Pablo de Castro (EDINA National Data Centre/GrandIR) and Simeon Warner (Cornell University) Thanks to Laure Haak (ORCID ED) and Laura Paglione (ORCID TD)


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Presentation transcript:

Pablo de Castro (EDINA National Data Centre/GrandIR) and Simeon Warner (Cornell University) Thanks to Laure Haak (ORCID ED) and Laura Paglione (ORCID TD) for data and several slides

What is your ORCID? Pablo, Simeon, (30 seconds to register, a few minutes to flesh out profile)

ORCID is an international, interdisciplinary, open, not-for-profit, community-driven organization. We collaborate with researchers and organizations across the research community. Our core mission is to provide an open registry of persistent unique identifiers for researchers and scholars AND to automate linkages to research works by embedding identifiers in research workflows. ORCID mission

The ORCID registry Other IDs ResearcherID Scopus SSRN arXiv Research Information Systems (CRIS) Research Institutions Funders Governments ORCID Account Account Settings Manage Permissions ORCID Record Biography Research Activities Workflows Manuscript submission Grant applications Dataset deposition Member and meeting management Patent applications

Worldwide registry use* 13 countries >10,000 visitors 56 countries >1,000 visitors CountryVisits% United States % China % UK % Spain % Italy % Brazil % India % Germany % Japan % Australia % France % Canada % Russia % Sweden % Egypt % Portugal % Netherlands % Iran % Malaysia % South Korea % Turkey % Taiwan % Poland % Switzerland % * as of June 27th

Encourage adoption of unique persistent researcher IDs:... The ORCID system also will allow individuals to identify their research output and create a registry of IDs. SciENcv will include a utility that make it easy for users to obtain an ORCID and to link it to their publications and grants.

ORCID members ORCID has 61 members, from a broad cross-section of the international research community:

Standard: One organization joins. Option for basic or premium benefit levels. Discount for non-profits. Consortium or Service Provider: One lead organization coordinates membership and technical implementation with group participants. Fee based on number of organizations in the group and benefit level. Discount for groups of 5 or more. Nation: One lead organization coordinates membership and technical implementation with group participants. Fee based on national GDP. How to join ORCID

Affiliations Much requested addition to ORCID registry Have not wanted to do dumb free text Will use ISNI institution ids via Ringgold

Growth in ORCID iDs

Via Website and API

Integrations significant

Available free to the community: registry (, open source code (, sandbox for testing APIs ( about-the- orcid-sandbox), Public API, documentation, annual public data file (, participation in Steering and Working Groups (, iDEAS forum Available to ORCID Members: Member API, OAuth token to support authentication, ability to serve as trusted party and read limited access data and write to/create records, biannual data files. Premium members get additional benefits including monthly usage reporting, monthly data files, webhooks, and higher bandwith access. 15 Open and member services

Easy REST API Public data available via public API

arXiv experiment How far can one get with DOI-based author matching? ~7.5k author ids on arXiv with >=1 DOI 68k author-DOI pairs Query ORCID API for each DOI See if arXiv and ORCID have matching author name (exact only in expt) Accept association if all examples for author match => 306 accepted Better with fuzzy name match; more ORCIDs; etc.

ORCID iDs Publication and data identifiers arXiv ids Deduce author id matches from author-publication links

Integration flows 1.Get a users ORCID iD 2.Get data from an ORCID Record 3.Let a user import from your system to their ORCID Record 4.Enable the user to display on their ORCID record a link to themself on your system 5.Create ORCID iDs for employees and associates See guide:

Cornell integration plans Library would like to promote ORCID adoption – good for our researchers – expose author identity in VIVO, eCommons, etc. Encourage ORCID iD creation, tie to VIVO accounts New data via multiple routes REPO & R.I.S. VIVOORCID New data auth, associate, delegate

9 months after launch, steady ORCID expansion

Recent advances in ORCID development: integration features

ORCID integration into institutional systems

ORCID integration into institutional systems: CRISes Link between profile and ORCID iD Import publications from ORCID Record

Recent advances in ORCID development: OAI8

ORCID integration into data repositories

Best practices for ORCID integration at institutional level

Some aspects to be considered at ORCID integration time

Sloan Foundation Grants – an opportunity to collect best practices Alfred P. Sloan Foundation award to support implementation of ORCID identifiers by universities and professional associations Up to 10 awards, $15-20K each In-person policy and technical support Development and dissemination of use cases and code samples More at: Deadline: August 31, 2013

Contacts and pointers At OR2013: talk to Pablo/Simeon! -- register youself! news