Maths workshop – Multiplication Tuesday 27 th April 2010
Counting groups of objects
Grouping objects Repeated addition: = 6
Arrays in real life
Arrays as a tool for solving answers 6 x 3 = 18 3 x 6 = 18
Solving multiplication problems How many legs on 6 spiders? Notation: 8 x 6 = Array: Using known facts: I know that 5 x 8 = 40, so 6 x 8 = 48 Jottings:
Ideas to help children at home Give each toy or family member a certain number of objects (e.g. sweets). How many altogether? Count in 2s, 5s, 10s and extend to 3s, 4s, etc. with KS1 children when ready, including using coins (e.g. counting repeated 10p coins) Count in regular steps along a number line or 100 square and look for patterns Look at examples of arrays. How can we count how many there are? Ask children to solve ‘real–life’ multiplication problems and explain how they solved it Encourage children to use their own jottings to record their work and help demonstrate their thinking Support older children with the ‘x’ notation
Vocabulary Lots of, groups of, ‘x’, times, multiply, multiplied by Multiple of Once, twice, three times… ten times… Times as (big, long, wide… and so on) Repeated addition Array, row, column Double One each, two each, three each… Group in pairs, threes… tens Number sentence Record, draw, show me, jottings
Resources to help children with multiplication
Any questions? Please feel free to look at the children’s work, resources and maths vocabulary on display. I will be pleased to speak to you afterwards if you have any further comments or questions.