Advertising the Soles Walk Event on Facebook June 2015
To begin, you must be an Administrator for your school’s Facebook Page. Login and start there! (Here is my Test Page …yours should look similar.)
Step 1: On your Page, go to the navigation bar and click More. Then click Events.
Step 2: Click Create Event.
Step 4: In the pop-up, fill in all fields with the below information, including the link to your donation page on the Walk website. Note: Please include your school’s name in the Name of the Page.
Step 5: Click Create when finished.
Step 6: Fill in additional information on the new Event page.
Feel free to use this photo for the Event. Created by our own Meghan Endter. (Right click on the photo and click Save As Picture. Save to your Desktop. Then upload to Facebook)
Step 7: Invite, invite, invite!
Step 8: Promote the event to a target audience is optional.
Thank you for Advertising the Soles Walk Event on Facebook! Questions? Please contact Sarah Toepfer at or