Year 2 & 3 Maths Parents Workshop Canford Heath First School April 2012 I think of a number and add 6. My answer is 45, what number did I start with?
Aims: To help you understand how we teach maths To suggest ways you can help your child To show how children progress To share some of the games and resources used, including those on the internet (website) To share the vocabulary used To highlight the importance of mental maths skills
-Practical, mental maths, more written work but using informal jottings. -Continuation of addition and subtraction, introduction of more formal multiplication and division methods Resources: 100 squares, place value (arrow) cards, number lines, blank number lines, objects, computers, number fans Years 2 and 3
Areas of Maths Shape and space Measures Data Handling Numbers and calculating Using and applying including investigations
Shape and space Naming and describing 2d shapes (flat) Corners – sides – curved – straight Naming and describing 3d shapes (solid) Vertices – edges – faces – curved – straight Models, patterns and pictures Sorting shapes according to their properties Children deciding how to sort shapes
Estimate, measure and compare – capacity, length and weight Suggest the appropriate units and equipment to measure capacity, length and weight Read a simple scale Telling time – hour/half past/quarter past/quarter to Progressing to reading the time at 5 minute intervals and recognising the same time on an analogue and digital clock Months/seasons/days of the week Measures
Data Handling and measures Pictograms Block graphs Tally charts Tables Venn and Carroll diagrams Interpreting data
Team nameFrequency Manchester Utd Arsenal Liverpool Chelsea Tottenham Hotspur Which team is the most popular? Which team was the least popular? How many people supported Liverpool? How many people are in the class altogether? How many more people supported Arsenal than Chelsea? How many people supported both Liverpool and Arsenal? Pictogram = 2 people
Venn Diagram
Carroll Diagram
Number facts Counting on and back in 1’s, 2’s, 5’s, 10’s and 100’s – starting on different numbers Progressing onto 4’s, 3’s and 6’s Know timetables - 2’s, 5’s, and 10’s moving onto 4’s, 3’s and 6’s. Number bonds to 10, 20, 100 and more and less – from any number 10 more and less – from single, two, three and four digit numbers (crossing the 100’s barrier) Know by heart all the addition and subtraction facts for each number to at least 10 (20 in YR 3) Know doubles of number to 10 and halves of even numbers to 20. Use this knowledge to double and halve larger numbers Recognise odd and even numbers and multiples of 2, 5 and 10.
Addition Count on from a number e.g. largest number “in head” and count on Number line Hundred square Using number facts – doubles and bonds Partitioning 2 digit numbers – 1s and 10s Understanding place value – 53 is 50 and 3 Understand plus, altogether, add, more than, count on, total, sum
= 47 To add – start on the largest number and count on
= 76 Addition Vertical4 digit
Subtraction Counting backwards Using objects Counting back in 1’s-number line/mentally Counting back in 10’s using 100 squares/ mentally Knowing subtraction facts for numbers to 10 (20) Partitioning – 1s and 10s Understanding difference between numbers ‘number difference’ Understand – count back, minus, subtract, take away, less than, difference between Inverse operation Subtraction Year 3
Multiplication/ repeated addition Arrays – rows of 2, 5, 10 Repeated addition on a numberline Using vocabulary - ‘groups of’ ‘multiplied by’ Leading to learning times tables – 2s, 5s and 10s progressing to 4s, 3s and 6s. Knowing doubles is the same as x2 Hops on a number line in groups Use of apparatus
5 x 2 = = Partitioning
Division/ sharing Knowing simple halves of even numbers to 20 (dividing by 2) Sharing Grouping Jumps on a numberline Understand - ‘divide by’ ‘share equally’ ‘how many 5s in 20’ Divisionpartitioning
Using and applying Applying skills across all areas of learning Real life experiences Real life problems Puzzles A range of contexts – measures, money, number Explaining and describing thinking Using and applying their knowledge and skills is so important
Peter went to the shop and bought a banana for 25p. How much change would he get from £1 + What are the important words and numbers + What is the operation (+, -, x, ÷) + What is the calculation + What strategy will you use to calculate the answer
How you can help… Mental maths practise especially number bonds, simple addition/subtraction facts, 10 more and less, doubles and halves Board games and games involving dice and numbers e.g. snakes and ladders, cards, dominoes Shopping - prices, weights, shape hunting, comparing sizes Cooking - involving weighing and measuring Money - costs, coin recognition, giving change Ask them to show you how to do calculations, get them to explain the method. Counting Educational internet games Telling the time/ months/ days of the week Make it fun!