1 1 Professor Michael Bank and Two faces Janus The Israel Museum, Jerusalem One face is better Museum visitor One-Way Electric Line High Frequency
2 High-Frequency One-Wire Line On high frequencies the A-line is long line submitting to telegraph equitation. Let us show that B-line idea is correct for the high frequency too. If so then we can the long line fragment change by one wire line. Previous simulations where current by ADS program. This program allows simulating different elements but not electrical lines. For electrical lines simulations was used delay line. On height frequencies one can implement CST program. This program allows simulating different elements including electrical lines. We can implement one wire line instead of two wires matching lines
3 Inverter Instead of using two or more channels We can use one channel in high frequency systems also +/- -/+
30 mm 300 mm R in = 300 Ohms R out = 300 Ohms 1 V 0 V Model 1 Let us as a prototype (model 1) two wires long line with characteristic impedance ≈ 300 Ohmcharacteristic impedance 4
5 On frequencies more than one GHz is better to use inverter by Strip Line. This Strip Line was used on following simulations.
Model 2 S11 S21 6
7 The matching line is infinitely wide band pass. This is an advantage, but also disadvantages. Advantages because you can pass on a long line of multiple signals with different frequencies. However, in a real system there is always some noise. Even if he is weak, but in an infinitely wide band will be infinitely large noise (of course, if the noise is white). Due to Shannon's theory on such a channel can not transmit information. Of course, you can apply a filter at the input of the receiver. But this is often problematic. The filter introduces loss and increases the noise factor. The proposed single-wire system (B-Line) is a selective system The disadvantage of B-Line is a need to change the delay line in case of change of frequency. B-Line is compatible with the source and load, and in this sense no different from the usual long line. It is selective, but rather broadband. It has no requirements of symmetry, which is often a problem when using long line inside the apparatus.
8 8 MB Antenna B-Line instead of the high-frequency coherent long line In practice there are often difficulties to obtain ideal matched long line. One reason for this no ideality is different effect of neighboring elements of the device on each of the two lines. In the case of single-B line that is no problem. It should be noted that if A-Line as a prototype has been matched with the load and the B-Line will remain matched and hence loss of signal does not appear. Using B-Line on antenna construction B-Line principle allows to build monopole with dipole parameters (MB antenna [10] ). This idea is clear from this Figure Using B-Line in antenna construction
9 MB antenna is the equivalent full dipole, and not half- wave, as is usually applied. In the case of a monopole or dipole at the end emitters current is equal to zero, and this dramatically reduces the efficiency of the antennas. At low frequencies to compensate for this effect is used umbrella antenna, T-shaped antenna, antenna with top power, multi-antenna and so on. In contrast to the known solutions the equivalent of half-wave (or rather the wave) MB antenna you can see on Fig. At point A the current is not terminated, it continues to flow to the source. Lines AB and CD equipotential, and they can be combined. Generator “sees” both ends of the system and gives maximal power. The delay line is small and shielded so that it does not radiate. That is, the MBA allows to implement a PCB radiator of height /2, rather than /4, i.e. the MBA is equivalent to a full dipole. This result is verified by simulations.
10 PCB Strip Line Vg out = 1V, R out = 15 Ohm, Distance 1 m. E = V/m ! This is much more than give a monopole or dipole
Let us note some important advantages of high frequency B- line. The line is not so critical to the matching with the load resistance. It is difficult to achieve ideal symmetrical two wires long line inside of small device. Non symmetrical can lead to intersymbol interferences For one wire long line the symmetrical is not a problem. Long B-line has a resonance properties. This can help to achieving good interference immunity. At the same time the line is broadband enough. One of useful antennas is dipole, where the presence of the two beams interfere with the use of dipole as a small device antenna. B-line idea by MB antenna * can help to solve this problem. 11 * M. Bank, M. Haridim, V. Tsingouz, Z. Ibragimov, “Highly effective handset antenna”, Int’l. J. of Communications, 6(2), 2012 (80-87), M. Bank, M. Haridim, V. Tsingouz, Z. Ibragimov, “Highly effective handset antenna”, Int’l. J. of Communications, 6(2), 2012 (80-87),