Florida State University’s Spring 2013 CCI Career Day Mara Gonzalez - Brittany Johnson Samara Gerard Lindsey Stern Cheryl Glazer Anthony Perez Michael Iglesias Jason Williams
Project Summary Bring in as many local companies and businesses to educated interested students in internship & career opportunities, as well as be able to provide useful advice for future careers and the hiring process. This group will help plan, set up, and advertise Career Day to students as well as direct it.
Comparing Goals & Metrics Spring 2012 50 companies contacted 42 registered companies 37 companies attended 250+ students attended Spring 2013 73 companies contacted 40 registered companies 38 companies attended 283 students attended Spring 2013 beginning goals registered companies companies attended 275+ students attended
Assigned members to find 10 new companies that weren’t on previous Career Day company lists. Formed a GroupMe and Facebook page for the group. Narrowed down list to more legitimate companies ed invitations to all of the new and remaining companies Ebe did not contact from previous Career Days. Assigned everyone to find at least 2 outside sources to promote the event and work with another group in the class Assigned each member 5 companies to call and follow-up with. Sent out to all CCI professors to try and promote the event further. Assigned each member where to put the flyers around campus. Assigned roles to members for day of event. Held meetings on GroupMe (1) and in-person (2). Designed potential flyer. Put up and took down Career Day shuttle signs. Created follow-up survey questions for companies that attended. Assisted with all roles the day of (i.e. setting up, assisting employers, answering questions, handing out water, greeting students, assisting with name tags, taking pictures, and tweeting #HireCCINoles Mara & Brittany Who Did What
Samara, Lindsey, Jason, Anthony, Michael, Cheryl Who Did What Found 10 new companies that weren’t on previous Career Day company lists. Found 2 or more outside sources to promote the event. Worked with other groups in the class (Guerilla Marketing, Web Marketing, etc..) and school organizations (i.e. Ad club) to help promote Career Day. Brainstormed marketing ideas. Followed-up with and called 5 previously ed companies. Posted flyers around campus. Set up location, assisted/checked in employers, and cleaned up. Greeted students while informing them about the hashtag #HireCCINoles Helped students check-in and answered students/employers questions. Taking/posting pictures and tweeting #HireCCINoles to help Career Day become a trending topic.
Goals That Have Been Accomplished Generate list of new companies that have not been contacted in the past. Research companies and narrow down list to most promising companies. Send out initial to new and previous companies. Follow up with second . List generated of companies that haven’t responded, divided list up amongst members for them to contact through phone. Develop Flyer for advertising. Work with different groups to help promote event through Facbeook, Twitter, chalking, videos, etc. During day of event: Help check in/direct company representatives, organize ballroom, check students in, promote hashtag, help company representatives check out after event.
Meetings 2/20/2013 GroupMe Marketing techniques brainstormed Members assigned to work with other groups Find 2 outside sources to promote event Keep thinking of new ways to target specific audiences 3/20/2013 In Person Discussed protocol for day of event. Assigned roles to group members to help the event run smoothly Assigned locations to each member to hang up flyers Follow up on company phone calls Discuss hashtag 3/06/2013 In Person Brief meeting to discuss current attendance numbers for companies Posters Further discussed marketing ideas Discussed best way to follow up with companies and how it would be done Briefly discussed protocol for day of event.
Guerilla Marketing Paired with us to help advertise and market Career Day around campus. They used hands-on methods, such as writing on boards throughout campus with the time, date, and location to advertise the event. Guerilla Marketing also used the chalking method by writing on different areas around campus with chalk to spread the word about Career Day. Web Marketing Paired with Web Marketing to further promote the event through social media outlets such as their main Facebook and Twitter accounts. Main focus was twitter trending topic during the day the of event, #HireCCINoles. Helped inform students to actively take pictures, tweet, Instagram, etc. Why CCI Videos Time, date, location, and poster for event was features in their second video.