm at Possitanos Itallian Restaurant on Tampa rd. I will be showing step by step exactly how to use Facebook to farm your neighborhoods. This event is limited to 15 seats. To save your seat please RSVP at or call me at Your Friendly Lender, Paul Baxter
Good Old Fashion Belly to Belly invite You can invite agents when you go to open houses You can invite agents at the local association events You can invite agents at closings you attend You can go to real Estate Offices and invite agents
Prepare a simple “hand out” about your event The hand out will break the ice The natural reaction when someone is handed something is to take it That simple act of taking the hand out is the first commitment (will make it easier for them to commit to something else) Use Power Point to make your hand out
Keep Track of ALL your RSVP’s This is also a great way to grow your lists Even if they do not show up after RSVP’ing, they see you as an expert Follow up with them and develop the relationship more
So what do you with the RSVP’s Join me tomorrow to put your RSVP follow up plan together