1 Development Partners Group (DPG) DP Induction Seminar August 25 2009.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Development Partners Group (DPG) DP Induction Seminar August

2 Development Partners Group (DPG) DPG formalized in 2004 from local Development Assistance Committee (DAC) to shift from information sharing to actively seeking best practices in harmonization and alignment DPG Main is the apex coordination organization of the DPs in context of the Paris Declarations on Aid Effectiveness and the JAST. DPG seeks to:  Improve effectiveness of dialogue Strengthening quality of dialogue for more effective high-level dialogue Promoting internal coherence and quality of policy dialogue through better coordination of DPG Main and DPG sub-groups  Coordinate DP harmonization and alignment efforts Actively leading the rationalization of DP interventions in the context of JAST (i.e. concept and practice of lead, active and delegated cooperation) Managing the effectiveness of the DPG structure, in line with DPG principles Coordinate and lead DP participation and discussion with DCF – on average 3 meeting per year Coordinate DP responses to request from GoT i.e. New dialogue structures; MTEF projections, Paris benchmark survey etc

3 Composition of the DPG DPG Main Group co-chaired by UN Resident Coordinator/UNDP Resident Representative as a permanent chair and rotating bilateral agency (currently Netherlands) Includes 17 Bilateral and 5 Multilateral Agencies (including One UN) DPG Structure consists of the DPG Main Group (at HoCs/HoAs level), and 19 Sector/Thematic Working Groups Where possible, DPG seeks to participate in government-led groups and build government capacity to coordinate development activities DPG is through the Division of Labour in the process of aligning to the new Dialogue Structure.

4 DPG Guiding Principles  National ownership and Government Leadership.  Unity: DP groups are considered part of a single DP “architecture”.  Accountability: DPs are accountable to Government and other DPs for implementing the JAST commitments to improved aid effectiveness.  Consistency: The DPG will ensure that its decisions and actions are consistent with the JAST, Paris Declaration, and other national and international agreements/commitments to which DPG members are party.  Inclusiveness: Membership of the DPG is open to any bilateral or multilateral partner that provides development assistance to the United Republic of Tanzania.  Transparency: DPG members should ensure transparency in their engagement in policy dialogue as well as efforts for improving aid effectiveness, etc.  Subsidiarity: Dialogue and resolution of issues should occur at the highest level of technical expertise possible in the DPG structure, or at the level where it is most efficient and effective.

5 DPG Instruments National main events - key Government process for development management – provides a framework for DP/DPG engagement Joint Programme Document (JPD) – JAST Part 1-4 DPG engagement in national consultative process (PER, MKUKUTA Review, Sector Reviews, the new Dialogue Structure) Joint Coordination Group Meeting (to start in context of new Dialogue Structure) DPG Monthly meeting and special sessions/seminars JAST Action Plan and DP Plan of Action DPG Workplan 2009

6 Key challenges on strengthening partnership and effectiveness of development cooperation addressed by DPG:  Quality of dialogue  Effectiveness of dialogue and greater emphasis on results  Effective communication (internal and external) and ensuring DP coherence specially in relation to dialogue with Government and Division of Labour  Reduction of transaction costs  Ensuring balance between process and substance JAST Priorities  TA Policy  Dialogue Structure (Structure and engagement, high-level dialogue)  Division of Labour  Strengthened MTEF projections – addressing issues of predictability and alignment Monitoring and Managing for Results Aid Effectiveness in Zanzibar DPG Structure (Strengthened inter-linkages, effective DP engagement in key national for a and process, strengthened DPG Secretariat) Strengthened DPG communication DPG Priorities

7 Effectiveness of Dialogue Structure Effectiveness of Dialogue Structure becomes increasingly critical with the Harmonization and Alignment agenda proceeding. The National Dialogue Process increasingly provides a framework for effective DP contribution to the MKUKUTA/MKUZA. Accra HLF – importance of the Dialogue as an instrument to build trust and confidence to further advance aid effectiveness agenda Dialogue is an input to the wider MKUKUTA Implementation and Review Process Key Challenges:  Insufficient dialogue at a political level  DP behaviour: commitment to structure & DoL  Emphasis on alignment as opposed to parallel processes  Creating space and a clear role for CSOs, Private Sector, Parliaments, etc. – Principles of DP engagement for national ownership  Participation of Local Government