CALYPSO Seminar, 29 th of August of 2013 “Recent advances in the application of SeaSonde HF Radar technology to improve Operational Oceanography capacity” Jorge Sánchez, Andrés Alonso-Martirena, Laura Pederson, Chad Whelan, 1 QUALITAS REMOS 2 CODAR OCEAN SENSORS La Valetta – Malta / 29 th of August of 2013 / CALYPSO Seminar
Who are CODAR and QUALITAS CODAR OCEAN SENSORS is a high technology company founded in 1985 with headquarters in Mountain View, CODAR OCEAN SENSORS is the world leading manufacturer of HF Radar technology for ocean monitoring having more than 400 references worldwide A European office in alliance with the engineering company QUALITAS provides highest quality support within Europe + Middle East + La Valetta – Malta / 29 th of August of 2013 / CALYPSO Seminar
What does SeaSonde do? La Valetta – Malta / 29 th of August of 2013 / CALYPSO Seminar
[ Paduan, J.D. and L.K. Rosenfeld, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 101, 1996] Surface Currents Waves & Wind Tsunami detection Surface Currents Waves & Wind Tsunami detection What does it do? Resolution dependant on allocated bandwidth Ranges from 10 to more than 300 Km offshore La Valetta – Malta / 29 th of August of 2013 / CALYPSO Seminar
Google: “Bodega Ocean Observing Node” What does it do? La Valetta – Malta / 29 th of August of 2013 / CALYPSO Seminar Surface Currents Waves & Wind Tsunami detection Surface Currents Waves & Wind Tsunami detection
What does it do? La Valetta – Malta / 29 th of August of 2013 / CALYPSO Seminar Surface Currents Waves & Wind Tsunami detection Surface Currents Waves & Wind Tsunami detection
La Valetta – Malta / 29 th of August of 2013 / CALYPSO Seminar Barrick derived theoretical basis for HF current/wave echoes 1972 NOAA Mandate: Stop using linear phased array-style system and develop a smaller antenna footprint with no loss in data quality 1979 Theory for Tsunami detection based on HF Radar presented by Dr Barrick at NOAA/ERL Wave Propagation Laboratory, Boulder, Colorado Development of a compact HF Radar: the SeaSonde® by CODAR SeaSonde sites along the world, Tsunami software implemented in some in the US, India, Japan, Thailand, Vietnam th of March: “Following the magnitude 9.0 earthquake off Sendai the Usujuri and Kinaoshi SeaSonde HF Radars & mutliple additional SeaSondes along the US Coast operating at multiple frequencies detect for the first time a Tsunami” SeaSonde HF Radar, ready to detect tsunamis
La Valetta – Malta / 29 th of August of 2013 / CALYPSO Seminar SeaSonde HF Radar, ready to detect tsunamis A Tsunami is a shallow-water gravity wave that travels at v = √(g x d) The Tsunami orbital velocity appears as a band of surface currents approaching & receding from the HF Radar Tsunami propagation Linear shallow-water wave theory: height & orbital velocity are dependent
La Valetta – Malta / 29 th of August of 2013 / CALYPSO Seminar SeaSonde HF Radar, ready to detect tsunamis The under laying ocean surface current which we are normally interested in The phase velocity of the typical ocean waves which we know through the deep water relation On top of both => The orbital velocity of the tsunami wave which now interests us SeaSonde is able to detect a tsunami based on the orbital velocity of the tsunami wave Doppler velocity measurement is made out of 3 components
La Valetta – Malta / 29 th of August of 2013 / CALYPSO Seminar SeaSonde HF Radar, ready to detect tsunamis Bathymetric depths, tsunami deepwater heights and orbital velocity lower limits for the purpose of tsunami detection
La Valetta – Malta / 29 th of August of 2013 / CALYPSO Seminar SeaSonde HF Radar, ready to detect tsunamis Tsunami radial vector signature when reaching the coastal shelf without background currents
La Valetta – Malta / 29 th of August of 2013 / CALYPSO Seminar SeaSonde HF Radar, ready to detect tsunamis Successful SeaSonde Tsunami offline detections th of March: “Following the magnitude 9.0 earthquake off Sendai the Usujuri and Kinaoshi SeaSonde HF Radars & multiple additional SeaSondes along the US West Coast operating at multiple frequencies detect, for the first time, a Tsunami” th of April: “A magnitude 8.6 undersea earthquake struck off the Indonesian province of Aceh and a weak tsunami wave was generated that was detected by the SeaSonde HF radars along Sumatra coast” th of June: “A Meteotsunami that caused damages along the US New Jersey coast was detected for the first time by a SeaSonde HF radar” Next to come?
Recent advances around SeaSonde HF radar technology La Valetta – Malta / 29 th of August of 2013 / CALYPSO Seminar
SeaSonde HF Radar, low power + portable! Less than 250 watts, re-locatable by helicopter
La Valetta – Malta / 29 th of August of 2013 / CALYPSO Seminar SeaSonde HF Radar, low power + portable! Why not two units along the Malta Channel?
La Valetta – Malta / 29 th of August of 2013 / CALYPSO Seminar SeaSonde HF Radar, provides a world of utilities through a user friendly Google maps based web interface to foster HF radar data value Seemless integration of information into third party IT systems Formats: Codar,ASCII, GRIB, netCDF, Data Layers, Kml, Kmz Protocols: OPEnDAP FTP WMS
La Valetta – Malta / 29 th of August of 2013 / CALYPSO Seminar SeaSonde HF Radar, standard and customized value added data products: Surface Currents Short Term Prediction System
La Valetta – Malta / 29 th of August of 2013 / CALYPSO Seminar Modulation Multiplexing: Share Frequency bands Multiple systems can sweep through the same band without interfering No need to stop data collection for critical applications when other sites transmit Multi-Static Operation Turn 3 radars into 6 Enhanced coverage and data quality of 2D currents Requires precision oscillator ✴ CODAR-patented GPS-disciplined oscillator waveform works worldwide
SeaSonde HF Radar, recent news flashes La Valetta – Malta / 29 th of August of 2013 / CALYPSO Seminar
Oil spill response: EU TOSCA project conclusions “Experimental campaigns have proven the benefit of HF radars as a powerful tool to provide satisfactory estimation of transport and to improve our response to oil-spill and SAR emergencies.” La Valetta – Malta / 29 th of August of 2013 / CALYPSO Seminar
Oil spill response: Analysis Deepwater Horizon “A substantially better lagrangian prediction skill of the HFR-derived currents is not surprising, because the considered models are not constrained by surface velocity data and also do not account for processes affecting the transport by near-surface currents such as Stokes drift and small-scale turbulent wind– wave interactions. [Yaremchuk, Deep Sea Res. II, 2013]” La Valetta – Malta / 29 th of August of 2013 / CALYPSO Seminar
Model improvement: PDE keynotes “High resolution models and HF radar observing are substantially helping enhance safety associated to navigation and harbor operations.” [Enrique Alvarez, PDE] La Valetta – Malta / 29 th of August of 2013 / CALYPSO Seminar SeaSonde Data 07/11/ h SAMPA HR model 07/11/2012
Search And Rescue: U.S. Coast Guards SAROPS “Using HF radar, the USCG has the potential to increase this success rate to %, thereby saving additional people every year” [Arthur Allen, USCG] La Valetta – Malta / 29 th of August of 2013 / CALYPSO Seminar HYCOM 36,000 km 2 HF Radar 12,000 km km 154 km 123 km 100 km
La Valetta – Malta / 29 th of August of 2013 / CALYPSO Seminar Thanks!