1 COPS-RSVP and COPS-PR Interactions David Durham Intel
2 Using COPS for Signaled QoS with COPS for Provisioning zCOPS can outsource signaled QoS requests from network devices zCOPS can provision QoS/CoS: Eg. DiffServ yProvision for bandwidth ahead of time yConfigurable components of DiffServ Arch zBest of both worlds DiffServ + IntServ yRSVP signaling & auto-topology discovery yDiffServ scalability yBoth managed using COPS
3 What we outsource zRSVP signaling is can be outsourced today via COPS ySignaled request arrives at enforcement point yEvent transaction communicated to decision point via COPS zLDP, SIP, & others can be outsourced using COPS via the same model yCOPS uses opaque objects to carry protocol- specific data so is easily extensible
4 What Can be Provisioned? zDiffServ is the simple & scalable catch-all for aggregated (and non-signaled) QoS/CoS zDiffServ Conceptual Model Describes: yTraffic Classifier yMeter yAction (Mark) yQueuing & Scheduling zCan be provisioned using COPS-PR PIB
5 DiffServ Conceptual Model zConceptual model composed of classifiers, meters, actions, and queues which form Traffic Control Blocks (TCBs) yClassifiers/filters identify traffic flows (micro or aggregate flows) yMeters monitor traffic flows and judge conformance to a traffic profile yActions are taken depending on the results of the meter (in vs. out-of- profile): Marker, Dropper, Shaper, etc. Classifier Meter Action TCB Queue
6 Want Integrated Control of these Components zOne option is to use COPS yAdvantages: xIntegrates provisioned with signaled QoS xAllows dynamic updates of shared state xEfficiently Adds/Updates/Removes provisioned data xSupports reliable, large transactions xProvides exclusivity of device control xFault tolerance, fail-over support xPEP initiated, no need for polling network xPDP collects capabilities of PEPs
7 RSVP-enabled campus network RSVP-enabled RSVP/DiffServ & COPS PDP: “Allow PATH” or “Reject PATH” Using COPS PR Push Service Agreement for RSVP Session (5tuple): Mark PHB = EF; Meter = TB2 COPS PDP Client: “Yes, Reserve Bandwidth” Client (QoS) Client Differentiated service network(s) RESV PATH PDP: “You may Reserve Bandwidth up to TB2”
8 COPS Request-Decision Sequence Interacting Across COPS Client-Types z COPS-PR Request State Initiates Continuous Transactional Decisions From Server z COPS-RSVP Transacts New Request State for Each New RSVP State z COPS-PR Installs updated filters/meters/actions corresponding to RSVP events z PEP Reports Status z State Removed when No Longer Applicable PDP Outsourcing PEP PDP Configuration PEP Request for Device A’s Policy Data Filtered Data Report RESV installed Report (Installed Filters 1,2,&3 ) RSVP RESV Request Decision (Install on A Filters 1,2,&3 ) Decision: Forward message
9 Finally Tie in Accounting zCOPS Reports can be used to send periodic unsolicited accounting updates yUtilizing accounting tables ySPPI compliant information yPeriodicity makes BW required for accounting deterministic zRemoves need for polling yPEP sends information to PDP only when there is info to be sent yIncreased efficiency yOptimized for accounting proposes zShow actual IntServ usage through COPS-PR
10 Issues zRoles & Interfaces yCOPS-RSVP identifies interfaces via ifIndex yCOPS-PR PIB uses roles zNeed to bridge the gap yUse COPS-PR PIB to map roles (optimized for policy provisioning) to IfIndex interfaces xProblem: IfIndex can be unstable & transient (many updates) yUse COPS-RSVP to pass role combos xProblem: role combos may be too general leading to waste of resources (IfIndex is precise) zA Sol’n: deterministic roles that map to RSVP interfaces sent as part of COPS-RSVP messaging
11 Conclusion zCOPS-PR: Optimized for provisioning policy on network devices zCombined with COPS-RSVP: optimized to handle dynamic/outsourced RSVP events from network devices zYields a complete QoS solution for networks (and people will do it this way anyway because with COPS they can)