1 MET SEMINAR 2007 Bon Pipkin AT&T 1
2 MET SEMINAR The New AT&T Recent Merger Activities Combined: SBC AT&T Corporation Bell South Cingular News Release:
4 Industry Leader Wireless services with 61 million subscribers Broadband or high speed Internet DSL, with more than 11.5 million lines in service Business voice and data services IP-based services, one of the world’s leading providers Wireless AT&T has nation’s largest digital voice and data network AT&T’s new 3G network is a super-fast, IP-based voice and data network AT&T delivers the widest international coverage of any U.S.-based wireless carrier We provide more than 47,500 “hot spots” – Wi-Fi access points – in 79 countries Voice TV Messaging High Speed Internet Virtual Private Network (VPN) Voice over IP (VoIP) IP-based and managed services Web-hosting Network security Platform for the Future Global Business Portfolio
5 Compliance AT&T Services, Inc. Common Systems District: Support Staff for AT&T affiliate network common systems standards. MET SEMINAR
6 AT&T Services, Inc. Common Systems District Compliance: Sets equipment standards and evaluates new technologies for compliance: ATT-TP-76200: Physical Design (NEBS) ATT-TP-76450: Interconnection Requirements Available at MET SEMINAR
7 Sha Hoda - SME Fire Spread/ Space Planning AT&T Network Equipment Physical Requirements ATT-TP TEAM MET SEMINAR
8 AT&T Network Equipment Interconnection Requirements ATT-TP SMEs Ed Granger: DC PowerDareus Starr: Synchronization Jeff Langley: AlarmsMike Yeilding: Fiber Wing Eng: CopperDoug Florence: Vendor Documentation
9 MET SEMINAR Standards Document Merger Underway for: AT&T Local Exchange Carriers (Telcos) AT&T Internet Services, Inc. (U-Verse) AT&T L.D., ASI (LD, DSL) AT&T Corporation (Backhaul, Global, VoIP) Cingular (AT&T Wireless)
10 MET SEMINAR Standards Merger: AT&T Corp. NEDS Standard Now Delays due to regulatory issues Requirements will be in ATT-TP & ATT-TP Teams meeting now ATT-TP Issues: DC Power Transients ATT-TP-7645O Issues: AC Power, Dual Power Plants International Standards
11 MET SEMINAR Standards Merger: Bell South Currently NEBS is TR-73638BT No Significant Differences due to TCG ATT-TP Standard & Process Effective Immediately ATT-TP under review
12 MET SEMINAR Standards Merger: Cingular No Legacy Standards Document Notification sent to suppliers that ATT-TP and ATT-TP are now standards ATT-TP applicable levels and process under review ATT-TP under review
13 AT&T Network Equipment Physical Requirements ATT-TP Standards Applications Equipment Application Deployment Locations
14 AT&T Network Equipment Physical Requirements TP Evaluation Levels Level 1: Safety Requirements (Collocation, test heads, FOAs) Level 2: Safety and Modified Reliability Requirements Level 3: Safety and Full Reliability Requirements Ancillary
15 AT&T Network Equipment Physical Requirements Equipment Deployment Locations CO, Huts, CEVs Customer Premises Non-CO Buildings Mission Critical Data Rooms OSP Cabinets, Level 2, 3 Environments OSP Customer Premises AT&T Labs
16 MET SEMINAR Industry Issues: RoHS Energy Efficiency Equipment Size
17 AT&T Network Equipment Physical Requirements END Questions?