Edit the text with your own short phrases. To change the sample image, select the picture and delete it. Now click the Pictures icon in the placeholder to insert your own image. The animation is already done for you; just copy and paste the slide into your existing presentation. EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT CERAMICS FORUM Resource Efficiency & Sustainable Construction Dr Heimo Scheuch, Cerame-Unie Vice President CEO Wienerberger AG 3 December 2014
restorement of land in old clay quarries Ceramics are successfully engaged in resource efficiency resource efficiency as vital component of a competitive construction material significant improvements over the last decades: longer lifespan of the final product increased re-use and recycling possibilities resource efficiency oriented product innovation 2 successful re-use of roof tiles successful re-use of roof tiles 80% of refractory products are recycled, re-used or consumed Cradle-to-Cradle vitrified clay pipes
Resource efficiency is not about “using less” but “using better” avoid a one size fits all approach need for sector-specific solution choose the right indicator to measure resource efficiency promote the optimal use of materials consider direct and indirect environmental impacts address the scarcity of raw materials proposed indicator based on Raw Materials Consumption is insufficient 3
Pursue a lifecycle assessment 4 need to assess and quantify potential environmental impacts at all stages take into account: availability of raw material durability lifespan
Circular economy must acknowledge limits address sector specificities: define potentials to re-use and to recycle products per sector access to raw materials as well as separation and processing of waste is key create a well functioning market for recycled materials need for competitive prices 5 ceramic industry
A regulatory fit is essential! avoid setting a too strict and overambitious target as well as over- boarding regulation no target on resource efficiency choose an appropriate indicator for resource efficiency including a lifecycle assessment ensure a sector specific approach define potentials per sector to re-use and to recycle consider the economic viability of future obligations 6
Edit the text with your own short phrases. To change the sample image, select the picture and delete it. Now click the Pictures icon in the placeholder to insert your own image. The animation is already done for you; just copy and paste the slide into your existing presentation. Thank you for your attention!