Tools Awareness Packet Proclamation Template Event Planning Worksheet Sample Press Release Donation Letter CACEO Promotional Poster CACEO Brochures
Proclamation- State and Local Validation of the importance code enforcement has in protecting local communities and the State. Statement of the integrity of our profession and enforcement officials. Increases outreach to the public with a positive message.
Event Planning Worksheet
Organize all aspects of your event in one place. Easily share and update everyone as needed. Won’t miss important details along the way. Clear accountability for tasks and deadlines. Easily see every contact number at a glance. Debrief your event to improve your next one.
Press Release and Donation Letter Reach a bigger audience with multiple media outlets. Increase interest and participation in your event. Connect with your community with a positive interaction. Provides an opportunity for local business to give back to the community. Increase your resources for the event. Cooperating on an event improves relationships.
CACEO Awareness Poster Post to improve community awareness. Positive messaging about code enforcement. Promote your local event by expressing the importance of clean communities.
CACEO Brochure Outreach to surrounding jurisdictions. Promote the great training that we provide. Help grow our professional network.
Where Can I get the packet?
You silly goose, where else?