The Role of Monitoring & Evaluation in Research Global Ministerial Forum on Research for Health Bamako, Mali November 2008
Monitoring & Evaluation Enhances Research Routine M/E systems improve the efficiency, quality and utility of research M/E must also be applied to research M/E is not a replacement for research
M/E systems promote EFFICIENCY Decreases the need for primary data collection Informs questions of feasibility Decreases the overall cost of research
M/E systems promote RELEVANCE Identification of pertinent research questions Identification of non-feasible proposals Identification of critical research sites
M/E systems promote UTILITY Offer an existing conceptual framework within which to frame results Promote the likelihood of buy-in & subsequent action
M/E supports STEWARDSHIP Helps to ensure timeliness of inputs and outputs Helps to ensure that outputs address the research question Promotes accountability of researchers & clients
M/E not a replacement for research M/E promotes the relevance and efficiency of research Increases the likelihood that results will be seen as pertinent and useful Increases the likelihood that results will be obtained
Routine M/E Systems Increase Returns to Research Support efficient allocation of resources for knowledge generation and management Promote accountability & stewardship Enhance the relevance & utility of results