Dublin 20 th January 2013 Irene Bertana Policy & Communications Officer
Contents European Semester What is the ES? The timeline The instruments Involvement of civil society Involvement of EASPD Social Services Europe Manifesto What is Social Services Europe? The recommendations Our strategy / your contributions
What is… Annual cycle of economic policy coordination Adopted in 2010 Aims to ensure that MS’ policies support progress towards the Europe 2020 targets Strong focus on macroeconomic stability but also some attention to social policies Not binding Civil society should be involved in this process
Why? To implement the EU2020 Strategy [SMART, SUSTAINABLE, INCLUSIVE GROWHT] To implement the Stability and Growth Pact [FISCAL CONSOLIDATION]
Instruments 6 European CommissionAnnual Growth Survey (AGS) NovemberBasis for building a common understanding about the priorities for action at both national and EU level Member StatesNational Reform Programmes (NRPs) March - April Set of legislative measures to implement the AGS and the EU2020 Strategy Stability/convergence Programmes Budgetary strategy National Social Reports Since 2012, state of play on fight to poverty and social exclusion, pensions, healthcare and long-term care, not all MS are writing them EC/ Parliament/Council Country Specific Recommendations (CSRs) May-JulyWhat MS still need to do in order to implement the Stability and Growth Pact and the EU2020 Strategy
2014 Annual Growth Survey 7 Pursuing differentiated, growth- friendly fiscal consolidation Restoring normal lending to the economy Promoting growth and competitiveness for today and tomorrow Tackling unemployment and the social consequences of the crisis Modernising public administration
Involvement of civil society 8 Civil society should be involved in the draft of NRPs, this was not the case in all MS The Social Investment Package refers to the Semester as a way to ensure its implementation and the AGS 2014 was referring to the SIP The new progress programme, giving structural funds to EU civil society organisation asked them to take actions in order to involve their members in the Semester
Involvement of EASPD Part of the NGO coalition on the Semester Draft of alternative CSRs Event at the EP Draft of joint action for 2014 Briefing for members Information to board and ExCom, discussion during PIG 2014 Draft letter for members addressed ministries to participate to draft of NRPs – Jan Toolkit for members, translated Training during GA – March EP event JA – May EASPD event Meetings/trainings at national level
Social Services Europe Manifesto 10 EU network of EU social service providers Not-for-profit MEMBERS: Caritas Europa, EASPD, EPR, Eurodiaconia, FEANTSA, CEDAG,SOLIDAR, Workability Europe, The Red Cross
Recommendations 11 1.Recognise the specificity of not for profit social and health care service providers 2.Ensure a rights-based framework, (based on the Charter of Fundamental Rights, the European Social Charter and the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities.) 3.Monitor the implementation of relevant EU legislation applying the principles of quality, accessibility, sustainability and affordability to all legislation 4.Reject the current reductions in funding for social and health care services and promote an alternative approach based on the social investment logic, promoting a long-term view of social policy development and expenditure 5.Investment in employment and training across the sector & social dialogue.
Recommendations 12 5.Strengthen the role of the not- for-profit organisations in the creation of different forms of decent employment 6.Prevent the “creaming” of profitable services over less profitable ones by service providers as well preventing “creaming” of easier-to-reach service users over more disadvantaged ones when providing services 7.Promote quality in the design & delivery of services (Voluntary European Quality Framework for Social Services) 8.Promote non-discrimination, participation and partnership between not for profit service providers and other providers in all matters concerning funding 9.Remove all barriers to not for profit service providers in accessing funding at local, regional, national and EU levels. Promote the strengthening of the partnership principle in the European Social Fund and other structural funds supporting social and health care services. 10.Establish an Intergroup on Social Services and Social Innovation
Our strategy / your contribution 13 Our strategy: - Contact MEPs of different parties and political groups and promote the Manifesto Your contribution: - Contact your MEPs and promote the Manifesto