Using Social Media To Promote News Stories Christine Di Salvo
Introduction Broadcasters are using social media to enhance social engagement in news. Television is the most active in its use of social applications such as Twitter. Entertainment industry lends itself to pop culture and social conversations. Talent component of the broadcast industry seems to have benefited most from social media.
Broadcasters Social media have transformed traditional broadcasting norms. New technology and increasingly powerful mobile devices have allowed networks to break down the so called “fourth wall” and connect audiences with programming like never before. Broadcasters are using this technology to create a “second screen,” extending the program content to screens alongside the primary television view.
Leveraging Social Networks Broadcasters are delivering new types of content and interact with viewers beyond the program. For example, fans of The Simpsons can go to Fox’s Facebook page to see more photos and commentary and interact with other fans. Fans of HBO’s Game of Thrones can visit the shows Wikia page and contribute additional details and insights about the show. The social media platform allows fans to directly help promote and encourage the growth of the audience base.
The News Business Broadcast news is getting into the act of social media. Each major news program and newspaper, has a Facebook page, Twitter accounts etc. When watching a news program, you can hear more in the “green room,” after the show. Or you can contribute by posting on their site.
How we use news and how we get it? Pew Research Center Study
How We Get News? Top three social media sites where people get there news Facebook, Twitter and You Tube 3 in 10 American viewers get their news through Facebook.
CONCERNS Facebook knows everything about you, your friends, so consequently you get what you are already interested in. It is not all the news that has happened that day. It is just what your friends are interested in.
News Topics on Social Media Entertainment73% People and Events in My Community65% Sports57% National Government & Politics55% Crime51% Health & Medicine46% Business31%
Traffic To News Websites From Facebook to CNN-1 min& 41 sec. Going to CNN Directly4 min & 36 sec.
Level of Engagement Shared or reposted news stories images or videos 60% Discussed a news issue or event-46% Posted photos they took of a news event-14% Posted videos they took of a news event-12%
Conclusion Social media users can become part of the news rather than just listening or reading. As Journalism Professors it is important to teach students how to drive viewers through social media to the news.
Lesson Plans Work with a colleague or two and develop a lesson plan that you would teach to students in your own college class about how to promote a news story through social media.
Assignment Each group presents their lesson plan to the class.