Covering the general population by Internet interviewing Marcel Das
MESS Project core element: LISS panel other key elements: - core study - experimental modules - new forms of data collection - links with administrative data - special groups
Core element: LISS panel Online panel of 5,000 households 8,000 individuals (>= 16 years) Questionnaires each month, 30 min. Incentive 15 euro an hour (average) For scientific use, at no cost
LISS panel Online interviews as method, but: Probability sample drawn from address sampling frame of Statistics Netherlands Includes households without Internet access (less than 15%): CentERdata provides equipment Contacted by letter, telephone or visit
simPC Very small and silent Only the most frequently used functions Automatic maintenance, safety Simple operation and readable screens Installation and support
6 Internet interviews letter and brochure short interview simPC and adsl households with Internet households without Internet confirmation panel question Recruitment
Internet interviews letter and brochure short interview simPC and adsl confirmation panel question Primary response target: 80% Secondary response target: 60% Tertiary response target: 53% Response
Recruitment experiment CATI = Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing CAPI = Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing
Set up main recruitment Combination CATI – CAPI, follow up CAPI Prepaid 10 euro incentive Promised extra 10 euro incentive for starting Attention to design letter and brochure
Non-response patterns Similar to those of other leading scientific panels Superior to commercial access and volunteer panels: - no coverage problems - no selfselection
Attention for difficult groups Correction by oversampling in refreshment of 2009 (with Statistics Netherlands) New immigrant panel (with Cross-cultural Psychology, Tilburg University and Statistics Netherlands)
Correction of bias by stratified refreshment sample Group Population 2007 % April 2008 Bias April 2009 Bias Jan 2010 Bias Age >= Living alone Non-western immigrant Persons
New forms of data collection
Use of graphical or animated presentation
Biomarkers pilot study: blood cholesterol, saliva cortisol, and waist circumference
More biomarker experiments... -accelerometers -advanced scales (based on bioelectrical impedance) link objective data with self-report data high frequency measurement
Use of the LISS panel
Questionnaires The “household box” Experimental modules open to academic researchers at no cost Core study
Experimental modules Who can use the LISS panel: every researcher who wants to collect data for scientific, policy or societal relevant research Scientific research: Academic researchers, irrespective of nationality, can use the LISS panel at no cost Proposals can be submitted throughout the year
Proposals: Summary (May 2010) Decision Board of OverseersCount Undecided (in review or revision) 14 Accepted49 Rejected 10 Total73
Proposals: Examples
Available data Who can use the LISS data: every researcher who wants to use data for scientific, policy or societal relevant research Use of data is free of charge (unless data are used for research funded by means of external sources) Available data: longitudinal core study proposed studies
Longitudinal core study Household and family Economic situation and housing Work and schooling Social integration and leisure Health Personality Religion and ethnicity Politics and values
LISS data Disseminated through website / data archive: Database is based on an internationally used specification for describing social science data (DDI): one of the first implementations of DDI version 3 Search entry with keyword and on concept, topic, and study (relational) Exchangeable with other data archives
October 2010 Publisher: Routledge / Taylor & Francis Group