36th OEWG UNEP SIDE EVENT 22 J u l y , P a r i sRoberto Peixoto - IMT Roberto A. Peixoto Maua Institute of Technology – IMT Brazil Disclaimer: The views expressed are those of the author and do not represent those of the TEAP or the RTOC Safety Issues in the HCFC phase-out process in A5 Countries 36th OEWG UNEP SIDE EVENT
36th OEWG UNEP SIDE EVENT 22 J u l y , P a r i sRoberto Peixoto - IMT Background Number of RAC products will increase strongly in developing countries – population growth, fast urbanization, electrification and changes in consumer patterns – development of the cold chain (especially commercial refrigeration), the air conditioning and automobile industry (MAC) Source: GIZ-2013
36th OEWG UNEP SIDE EVENT 22 J u l y , P a r i sRoberto Peixoto - IMT Background Article 5 countries have progressed in implementation of their Stage I HPMPs and are in the process to start preparation of Stage II HPMPs Article 5 countries will need to address the RAC manufacturing/servicing sectors Due to the growth in the RAC sector it is predicted significant increase in the handling of refrigerants
36th OEWG UNEP SIDE EVENT 22 J u l y , P a r i sRoberto Peixoto - IMT Source: UNEP “Safe Use of HCFC Alternatives in Refrigeration and Air-conditioning” –D. Colbourne manufacturing servicing
36th OEWG UNEP SIDE EVENT 22 J u l y , P a r i sRoberto Peixoto - IMT Montreal Protocol MOP decision XIX/6 encouraging climate-friendly alternatives encouraged Parties to “promote the selection of alternatives to HCFCs that minimize environmental impacts, in particular impacts on climate, as well as meeting other health, safety and economic considerations” This decision gives the mandate and encouragement for countries to promote the adoption of low GWP alternatives to HCFCs, while at the same time taking into consideration safely aspects of these alternative and technologies. Background
36th OEWG UNEP SIDE EVENT 22 J u l y , P a r i sRoberto Peixoto - IMT Concerns with the use of low GWP refrigerants Safety issues related to flammable refrigerants (general rule “lower GWP higher flammability”) Safety issues related to toxic refrigerants Safety issues related to higher pressure refrigerants Hydrocarbons, ammonia, CO 2, low GWP HFCs and unsaturated HFCs (HFOs)
36th OEWG UNEP SIDE EVENT 22 J u l y , P a r i sRoberto Peixoto - IMT A5 countries are lacking refrigeration technicians trained to this new reality There is need for training technicians and to adapt business Assessment and adaptation for technical risks inherent in the use of low GWP alternatives Adoption of safety standards. Some countries have obstructive safety standards Consolidation and use of low GWP alternatives will not occur in the short term without an external incentive. Concerns with the use of low GWP refrigerants
36th OEWG UNEP SIDE EVENT 22 J u l y , P a r i sRoberto Peixoto - IMT The use of flammable refrigerants requires assessing procedures and establishing standards on good practices In some countries, the implementation of old standards in the legislation, for instance building codes or other mandatory safety regulations, blocks the uptake of especially flammable refrigerants Regulations requiring air-conditioning equipment to be energy efficient in order to enter the market increases the need to find alternatives in the short term energy efficiency refrigerant charge UNEP study: Barriers to the Use of low GWP Refrigerants in Developing Countries Concerns with the use of low GWP refrigerants
36th OEWG UNEP SIDE EVENT 22 J u l y , P a r i sRoberto Peixoto - IMT Awareness raising Focus on training Culture shift National experts Regulations and standards Identify cooperation partners Development of safety policies Way forward
36th OEWG UNEP SIDE EVENT 22 J u l y , P a r i sRoberto Peixoto - IMT Way forward Set up relevant workshops, conferences, training sessions, etc., to disseminate the relevant information and skills Determine whether specific tools, equipment or machinery is needed and facilitate its selection and acquisition
36th OEWG UNEP SIDE EVENT 22 J u l y , P a r i sRoberto Peixoto - IMT Way forward The importance of starting projects in the RAC equipment manufacturing sector to encourage the conversion to environmentally sound technologies becomes increasingly evidente Otherwise companies that are promoting his own conversion to migrate to alternative high potential impact on the global climate system. Demonstration projects and financial incentives to support low GWP technologies Additional funding for low GWP alternatives – Decision 60/44 provided for an additional 25 per cent funding for certain HCFC phase-out projects if global warming potential alternatives are introduced as alternatives
36th OEWG UNEP SIDE EVENT 22 J u l y , P a r i sRoberto Peixoto - IMT A5 Country Experiences The issue of addressing safety issues is not yet well implemented in a systematic and institutional way in the majority of A5 countries However, some A5 countries already have well established training schemes, appropriate standards, regulations and codes of practice in place, and can provide good examples and assistance In India, as part of the HPMP, the training provided to SME servicing technicians includes a significant module on safety issues related to HCFC alternatives. Mexico in its HPMP also plans to conduct safety tests with respect to the application of hydrocarbons in air- conditioning systems
36th OEWG UNEP SIDE EVENT 22 J u l y , P a r i sRoberto Peixoto - IMT In China, a series of risk assessments and safety studies into the alternative chemicals were undertaken – Assessment of flammability risks of the use of hydrocarbons in room air conditioners in a range of risk- related scenarios (leaks, flammable concentrations, over- pressurised systems, external fires, etc. Brazil HPMP – Training of 1,000 refrigeration technicians on good practice in safe and efficient use of alternative refrigerants – Two pilot training centers for the use of CO2 / HC cascade in commercial refrigeration systems – Brochure of good practice and the safe use of CO2 and HC will be developed. A5 Country Experiences
36th OEWG UNEP SIDE EVENT 22 J u l y , P a r i sRoberto Peixoto - IMT In St. Kitts and Nevis, safety standard was drafted for the safe handling of natural refrigerants Kingdom of Bahrain and State of Kuwait HPMPs: – National standards and codes for installation, operating and servicing of equipment with hydrocarbon and ammonia as well as codes for such equipment. Brazil (HPMP): – Standard on installation and maintenance of refrigeration and air conditioning equipment containing flammable fluid refrigerators: proposed standard for use of flammable fluids in refrigerators A5 Country Experiences - standards lISO 5149, EN 378, IEC IEC
36th OEWG UNEP SIDE EVENT 22 J u l y , P a r i sRoberto Peixoto - IMT There are 50 subcritical CO2 cascade systems installed base of commercial refrigeration applications in Brazil A5 Country Experiences