Hub and Spokes Launch Seminar 3 Helen Langley, Project Officer, NC2012 Julie Millias, Senior Administrative Officer (askUWA) Reynard Chan, Computer Support Officer (askUWA Undergraduate advising at UWA
Today’s seminar Recording advice guidelines Introduce you to when, where and what to record AskUWA recording advice training Provide you with the tools and functions to record advice Introduce you to the different ways you can record advice on askUWA
askUWA Each student has a contact record in askUWA – name, number, course code, faculty advising office and address Recorded advice and students’ online enquiries are added as incidents to the record
Who will be using askUWA? Advising staff in faculties, schools, Student Services, International Centre and Graduate Research and Scholarships Office will be recording advice and viewing students’ incident histories Students will be sending enquiries and viewing their incidents – enquiries and recorded advice Access No tiered levels of access and security
Recording advice guidelines What to record Complex course advice Fact - only record, information that can be verified and could impact a student’s record The advice given to a student leading up to an official approval Referrals – where and why Escalation - If there is a risk of an incident escalating Expertise - When the information will help other advisers
Recording advice guidelines What not to record Simple directional inquiries Opinion – personal observations Duplicate information – anything that would normally be recorded in TRIM or in SIMS/the Internal Academic Record Systems or IT issues Private information about the student that is sensitive or relates to their health
Where to record askUWA – narrative history of advice given to students regarding their studies TRIM – all student records, handwritten, printed and digital SIMS/Internal Academic Record – information that affects a student’s completion
What to record where on askUWA Incident types Response Customer entry Private note General note staff staff and students staff Access
Response Recorded as a new incident or added to an existing incident. It is sent to the student’s account as well as saved in the system. When to use Replying to an online enquiry or incident. New incident: follow up or confirmation to the student who has rung or has been interviewed face to face. Referring student: send referral to student and cc in referral contact
Customer Entry Recorded as a new incident or added to an existing incident. It is not sent to a student’s . When to use Added to another incident or response to record additional information. New incident: record an incident where it is not necessary to the student.
Private note A note, which is attached to a student’s incident or a new incident is created. Not accessible to students. When to use Added to a response or incident to record information for other staff. Referring students: add additional information for staff the student is referred to.
General note A note, which is attached to a student’s contact record. It is not accessible to a student. When to use Record information about a recurring situation, ongoing issue or important information about the student that other staff should be made aware of.
Respecting the student Respecting the record Respect students’ right to privacy and the confidentiality of the record Take care with language Remember that students will be able to access their record Under FOI students can be granted access to private and general notes
Respecting the student respecting the record Do not record anything about a student’s disability, medical condition or mental health Sensitive information can be communicated over the phone When we record advice we have control over what information is recorded When students submit enquiries we do not have control over what they write
Keeping it friendly keeping it relevant Use a friendly tone Use hyperlinks Insert standard texts and answer links (FAQ’s) Explain to students that you are recording advice Send students a Response outlining the advice you have given them
Referring students When referring students to another area, record a Response in askUWA outlining the student’s issue, why they are being referred, where they are being referred and when they are being referred You can forward an enquiry to a Subject Matter Expert (SME) and add a Private Note
Duty of care Duty of care to students Duty of care to staff
Wrapping up Fill in the form, get it authorised and get access Ongoing drop in training sessions in February and March Going live 5 th December