Who should be Chapter Advisor? Some people think that only Superman can perform all of the duties of Chapter Advisor!


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Presentation transcript:

Who should be Chapter Advisor? Some people think that only Superman can perform all of the duties of Chapter Advisor!

Frank Sherman Land Our First Chapter Dad!

CHAPTER ADVISOR A very important position and the right Advisor needs to be here. Someone that the members can trust and share their challenges with. Should be able to relate well with teenagers. Should be available to remain in position for 2 years minimum.

Qualities Needed for Chapter Advisor Should be young at heart, if not in years. Age is of little importance. Be able to listen. Speak honestly. Be among them, not one of them. Be able to smile at yourself.

Qualities Needed for Chapter Advisor Be willing to sacrifice your time. Demonstrate dependability. Strive to keep current on DeMolay knowledge. Have a keen sense of values. Able to supervise youth.

Qualities Needed for Chapter Advisor Live a life that the members would want to emulate. Treat members as individuals and with respect. Give guidance and counsel without being overbearing. Inspire confidence.

Qualities Needed for Chapter Advisor Have patience! Be open minded of criticism from others. See the good in others, not just their faults. Be eager to grow in heart and mind. Be able to SEE the big picture!

Qualities Needed for Chapter Advisor Did we mention have lots of energy? Share that energy! Have good personal hygiene; you are working in close contact with many people! Provide Motivation for DeMolays to do the right thing!

Qualities Needed for Chapter Advisor If you want to build leaders, you need to be able to lead. Be DECISIVE! Leadership is about making decisions. If you can’t make a decision, how can you expect the young men and women of this Order to make decisions for themselves?

Qualities Needed for Chapter Advisor Always teach the youth to make their own decisions! Be mindful that you make them feel they can approach you for advice and guidance! Be Creative!

RULES AND REGULATIONS Chapter Advisor. The Chapter Advisor: (a) Is the liaison between the Advisory Council and Chapter members. (b) Sees that the Chapter is conducted in accordance with the Bylaws & Regulations of DeMolay International. (c) Follows the directions of the Advisory Council.

RULES AND REGULATIONS Chapter Advisor. The Chapter Advisor: Cont’d (d) Performs other duties the Advisory Council assigns to him. SCJ Policy Manuals, the directives of the Grand Master of DeMolay and Executive Officer, and the Chapter bylaws.

HAVE GOALS Develop Character! Develop Citizenship! Develop their Minds! Develop their ability to run the Chapter on their own!

CHAPTER ADVISOR Should try to attend all meetings and activities of the Chapter. Acts as the spokesman for the Council in the Chapter meeting. Monitors members’ conduct to prevent damage or injuries.

CHAPTER ADVISOR Sees that a Term Calendar & Chapter Budget is made and being followed. Sees that the members are doing most of the governing and physical work of the Chapter. Reinforces Ritual Advisor and encourages the ritual to be performed by memory. Sees that the new members are learning and giving their Obligations back in open Chapter.

CHAPTER ADVISOR Encourages the earning of awards FOR the members. Sees that the Obligatory Days are planned and observed. Makes sure that all members of the Chapter are involved, especially the newest members! Encourages Chapter to submit articles for any Chapter, League and Jurisdiction newsletters in a timely manner.


ADVISORY COUNCIL MEETINGS You are the voice of the members on the Advisory Council. Several days before the Council meeting, have a meeting with the councilors and sweetheart/princess, and their advisor, as a group. This meeting should last no more than 90 minutes—refreshments are encouraged.

ADVISORY COUNCIL MEETINGS Go over each person’s presentation to the council and make sure they are prepared to provide a complete report. The goal is to get the young men and women prepared to make a report that answers all of the questions that the advisory council could ask them.

ADVISORY COUNCIL MEETINGS The Information of who, what, where, when, why and how should be considered fully. Try to teach them to turn in a report that is organized, well thought-out and mature in nature. After your first meeting with the councilors and girls, give them a couple of days to make corrections.

ADVISORY COUNCIL MEETINGS Call them the night before the Advisory Council Meeting and ascertain their state of preparation. Make sure they are ready to make a report that has “covered all of the bases.” Don’t let them fail because you are too busy. Provide another advisor to assist if you are busy.

ADVISORY COUNCIL MEETINGS Once you have set up this procedure, continue it throughout your term as Chapter Advisor. If you have done this right, it will run itself and the kids will let you know it! They will be proud of themselves and their ability to plan, organize and carry out an event! You will then just need minor adjustments and pushes to those who are not as self-motivated.

ADVISORY COUNCIL MEETINGS If the kids are prepared, then you have done your job. That is a great feeling, but it takes a lot of practice and set up. The teaching of how to make a report will be an ongoing process, and a fulfilling one.


A Chapter Advisor interacts more closely with the Chapter Councilors than any other members. Insure that the Chapter Councilors are working together as a team! A well run Chapter has well-trained Councilors.

CHAPTER COUNCILORS Prepare your Junior and Senior Councilors by sending them to: Jurisdiction Councilor Camp and/or DeMolay International Camps and/or Local Brotherhood Camps!


GOOD CHAPTER MEETINGS Chapter Meetings provide the most contact a member has with his Chapter. Meetings should be both constructive and fun. Every Chapter is required to have one business meeting every month, usually the first meeting of the month. The second meeting of the month is typically for the degree work of candidates.

GOOD CHAPTER MEETINGS There is no rule that says your second meeting of the month could not be an activity or fun. Plan enough meetings to carry out the Chapter’s program. Good Chapter meetings come from proper prior planning and preparation.

