APEC Seminar on Practical Measures to Manage Aviation Emissions John Doherty Australia
Seminar on Practical Measures to Manage Aviation Emissions was co-hosted by Australia and Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur from 3-4 April 2008 Seminar was in response to the Sydney APEC Leaders’ Declaration on Climate Change, Energy Security and Clean Development announced in September 2007 Background Makati City The Philippines th APEC Transportation Working Group Meeting
74 participants including representatives from 14 APEC economies and an observer from Hong Kong China Participating organisations included IATA, AAPA, Australian Airports Association and Eurocontrol Industry representatives from airlines, airports and air navigation service providers Participation Makati City The Philippines th APEC Transportation Working Group Meeting
Experts made presentations on a range of practical measures covering technological, operational and economic measures in five sessions:- 1. Establishing the basics for managing emissions 2. ATM and operational efficiencies 3. Climate change mitigation measures at airports 4. Role of economic measures in offsetting emissions 5. Future opportunities Proceedings Makati City The Philippines th APEC Transportation Working Group Meeting
Strong commitment among participants to address the issue of greenhouse gas emissions from aviation Role of ICAO in leading a global approach to addressing emissions was acknowledged APEC framework would provide cooperative arrangement for sharing information and supporting improvements consistent with ICAO directions Chairman’s Summary available Outcomes Makati City The Philippines th APEC Transportation Working Group Meeting
ATM efficiencies Sharing of data Increasing uptake of voluntary carbon offsets Use of voluntary agreements Review of regulatory constraints and barriers Progressing practical measures Makati City The Philippines th APEC Transportation Working Group Meeting
Support among seminar participants for continuation of work to address aviation emissions through APEC Range of practical measures that could be pursued at the regional level without duplicating initiatives in ICAO Consideration to be given to the establishment of a sub-group to further progress emissions initiatives Conclusion and the way forward Makati City The Philippines th APEC Transportation Working Group Meeting