How Will The Internet Transform The World Of 2010? Invited Talk Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) 2004 CASE Annual Assembly San Diego, CA July 12, 2004 Dr. Larry Smarr Director, California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technologies Harry E. Gruber Professor, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering Jacobs School of Engineering, UCSD
Californias Institutes for Science and Innovation A Bold Experiment in Collaborative Research California NanoSystems Institute UCSF UCB California Institute for Bioengineering, Biotechnology, and Quantitative Biomedical Research UCI UCSD California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society UCSC UCD UCM UCSB UCLA
Sharing Some Experiences of Creating One of the California Institutes Fund Raising and Development Communications and Marketing Relationship Management
Wireless Access--Anywhere, Anytime –Broadband Speeds –Cellular Interoperating with Wi-Fi Billions of New Wireless Internet End Points –Information Appliances (Including Cell Phones) –Sensors and Actuators –Embedded Processors Enormous Capacity Core Network –Multiple Wavelengths of Light Per Fiber Social Networks Are Growing Exponentially Internet Technology Trends Will Have Major Impact on Social Networking
Cal-(IT) 2 A Integrated Approach to the Future Internet UC San Diego & UC Irvine Faculty Working in Multidisciplinary Teams With Students, Industry, and the Community The States $100 M Creates Unique Buildings, Equipment, and Laboratories
Two New Cal-(IT) 2 Buildings Will Be Occupied Over Next Six Months Will Create New Laboratory Facilities –Interdisciplinary Teams –Clean Rooms for Nanotech and BioMEMS –Computer Arts Virtual Reality –Wireless and Optical Networking Bioengineering UC San Diego UC Irvine State Required 2:1 Cost-Sharing Match
Fund Raising: The Cal-(IT) 2 Experiment with a Collaborative Institute Total: $340,966,719 in Cost Sharing In Four Years
Cal-(IT) 2 Forms Large Collaborative Teams for Federal Grants: eg.--The OptIPuter Project NSF Large Information Technology Research Proposal –Cal-(IT) 2 and UIC Lead CampusesLarry Smarr PI –USC, SDSU, NW, Texas A&M, Univ. Amsterdam Partnering Campuses Industrial Partners –IBM, Sun, Telcordia/SAIC, Chiaro Networks, Calient, Glimmerglass $13.5 Million Over Five Years Optical IP Streams From Lab Clusters to Large Data Objects NIH Biomedical Informatics NSF EarthScope and ORION Research Network
Collaboration with City, County, State Agencies A Classic One-Institute, Two-Campus Grant Project RESCUE –Transforming Data Collection, Management, Analysis, Sharing, and Dissemination to Improve Crisis Response –Five-Year $12.5 Million Large ITR Award-Started Oct 1, 2003 –Twenty-Five Researchers and Professors –UCI PI: Sharad Mehrotra, ICS –UCSD PI: Ramesh Rao, ECE –Univ. Maryland, Univ. Of Illinois, BYU, Univ. Colorado, ImageCat –Community and Industrial Partners –Cities of Los Angeles, Irvine, and San Diego –County Partners: of Los Angeles –State of California –Ericsson, HNS, HP, Intersil, Parity, SAIC, SBC, Symbol, Qualcomm
Collaborate by Organizing New Industrial Clusters: Nissan, Volkswagen, Ford, Toyota Automobile Software Engineering Cluster –5 Professors (ECE, CSE, CogSci, Psychology), 13 Students –Human Centered Intelligent Driver Support Systems –Vision Based Occupant Posture Analysis for Safe Airbag Deployment –Software Service Design for Automotive Infotronics –Advanced Engineering Methods for Networked Automotive Software –$3.9 million total including UC Discovery match –Donated Infrastructure –Infiniti Q45 –VW Passat Mohan Trivedi Ingolf Krueger
Collaboration with Industry by Providing Facilities: UC Irvine Integrated Nanoscale Research Facility Collaborations with Industry –Joint Research With Faculty –Shared Facility Available For Industry Use $1M $2M $3M $4M $5M Federal agencies Industry partners State funding Private foundations Working with UCI OTA to Facilitate Tech Transfer Industry and VC Interest in Technologies Developed at INRF Research Funding Equipment Funding
Our Multimedia Newspaper Web Page Has Been Critical for Growing the Cal-(IT) 2 Community New UCI Division Director Albert Yee Major Events Day New Federal Grants New Industrial Grants
Communications and Public Relations: You Are Your Web Site Beth Cerny Patiño, Cal-(IT) 2 Web Developer Shellie Nazarenus Cal-(IT) Communication Over 20,000 Unique Visitors Per Month!
Webcast Live and Archives-- Share University Life With the World Technical Lectures Press Conference s Workshop s
High Bandwidth Optical Fibers Will Enable High Definition Global Virtual Teaming In 2005 Cal-(IT)2 will Link Its Two Buildings Creating a Collaboration Laboratory UC Irvine UC San Diego
Transitioning to the Always-On Mobile Internet ,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800 2, Mobile Internet Fixed Internet Subscribers (millions) Source: Ericsson Two Modes of Wireless: Wide Area Cellular Internet Local Access Wi-Fi
Using Students to Invent the Future Studying Social Networking in a Wireless World Year- Long Living Laboratory Experiment –500 Computer Science & Engineering Undergraduates 300 Entering UCSD Sixth College StudentsFall 2002 Experiments with Geo-Location and Interactive Maps –Extends Social Networks from IM to Location-Aware IM –All Students Sign Institutional Review Board Forms Cal-(IT) 2 Team: Bill Griswold, Gabriele Wienhausen, UCSD; Rajesh Gupta, UCI UC San Diego UC Irvine
Mobile Geolocation Changes How People Find Each Other Traces of Spacetime Messaging -- a Major Social Networking Research Database –Early Understanding of How Mobile Connectivity Changes Social Bonding Source: Bill Griswold, UCSD UCSD ActiveCampus – Outdoor Map
Social Network Analysis: A New Academic Discipline Prof. Robert Hanneman at the University of California, Riverside
Great Opportunity to Apply the Growing Discipline of Social Networking to University Challenges
The Science of Networks Is a Hot Field The New Science Is Rapidly Being Applied To Social Networks
Companies are Creating Open Networked Communities
Multiple Intersecting Networks Are Being Supported in a Bottom-Up Fashion (an affliation with Google)
Organic Growth of Specialized Ad Hoc Communities
Avoiding Lost Addresses with Distributed Social Network Software Distributed versus Centralized Updating
Development & Social Network Management Software for Nonprofits Is Thriving
Alumni Associations Are Starting to Use the Internet to Create Networked Communities "Alumni associations understand that offering alumni a way to network with each other in a secure, closed forum will keep them connected to their school. --CEO, Affinity Engines Used by Stanford, USC, UMich, UTA…
Relationship Management Will Be Redefined in a World of Networked Virtual Communities