1. Which of the following learners will get the benefits of retrieval practice? A.The ones who answer questions fully before looking ahead to the answers and feedback. B.The ones who read the questions without answering them, look ahead to the correct answers and feedback, and then review the questions again. C.Both groups of learners will receive the benefits of retrieval practice.
2. Which of the following instructional designs will promote the best retrieval of the key learning points two weeks after the learning event? A.Learners get a one-hour lecture followed by one hour of review on the same material. B.Learners get a one-hour lecture followed by one hour of questions and feedback on the same material. C.Both designs will produce similar results.
3. Which of the following use of questions will provide beneficial effects for learning? A.Learners receive a dozen questions to work on before the learning event. B.Learners receive a dozen questions to work on after the learning event. C.Both will have beneficial effects.
Thalheimer’s Work-Learning Research site provides numerous resources related to use of questions in learning. Will Thalheimer The Learning Benefits of Questions January 2003 Work-Learning Research ( learning.com/ma/PP_WP003.asp)
There Are Four Attributes Of Questions Designed Specifically to Improve Learning 1.Retrieval practice 2.Provide Feedback 3.Focus attention 4.Repetition
For optimal results, questions must be designed specifically to support learning 1.Pre- or Postquestions 2.Relevant 3.Practice retrieval 4.Higher-order information 5.One question for each important concept
Students need to use the questions in a prescribed manner in order to gain the maximum learning benefits 1.Attempt questions after study 2.Read and answer the questions 3.Read the feedback 24 hours later 4.Attempt the same questions at a later time
Practice Questions Help Learning Medical Student Study Habits: Practice Questions Help Exam Scores. Wenger, et al, West Virginia University School of Medicine. JIAMSE (4): Students who used practice questions did better on exams (average 5 points higher). 2.“…practice questions helped to reinforce the material.”
Practice Questions Help Learning
Mem. Matrix Questions Explanations Cases Handouts PowerPoint
Students find questions helpful in learning. 1.“The self assessments were definitely helpful when it came to studying for the tests.” 2.“The self assessment questions are also awesome as it gives an indication on how well the material was understood and remembered.” 3.“The self-assessment questions really help to prepare for the exam and assess my understanding of the material.”
1. Which of the following learners will get the benefits of retrieval practice? A.The ones who answer questions fully before looking ahead to the answers and feedback. B.The ones who read the questions without answering them, look ahead to the correct answers and feedback, and then review the questions again. C.Both groups of learners will receive the benefits of retrieval practice.
2. Which of the following instructional designs will promote the best retrieval of the key learning points two weeks after the learning event? A.Learners get a one-hour lecture followed by one hour of review on the same material. B.Learners get a one-hour lecture followed by one hour of questions and feedback on the same material. C.Both designs will produce similar results.
3. Which of the following use of questions will provide beneficial effects for learning? A.Learners receive a dozen questions to work on before the learning event. B.Learners receive a dozen questions to work on after the learning event. C.Both will have beneficial effects.