Key stage 3 Review Presentation to ASPECT/Subject Associations 16 January 2006 Tina Isaacs
Key stage 3 remit from White Paper Continued focus on the core subjects English, Maths and Science, with more time freed up to allow for catch up. Tests to continue in the core subjects, with an additional online test in ICT. Moderated teacher assessment in foundation subjects, and a bank of standardised optional tests will be provided. Pupils provided with Pupil Profile, to record achievement across curriculum. Implications for QCA: QCA is to undertake a full review of KS3, to: o Reduce the overall level of prescription o Place greater emphasis on English, Maths and ICT; o Give more scope for schools to stretch young people; o Give more support for those who fall behind expected standards; o Ensure the curriculum for all subjects is as coherent as possible.
Changes affecting KS3 Need to take stock at the end of key stage 3 leading to the new phase Need to rationalise the key stage 3 curriculum reducing overload and providing for stretch and remediation. Opportunity to allow personalisation of the key stage 3 curriculum making it more responsive to local and individual needs. An acknowledgement that teachers need upskilling in assessment.
So the review will... seek to improve coherence in subjects reduce overall level of prescription enable greater personalisation of learning and assessment strengthen teachers’ assessment skills aid the delivery of the Every Child Matters aims (Children Act) (enjoy and achieve, make a positive contribution, stay safe, maintain health lifestyles, achieve economic well-being).
May-Sept 05 Inclusion action plan. Review of aims, values & purposes. Development of draft framework of personal, learning and thinking skills. Evaluation of existing curriculum (subjects and whole curriculum). Developing effective models of assessment.
Oct - Dec 05 Consultation with stakeholders and partners (re: how curriculum might be developed) through conferences, seminars and meetings A series of meetings with partners and stakeholders on draft framework of personal, learning and thinking skills Evaluation of existing curriculum (PoS and frameworks) with practitioners and stakeholders. Detailed proposals for development process for assessment & costings.
From Jan 2006 – July 2007 Establish criteria by which to revise the curriculum Develop the curriculum (revised importance statements, programmes of study, attainment targets, level descriptions) Try out aspects of developed curriculum Hold nine regional conferences (including LA advisors, teachers, headteachers, parents, pupils, Connextions representatives) Consult - informally (Winter 2006/7) National Consultation on draft proposals (Summer 2007) Curriculum available in September 2007 for first teaching September 2008
SCHOOL subjects ethos systems teaching styles projects cross- curricular school plays local needs community input aims values purposes initiatives Strategy government skillsPoS level descriptions What goes into the school curriculum?
What might go into the PoS? importance statement Fundamental ideas and concepts Key Processes aims etc
What assessment support is required? 1Tests/tasks generating AT scores 2Exemplification of standards 3Assessment tasks linked to classroom activities 4Guidelines and materials linked to strands continuing professional development