GOOD CHAPTER MEETINGS If you want the meetings to be run by the members, you have to train them to run the meetings correctly. Meet with the Councilors at least 4 days before the actual Chapter Meeting and go over the plan for the meeting – the agenda. Decide who is going to say what and when? Does this belong under New Business, Unfinished Business, Committee Reports, or Good of the Order?

GOOD CHAPTER MEETINGS Share the Agenda with Chapter Officers and anyone who has to make a report in the meeting. Follow up with the Councilors the day before the meeting to see if they are still ready and prepared!

GENERAL SUGGESTIONS TO HAVE A GOOD MEETING Start MEETING on time! Chapter Officers and Advisors will have to arrive early to help set up and take down later. End on a Positive note, and not too late. A well-planned meeting will be interesting and productive.

GENERAL SUGGESTIONS TO HAVE A GOOD MEETING Encourage Committee Members to give updates. Every meeting should have should have one of the following: 1. Purpose. 2. Goal.

GENERAL SUGGESTIONS TO HAVE A GOOD MEETING Every meeting should accomplish something and do it in a manner so that everyone knows it. Everyone attending should learn something new! Good meetings are constructive and fun! Leave time after the meeting for refreshments and Brotherhood.

GENERAL SUGGESTIONS TO HAVE A GOOD MEETING Keep Advisor comments to a minimum. Don’t discuss the same thing every time! Create ACTIVE committees in the chapter! Have new ideas and new information to give.

GENERAL SUGGESTIONS TO HAVE A GOOD MEETING Remember, create an agenda, and stick to it! Recess for the girls to participate during a meeting. Make sure that a female advisor is in attendance when girls are present! Share the load!

GENERAL SUGGESTIONS TO HAVE A GOOD MEETING Good of the Order comments should include Praise, i.e., “congratulations to the councilors for a well- planned, executed meeting”. Be the last one to leave and the first one there. Shake hands with everyone before they leave! Make sure all who attended have a ride home before you lock up.

SPECIAL INFORMATION Let members know before the meeting if you are going to call on them for a report. Give instructions or directions both verbally and in writing. Giving directions on text means it is in writing and is recorded. Ask outside speakers far enough in advance.

SPECIAL INFORMATION Recognize members for their contribution and participation. Follow up on loose ends and make sure they are taken care of, don’t assume someone else is doing it. Follow up on the progress of their plans and tasks! Constantly follow up with them on everything! Did I mention FOLLOW UP????????

Observing: How do the Councilors perform? How do the members respond to the leadership team? How are things going in general? How to best improve the meeting? AT MEETINGS, THE CHAPTER ADVISOR SHOULD BE:

Conferring: With other Advisors. With the Councilors and other Officers. Be available to confer with the members.

Meeting with new members: Explain Chapter procedures. Welcome them to the Chapter. Explain what is expected of them. Answer questions. AFTER MEETINGS, THE CHAPTER ADVISOR SHOULD BE:

Meeting with the Councilors: Discuss the meeting. Plans for future meetings. Areas for improvement. Praise them for a well run meeting.

AFTER MEETINGS, THE CHAPTER ADVISOR SHOULD BE: Review the meetings with the members and the officers and get their honest reactions. Have somebody whose judgment you respect observe several meetings and listen to his comments.

INSTALLATIONS One of the most important activities a Chapter puts on. Must be a quality Chapter event. Well planned, organized and rehearsed. New MC must be prepared, Write it Down (WID). Presentations.

INSTALLATIONS Use the Installation Planning Guide. Pick an advisor from chapter advisory council to supervise the installation process and timeline. Have an installation practice with the Installing Officer leading the practice and the Chapter Advisor supervising overall.

Event Planning Something the boys want to do. No conflict with League or Jurisdiction events. Planned well in advance. Donations (if needed) lined up. Well publicized in multiple media forms.

Event Planning 6 Month Calendar in place at least 1 month before term starts. Can the boys present a well-thought out plan that won’t get turned down by the advisory council? Chapter Advisor meets once a month with the Councilors to oversee the calendar and planning of events throughout the year.

CHAPTER ACTIVITIES Must have activities to maintain membership. Must be well-planned in advance. Must be varied in scope for different ages and interests. Develop unity by working together.

CHAPTER ACTIVITIES Stimulate pride in Chapter. Develop leadership. Develop team skills in the chapter. Provide members opportunity to show off their abilities. Key word is FUN.

MEMBERSHIP Have a plan. Always talk about it. Always recruit-never stop. Have a prospect party at least once a term. Make sure most (not all) events are prospect friendly. Desperation never sells.

MEMBERSHIP Have an education plan in place. Pre-membership orientation to discuss what is going to be said and done before the degrees. Post initiation “coach” or “big brother” assigned to help with degree memorization, communication, chapter orientation, and maybe even transportation. Use the Visitation Form as a tool.

IN SUMMARY Advisors need to make sure the young men do the work, not the adults or others. It is their Order! Point out poor behavior and assist the DeMolay leaders to help correct it! Remember, that it is your job to train the boys to become leaders and govern themselves.

IN SUMMARY The Chapter Advisor is there to help and give advice, as are all advisors! The Advisor’s job as a chaperone is active, not passive! There must always be a Female Advisor present when girls are in attendance. Advisors need to arrive early, supervise all functions and leave when the work is done!

Have Questions??? Please contact Our SCJ Director of Adult Training Dad Dana Vrsalovich at: Or